UFOs in my family


New Member
I own a forum called Paranormal world and I own the group on facebook called Ancient Alien Astronaut theory,my family and myself had visits by men in black because of a incident my aunt and uncle experienced in December 9, 1965 when they were contracted by the Air force to drive their truck to Pennsylvania most of you know the story,they went and picked up a payload already wrapped on a flatbed trailer and they drove to Nevada and dropped it off and was told to not stop until they reached their destination and was told to shoot and kill if they were,which made them suspicious as to what they were hauling,when they reached nevada they heard gun shots in the canyon above so my uncle sat shotgun with his shot gun,they pulled off the road after they passed the canyon and he jumped out to see what they hauling under that tarp which was a acorn shaped craft and not dynamite like he thought it was,but while I was little growing up in the 70s my uncle would sit around telling all us kids what had happened,then one day 2 men in black suits came and made them sign a gag order and yes we saw those men and they did not look very friendly,and that was the last anyone ever talked about it until military guys came to my 1st grade class wanting me to go with them to a little room and do these tests with colors,squares and circles,like a guessing game I passed with flying colors which was odd because I had a learning disability atm because a month before that my mom died with cancer and a few weeks later my dad was murdered but the military guys told my aunt they wanted to put me in a school so they could study me in Nevada,I later learned it was for astral projection and yes I can do it without even realizing it thats what I did when we wrecked and I died and I thought it was a OBE but it was actually astral projecting myself,,my life has had many other ufo encounters but enough about me,just thinking about what happened to me makes my nose bleed.
