Media U.S. Government's Depopulation Plan


Senior Member
Oh, they only plan to kill six billion of us...for awhile I thought they were going to take us all out. The lady giving the interview with Jesse Ventura is now in the safe zone of Panama, yeah like earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, drug trafficking...sounds safe to me. When the SHTF most all will be screwed, we'll have no choice (or should I say, it may be out of our control-pandemics)...but a few lucky ones will enter the group, survival of the fittest.


Active Member
HAHA.. I just logged on to make a post about the same exact subject. But on a different note. I just read a report that 51% of Adults in America alone are single. Most reporting no plans for marriage. I'm kinda thinking that with all the ads and movies and songs talking about how great it is to be single, that this is their plan. And coupled with people not wanting to pay child support or alimony. So yeah its a long term plan, but it seems to be working. I mean scare people off from having kids because they don't want to pay child support. Make society just seem really out to get people with kids. I mean you can't even so much as growl at your kids without being investigated by child services. So my damn computer restarted before I could copy the link. And I was link hopping so I have no clue where I was. But I was just at the juicy part of the story and it restarted. So they were just saying that this is a major jump. Its up 30% since their last survey! So realistically who needs to kill people when you can just keep us single and afraid to have kids? I know many couples that refuse to have kids for those reasons too. They buy pets and treat them as their kids. I just never put 2 and 2 together until I read this article I'm referring to.


Senior Member
HAHA.. I just logged on to make a post about the same exact subject. But on a different note. I just read a report that 51% of Adults in America alone are single. Most reporting no plans for marriage. I'm kinda thinking that with all the ads and movies and songs talking about how great it is to be single, that this is their plan. And coupled with people not wanting to pay child support or alimony. So yeah its a long term plan, but it seems to be working. I mean scare people off from having kids because they don't want to pay child support. Make society just seem really out to get people with kids. I mean you can't even so much as growl at your kids without being investigated by child services. So my damn computer restarted before I could copy the link. And I was link hopping so I have no clue where I was. But I was just at the juicy part of the story and it restarted. So they were just saying that this is a major jump. Its up 30% since their last survey! So realistically who needs to kill people when you can just keep us single and afraid to have kids? I know many couples that refuse to have kids for those reasons too. They buy pets and treat them as their kids. I just never put 2 and 2 together until I read this article I'm referring to.
I agree that child support and alimony has an effect on a decreased population growth. Hit em in the pocket book and they will think twice before getting married and having kids. I have been thru it and ended up with less then I had before I got married. I am not complaining but your assets WILL go back to when you were 18 and you start over. This has some effect but it won't be quick enough for the boys and girls in charge. (the NWO) A war, disaster (natural or induced}, or pandemic will surely come to us at any time from now or within the near future to bring the population down. In their opinion, the population will decrease to a more manageable level, which would be less of a threat for their limited resources. Oh yeh...don't forget prenuptial agreements.


Senior Member
I have heard for years there is Hormones in the drinking water that reduces sperm count, along with the Chem Trail Theory's, but in the end i don't think it will be anything secretive that will wipe out the population or most of it, it will be global weather change or War.

Ironically you said that JD as i am one of the people who refuse to have children. i am also on that single statistic lol damn i am the problem! I must go sew my seed with as many as possible!!! To the bar!!!

This is also why i refuse to get shots and vacinnes


Active Member
Ok so it keeps saying I'm forbidden from posting... when I try talking about the government.. but when I don't.. it let's me.. this is weird.


Active Member
And I know what you guys are saying as far as a war or such would get the population down really fast, but I never understood the theories that they want to get us down to next to nothing. I mean you still need a few billion people on Earth to run your factories and whatnot. That's why I think this idea I have is what could be it. I mean it takes time to implement. and by that point the population is up at it's peak. At which point it slowly dwindles the population down without anyone noticing. I got 20 bucks that says in about 10-20 years the census are showing that population growth is hugely stymied. And then in about 30-40 years they say that we're at about even. And another 10-20 after that shows that we're in decline. At which point will hopefully be in my lifetime cause I like telling people I told you so. :p
