US navy vids/dyatlav pass/ foo fighters/lots more

goto new game new rules for ufo disclosure. i identified a united states spaceforce vehicle and power supply. youtube sucks but info is there. comments please. sorry not allowed to link yet.
goto new game new rules for ufo disclosure. i identified a united states spaceforce vehicle and power supply. youtube sucks but info is there. comments please. sorry not allowed to link yet.
On The Dyatlov Pass incident, I myself think that it was some kind of cyborg robot. The reason so, is that one of the corpes showed signs of a brush-crushing physicalities, to their personage. So this might have been a bio-android from some source off of Earth. The radiation found on these people could not properly be accounted for due to the explosion of one of Russia's own nuclear powered rockets, nearby as reported. This was said to have occurred simultaneously in the area. Dyatlov Pass incident - Wikipedia

I feel that some kind of extraterrestrial agency landed and just went berserk on this group of college level explorers and hikers. The area has a bad reputation anyways.

Here's another encounter, to where the Earth human had lucked out and was successful to have evaded capture by bots trained to track and capture people.*I personally don't feel the complete truth of the Dyatlov Pass incident will be able to be told, except fifty years from now, events are so sensitive.

I feel that the Russians were in over their heads and probably because of implications of perceived weakness by the west, were frightened to submit all the evidence to the media. One of the skulls of the hiker-campers, was skinned and compressed, as if the angled front of an army tank had partially crushed it. Even a Russian bigfoot as they implied, could not have delivered these injuries to the campers.

*Noted during the post event construction, also crush injuries to the upper chest. This does not ring true with how a Sasquatch attacks. They can tear off limbs, but in the original reporting, it looks as if some heavy object was driven on top of them?

Simply put, I think that the Russian government was in a situation way beyond themselves, so floated non-accurate news reporting to cover up what actually occurred, up.

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sorry sysop/mod etc i thought the truth was important ive been given some credit outside united states but this is gonna pop here real soon. heres big preview. real ufo disclosure (kinda sorta between here and moon) and im working on aliens (soon not sure yet) and pyramid construction/power source/social aspects/how heat/ac etc. but im kinda up to date on solid info. i just dont claim anything unless it meets my picky desires. and yes i do believe in symbiotic just not positive about the pilot yet. so please goto site or ill update here if people are intersted and thanks. and delete if i upset anyone in any way shape form.
On The Dyatlov Pass incident, I myself think that it was some kind of cyborg robot. The reason so, is that one of the corpes showed signs of a brush-crushing physicalities, to their personage. So this might have been a bio-android from some source off of Earth. The radiation found on these people could not properly be accounted for due to the explosion of one of Russia's own nuclear powered rockets, nearby as reported. This was said to have occurred simultaneously in the area. Dyatlov Pass incident - Wikipedia

I feel that some kind of extraterrestrial agency landed and just went berserk on this group of college level explorers and hikers. The area has a bad reputation anyways.

Here's another encounter, to where the Earth human had lucked out and was successful to have evaded capture by bots trained to track and capture people.*I personally don't feel the complete truth of the Dyatlov Pass incident will be able to be told, except fifty years from now, events are so sensitive.

I feel that the Russians were in over their heads and probably because of implications of perceived weakness by the west, were frightened to submit all the evidence to the media. One of the skulls of the hiker-campers, was skinned and compressed, as if the angled front of an army tank had partially crushed it. Even a Russian bigfoot as they implied, could not have delivered these injuries to the campers.

*Noted during the post event construction, also crush injuries to the upper chest. This does not ring true with how a Sasquatch attacks. They can tear off limbs, but in the original reporting, it looks as if some heavy object was driven on top of them?

Simply put, I think that the Russian government was in a situation way beyond themselves, so floated non-accurate news reporting to cover up what actually occurred, up.
Thats the coolest name ive seen in a while. the russian spaceport duplicated the sts tether incident and the arcella amoebas/watchers showed up like clockwork and then they dispersed parachute bombs that can clearly bee seen in missing roll which is the smoking gun. the animals/watchers landed perterbed right by the hikers and they most likely were confused and the arcellas were agitated beyond belief. wrong place to be...very sad final observation...permit should not have been issued to hike knowing spaceport was experimenting. family should sue spaceport. thats why nobodys talking this theory/solution. theres huge liabilities and consequences for lies. but i did not lie so there you have it. and my dyatlov pass theory is now proven in russia but govt isnt going to hand over cash to surviving families nor give me credit. putin may send me a bullet but hey, i got a token. lol
is my original plus ufo disclosure gets flying characteristics plus did i mention chrystal clear pics of offender. crystal clear like dyatlov pass incident/us navy ufo vids/foo fighters/ and more. please see for youself and i always like comments. and btw several media agencies are waiting for general acceptance and then were gonna pounce. i hate mufon liars and any site making up rediculous stories claiming they are true. im gifted,honest and i solved this because i survived a attack. 7 teeth extractions, throat surgury and a mark on my back. youd call it a human cattle mutilation survivor. i just call it my bad for not looking out for animals. and yes....i found other people like me on planet. same marks,same story and we buds now. life sure is strange. and theoretically a watcher is a drone of sorts that can get aggitated. so you truly were on the right track there. creative thinkers solve hard problems but miss the eeasy ones. lol better go check and see if i wiped my ass. lol
and oregon sherrif confimed ny finds and went past solution to solve the aftermath. guess i get credit in united states only if i fix it. lie and make money. tell the truth and go to jail. wish i was a kid to escape in my
And those indiginous people were friendly to the watchers. the govt made them sound wierded out. even talk to a indiginous person, they always are spiritual and helpfull, no different here,and im a honkey, but its truly necessary to speak up for these people who probably have fake fences like here in america (ie land stolen)
and on dyatlov pass incident dont forgetthat russian general? high position retirede and dedicated his life to researching ufos, aka arcella amoebas/watchers. he got spiritual.\
