UPDATE: Here's what happened to Mad Man Marcum and his Time Machine (Art Bell 1995)

It is time for me to talk about Johnathan or Jonathan Single or Signal Seven.
His voice is very similar to Mad Man Mike Marcum and his voice is also similar to Oliver Williams, the webmaster of JohnTitor.Com.
Mike was arrested in 1995 because he stole transformers to power his time travel experiments.
He is from the South Dakota or Missouri area.
His grammar and vocabulary indicate to me that he is highly educated.
But from his tone and word choice, he is pretending to be a little uneducated.
He is completely fabricating his story of the Greys Mim and changing the weather.
He wants people to believe he is unhinged while at the same time conveying an important message.
He says he is from 2063. He is 32 in 1995 when he speaks on the Art Bell Show.
He says he had a formal education, unlike John Titor.
He is telling the truth about several near future events.
He says he is an Agricultural Technician. He is telling the truth about that.
His interview is on YouTube for your listening pleasure.
Art Bell-Time Traveler 1/7
I believe Mike is a messenger. He was conditioned to relay messages between time travelers.


As for Greys Mim and Changing the Weather;

As for Agricultural Technician:
I am a Technocrat. I believe in the united force of all peoples' collective strife towards valor.
But I also like Billy Shears.
Do you want to know one thing that fascinates me most about The August Rooster, and Geckos?
How they seem to have a Juxtaposition between the Melodrama. Mellow at its BEST!
Their hands, their nimble fingers, they can CLIMB WALLS! That's BRILLIANT. Nature at its BEST.

Milk Thistle.
Indian Gooseberry.
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JD, interesting, though. You believe Miami is babylon (although it is the whole state of Florida). If you look at the first scene of the I pet Goat II video, there is a map hanging behind George Dubya. It has a thumbtack on Miami.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Thank You Einstein for correcting Ren.

Much of your posting is not correct about Madman Marcum, please review older posting in this tread.

I found Madman Marcum about two years ago and he was very much well and alive, and doing OK.

Prof. anything else you care to share about MMM? Is he doing any experiments or has he dropped out?


It would be great to find him again and ask if he would come to this great web site
on any night the chat room is up and running.
Do you have any idea how we can contact this guys? I mean, if he's still around in our timeline...


New Member
what a fascinating story! Why hasn't anyone tried to replicate this? although his research was lost surely people are smart enough to figure it out right?
I would gladly step into a vortex in the name of science....probably poop my pants though:sick:...just saying.
I would do it if i had the opportunity for sure.


Time Travel Professor
I never called or contacted MMM in the past. Yes, I think I can try to find him again.
I never kept his information.
