USA Presidential debates 2020

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USA Presidential debates

Round 1


Lets leave this thread meme free, plenty other threads for that:)
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Junior Member
God, that was a real shit show. Both candidates repeatedly dodged questions and were generally disrespectful to each other. Biden can't formulate a sentence correctly, so I had no idea what he was saying. It annoyed me that Trump wouldn't just say something about equality. With everyone trying to pin him as a white supremist, why doesn't he just go on a rant about how everyone has the same worth regardless of race and gender? It is also worth mentioning that what Trump refers to as the "radical left" is actually more of a moderate left from a world view. Europeans might get a good laugh at that misconception.

It was pretty clear who one this debate, but honestly, can anyone really win these?


@Inferno - That's understandable, but you've got to remember the following:
  1. Many presidents who ran for reelection did not have very good first debates, including Reagan and Obama.
  2. The debate's moderator Chris Wallace is a Democrat, and is very biased to the left. Thus both he and Biden were pushing Trump over the edge and into frustration and/or anger, so he couldn't even think straight and act level-headed. Remember, Trump's only human.
I didn't watch the debate, but in my opinion, from what I hear, Trump did very well, although there was really no clear winner.

Also, Inferno, I disagree with you when you say America's radical left is considered to be moderate left compared to the rest of the world. I think most Democrats are socialists, and most mainstream Democrats are communists. That's pretty darn far to the left if you ask me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are being fooled by shitty left-wing propaganda from the mainstream media.

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Also, Inferno, I disagree with you when you say America's radical left is considered to be moderate left compared to the rest of the world. I think most Democrats are socialists, and most mainstream Democrats are communists. That's pretty darn far to the left if you ask me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are being fooled by shitty left-wing propaganda from the mainstream media.

It is also worth mentioning that what Trump refers to as the "radical left" is actually more of a moderate left from a world view. Europeans might get a good laugh at that misconception.

Trying to define the left is kinda like trying to drink a cup of coffee from a strainer...what will you accomplish? The left is so fractured and splintered that there is really no effective cohesion. I remember when the Democratic Party was a liberal kind of workers party...forward thinking and progressive. It was the party of the New Deal and desegregation. Now the Postmodernist ideology have basically taken over the intellectuals and rank and file of the Democratic Party. Leaving a concoction of Corporate democrats, liberals, liberal elites and vegans.

It seems that the Modern Democratic party is now a party of War, identity politics, white guilt and corporatism.


The reason Trump didn’t condemn white supremacy and even told the Proud Boys to be on standby is because he is racist and supports them.

As far as I’m concerned, Biden was acting like a 5 year old, and Trump a 2 year old.

You can say the moderator was biased, but the fact is Trump dodged just about every question and could not restrain himself from interrupting both Biden and the moderator himself.

Trump didn’t go on a rant about equality because he does not believe it, and if he went on that rant, would lose a lot of his support.

Biden was still the clear winner by the end of it, and perhaps the most important thing Biden said is something I myself always say.

We all need to stop this political slugfest and animosity and work together, because nothing will be accomplished while the American people are distracted by tearing themselves apart.


That debate was a mess. Even out of this mess, reputation does play a role in elections in whether rightfully earned or not. It's really difficult to get people to line up to a cart known for false advertisment of credibility. It's why as voters, it's a bit oxymoronic to let hypocrites represent us and a bad idea to let hypocrites tell us what to do.

@Witch Hunt that is kinda the issue with a two party system, not enough viable parties. I recomend looking up the political compass chart and the spectrum of politics.

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
The reason Trump didn’t condemn white supremacy and even told the Proud Boys to be on standby is because he is racist and supports them.

Fact Check: Transcript Shows Trump Agreed to Condemn White Supremacists; ‘Stand By’ Followed Wallace’s Prompt
Fact Check: Chris Wallace and Joe Biden Repeat Charlottesville ‘Very Fine People Hoax’ at Presidential Debate

As far as I’m concerned, Biden was acting like a 5 year old, and Trump a 2 year old.

Yes, but a 5 year old whose only accomplishment in almost 50 years in Washington is to make his family rich.
Fact Check: Joe Biden Says Report of Russian Billionaire Paying Hunter’s Firm $3.5M ‘Totally Discredited’

You can say the moderator was biased, but the fact is Trump dodged just about every question and could not restrain himself from interrupting both Biden and the moderator himself.

Biden: ‘Not Going to Answer’ on Ending Filibuster, Packing Court, People Should ‘Vote’

Trump didn’t go on a rant about equality because he does not believe it, and if he went on that rant, would lose a lot of his support.

Losing support? Which kind of support is he losing?
Latino Support for Trump Is Real And that’s a problem for Democrats.

Biden was still the clear winner by the end of it.

Spanish-Language TV Viewers Say Donald Trump Beat Joe Biden


Junior Member
I didn't watch the debate, but in my opinion, from what I hear, Trump did very well, although there was really no clear winner.

Also, Inferno, I disagree with you when you say America's radical left is considered to be moderate left compared to the rest of the world. I think most Democrats are socialists, and most mainstream Democrats are communists. That's pretty darn far to the left if you ask me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are being fooled by shitty left-wing propaganda from the mainstream media.
Trump did much better than Biden. Seemed like Biden's management just told him to say some set speeches instead of addressing questions.

Of course, I could be wrong. I don't watch news outlets so my main source of information is from family and friends. Most of the democrats I know are democratic socialist. It's basically just capitalism with the richest 1 percent being given to the lowest income families. From what I've seen, just giving people money doesn't help long term. These people need jobs and need to learn how to manage money. That's without even mentioning the government corruption. Most of the money they take would go into politicians pockets instead of the people who need it anyways. That's primarily why I can't support it. I don't know any Democrats who are communist, but I'm sure they exist.

I also saw the bias from Wallace. Anyone who didn't is lying to themselves.
The reason Trump didn’t condemn white supremacy and even told the Proud Boys to be on standby is because he is racist and supports them.

As far as I’m concerned, Biden was acting like a 5 year old, and Trump a 2 year old.

You can say the moderator was biased, but the fact is Trump dodged just about every question and could not restrain himself from interrupting both Biden and the moderator himself.

Trump didn’t go on a rant about equality because he does not believe it, and if he went on that rant, would lose a lot of his support.

Biden was still the clear winner by the end of it, and perhaps the most important thing Biden said is something I myself always say.

We all need to stop this political slugfest and animosity and work together, because nothing will be accomplished while the American people are distracted by tearing themselves apart.
If you watch the way he says things throughout the 2016 debates, it seems like he avoids mentioning certain things to keep the conservative vote. Like all politicians, he is filtered through business investments and party affiliation. I'm sure he is a much better person then the democrats (and republicans) would lead you to believe. I would address more of what you said, but it looks like Witch Hunt beat me to it.

The people behind the scenes love this shit. As long as we are tearing each other apart, we won't see the real problems. Both parties are corrupt beyond belief, with politicians taking brides from corporations to pass laws that benefit them. The two party system has always been broken, they need to allow third parties to enter debates or it'll never get fixed. There is a perfectly fine candidate running on the liberation platform that stands for much that I believe in. Although it won't do much, she has my vote.

walt willis

Senior Member
I'll you folks in on a little known secret: The Rothschild family along with George Soros and friends have a leg up on the rest of the world.
The also have more dollars than cents! They get bored with nothing to do but fuck with others. It's just a great game to them to use their cash to control countries. Remember that money "Power" corrupts and absolute Power corrupts absolutely! There are people that will do anything for cash!

The origin of money and power goes back to when the first family and friends made a deal with the non humans to exchange knowledge = money = power for keeping the aliens a secret!
Over time those families have become filthy rich and bored to the gills!
Try to imagine yourself wilt a blank check from birth? You would be a spoiled rotten brat from the get-go!
These inbred brats had many children that got far worst over time to the point of no return!

A very few of that family regressed back to normal and are starting to dislike what they see going on in the world of evil people.
Also the non-humans are getting pissed too. The now see the problem has gotten out of control and are starting to explore ways to end the shit show!

I'll not share the plan before it's time so just sit back and try to stock up on beer!
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