UPDATE: Here's what happened to Mad Man Marcum and his Time Machine (Art Bell 1995)

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Jason Offutt bit I read a while back and it's amazing if it's true. I wonder where he is now :eek:

BTW, another site says this:

Mike Marcum has never been heard from since.

Did Mike Marcum succeed? Did he travel into time? Or did all that electricity generated, fry him into nothing?

Shortly after Marcum disappeared a listener called the Art Bell show to talk about a strange story he had found. In the 1930’s police found a dead man on a beach in California. He was crushed to death in a strange metal tube, the man was unrecognizable and a mysterious device was found near his body. The caller said the device looked like a cell phone.


Senior Member
Jason Offutt bit I read a while back and it's amazing if it's true. I wonder where he is now :eek:

Glad to hear the article was good. I'll get it soon then.

I read the comment about the rumor from the 1930's, but I didn't post it, because there was no article or anything. Seems like if someone actually found that article, they would have posted it on the Internet. But then you never know. ;)

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Mad Man Marcum and Mel's Hole were two of my all time favourites from C2C AM (other than Steven Gibbs, Philadelphia experiment and John Titor stories ofcourse) episodes. Both MMM and MH have disappeared....


I checked in th members list but couldn't find anyone called mad man marcum. I'm sure someone used to visit the old forum with such a username.


Senior Member
I checked in th members list but couldn't find anyone called mad man marcum. I'm sure someone used to visit the old forum with such a username.

Too bad you couldn't find it, but glad you remembered it. I just purchased that Nexus article that I mentioned in my Post #20 so we can find out what happened to MMM. It's 5 pages long. Only $1.50 for the article. (I think that's Australian Dollar, so probably a little more.)

Now I have another Time Travel article for my collection. Reading it now! Already very interesting. Will post more soon. :)


where the wild things are
I checked in th members list but couldn't find anyone called mad man marcum. I'm sure someone used to visit the old forum with such a username.

Old forum? There are two paranormalis forums?

I actually did a bit of research on this guy a while back. I find his story to be interesting. The trail vanishes right after he supposedly entered the jacob's ladder.


Senior Member
Updates on Mad Man Marcum!

Recap from Art Bell's Radio Show:
Building a Time Machine

In Art Bell's first interview with Michael "Mad Man" Marcum, originally recorded on April 18, 1995, he details the chronology of his "time machine" experiments. Marcum said he initially was trying to create a small "Jacob's ladder" (a spark that continuously travels between two metal rods), and to do this he used a laser from a CD player to produce the arcing. But during the experiment he noticed a strange shimmering effect above the arc. He threw a screw into it, which he said temporarily disappeared, possibly traveling "half a second into the future."

Marcum then decided he wanted to try the experiment on a larger scale, and stole six unused power transformers from a Missouri power station. Subsequent experiments caused brownouts in the area, and eventually the police investigated, arresting Marcum for theft of the transformers.

Here's the Newspaper record from when MMM was arrested for stealing the transformers.

Newspaper record: Boca Raton "The News", Sunday April 16, 1995, Page 9, Offbeat section

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There is an Update Article on Mad Man Marcum in Nexus Magazine

I just purchased this article. It tells what happened to Mad Man Marcum! Link to order the Article for $1.50

From Nexus Magazine Below:

By Jason Offutt. Electronics tinkerer Mike Marcum used guinea pigs to test his time machine before trying to teleport himself. After jumping into the event horizon, he woke up to find he'd been teleported from Missouri to Ohio and had missed two years in the process.

On a Message Board

Here is a Comment from someone who read the Article in Nexus Magazine:

--------reply posted on 23-8-2011 by MarcoPolo144--------
This months Nexus Magazine has an fascinating article by Jason Offutt sharing the story of Mike Marcum stating that he travelled 2 years in time and 800 miles, lost most of his memory and gradually regained it to return to the site of the experiment. Amazing! It seems that his assets etc were dismantled and he can not recall all the donators to the project. My initial thought was to aim to trace the guy and help raise funds for more research on the same lines.
---------end of post-----------


Senior Member
UPDATE: Here's what happened to Mad Man Marcum when he disappeared in 1998!

A 5-Page Article in the Nexus Magazine tells what happened to Mad Man Marcum! Link to order the Article for $1.50

The article in Nexus Magazine is great! It tells MMM's entire story, including why he disappeared. Here's a short summary of the end:

After being on Art Bell's Radio Show, he got lots of donations of equipment and a warehouse to build his Time Travel Machine in. In 1998, after experimenting with the machine, he decided to try it out himself. He jumped through the electric field that he created, and was transported two years into the future, 800 miles away. He was in a field when he regained his senses, but he lost his memory.

MMM ended up in a Homeless Shelter that night and eventually most of his memory returned to him. He worked until he could afford to get back home to his warehouse. When he arrived at the warehouse, he found it empty. All of his Journals, Video recordings documenting his work and experiments, and all of his equipment was GONE! He doesn't know what happened to it or who took it.

He lives in Ohio, but doesn't have the money to start all over again with the needed equipment to build another Time Travel machine. If he had the equipment, he would continue with his work.

What upsets him the most is that he cannot remember the names of all the people who donated to him. He wants to tell them why he disappeared for two years, and thank them for helping him. He feels that they will think he is ungrateful, because he cannot get in touch with them due to being unable to remember their names.

MMM still surfs the Internet and reads scientific journals. Maybe he'll stumble onto Paranormalis some day! We can hope. :)

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Thanks for sharing the article Samstwitch. I am curious what is the source of his jump and travel and events that followed? Did he give an interview to Nexus magazine or was it written based off of the info. someone else passed off about MMM?
An event of such magnitude is a huge breakthrough where he went through a vortex energy field and travelled 2 yrs into the future.

This contradicts all the other theories of "not being able to travel into your own time-line", "grand father paradox", "space-time continuum" and other 100 theories. I remain a skeptic but am curious as heck!:eek:

Also, I wonder why he hasn't contact C2C AM again? May be his mind or memories are not feeling up to it..Who knows?
