đź“ş Video UFO over Denver


Temporal Engineer
Apparently some guy captured a UFO on camera that flies faster than the human eye can follow. It makes regular flights and departures around 12:00 or 1:00PM several times a week. I suspect some guy probably invented it and just comes home for lunch in the UFO. It seems to originate in some neighborhood in Denver Colorado.

I read about this every now and then in my Sightings app on my phone. Its ironic though when you want to film something and ready for it, nothing is ever there

BUT when your not ready is when everything shows up! So your stuck with your crappy cell phone camera lol or in my case the cheap camera i got from black friday last year that lives in my jacket pocket

But the thing that is different about this particular sighting is that it is consistently regular. And they seem to have the area pinpointed down where it seems to originate from. A residential location, which does tend to suggest it is being used as someones own personal commute vehicle. Somebody has a Jetson car.
I must have watched this video a couple dozen times now. De-bunkers are calling it a bug. But there are specific details in the the video that suggest otherwise. Anyway there was mention of an address. 56th and Clay was what was said. In the video I recognized they were using Google maps and they showed a zoomed in section of the area suspected of being the departure and landing location. I stopped the video at that point and zoomed in to see more closely. The actual address is West 56th Avenue and Clay Street, Denver, Colorado. Then it occurred to me, I can go there with Google maps and look around and see for myself if anything of interest catches my eye. There is something of interest. In Google maps, I zoomed in to this address. It looked exactly like the view in the video. But with a little better definition. At maximum zoom the street level view option became available. Just dragging my mouse pointer around, the person icon pops into view on 56th. Click on the person icon and street level view is enabled. Then you can look around and see if anything of interest catches your eye. From aerial view I was interested in the area of trees next to the house at the end of Clay Street. So now that I was in street view I could walk around and look at everything. There is something parked in the clump of trees next to the house at the end of Clay Street. It is difficult to make out exactly what it is. As fine definition is not that great. But it appears to be a round object with another round object on top. Trying to gauge the size in comparing it to the house close by suggests it appears to be bigger than a car. It does seem to have a metallic sheen on the outer edge. And of course to make it even harder to recognize, a "Google 2009" logo appears right over the object in question. Now it has been my experience that the best place to hide something is right out in the open. And I suppose that object when viewed from the street, might just be mistaken for a rather large water fountain sitting on the house owners property. But everyone can go look for themselves and make there own opinions.
Been reading on it and also read an article that an aviation expert is unable to make out what it is thus calling it Unidentified.
I hope that some day we will have a video that is not blurry and shaky :cautious:
Check out AnonymousFO channel on Youtube ... they still have fakes, and misidentified meteor shower vids ... but they rarely have shaky/grainy/blurry ones.
I must have watched this video a couple dozen times now. De-bunkers are calling it a bug. But there are specific details in the the video that suggest otherwise. Anyway there was mention of an address. 56th and Clay was what was said. In the video I recognized they were using Google maps and they showed a zoomed in section of the area suspected of being the departure and landing location. I stopped the video at that point and zoomed in to see more closely. The actual address is West 56th Avenue and Clay Street, Denver, Colorado. Then it occurred to me, I can go there with Google maps and look around and see for myself if anything of interest catches my eye. There is something of interest. In Google maps, I zoomed in to this address. It looked exactly like the view in the video. But with a little better definition. At maximum zoom the street level view option became available. Just dragging my mouse pointer around, the person icon pops into view on 56th. Click on the person icon and street level view is enabled. Then you can look around and see if anything of interest catches your eye. From aerial view I was interested in the area of trees next to the house at the end of Clay Street. So now that I was in street view I could walk around and look at everything. There is something parked in the clump of trees next to the house at the end of Clay Street. It is difficult to make out exactly what it is. As fine definition is not that great. But it appears to be a round object with another round object on top. Trying to gauge the size in comparing it to the house close by suggests it appears to be bigger than a car. It does seem to have a metallic sheen on the outer edge. And of course to make it even harder to recognize, a "Google 2009" logo appears right over the object in question. Now it has been my experience that the best place to hide something is right out in the open. And I suppose that object when viewed from the street, might just be mistaken for a rather large water fountain sitting on the house owners property. But everyone can go look for themselves and make there own opinions.
Excellent observations, but what is your conclussion?
Well, the Google logo right on top says 2009. So that is when these photos were taken for Google maps. So I conclude that the owner of the UFO has obviously been getting away with hiding his own personal UFO right on his property in plain view for everyone to see. Three years later someone catches it on their camcorder during exit and reentry maneuvers. I mean even if you seen a small saucer shaped object parked in someones yard, would you even suspect it was operational? I personally would just think the owner is a UFO nut. If it takes off and lands faster than than the eye can follow, no one would even notice.
