Video: Dark Triangle UFO On Mars Caught By Curiosity Rover, July 2014


Time Travel Professor
Video: Dark Triangle UFO On Mars Caught By Curiosity Rover, July 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014 0:08

“This triangle UFO was caught by the rover this week in photo Sol 688. I say triangle, because it looks like a TR3B from a distance. The ball in its center and its shorter end…says that it could be a triangle with two points showing,” says Scott Waring author of UFO Sightings Daily.


Date of discovery: July 14, 2014

Location of sighting: Mars

NASA Source:

Source 2:

This UFO was discovered by Youtube user Streetcap1, famous for his discoveries in NASA photos. He says, “Nearly spilt my coffee when I saw this.”

Waring says, “When I enlarged the photo the detail really looks like a lot of traditional UFO craft that have been seen for decades or more. This is an actual object in 3 dimensions out there in the background. Look at the shading around its edges. The shading gets lighter at the edges indicating this is a real object out there with sun light reflecting more on its top than on its bottom. NASA has some explaining to do.”



See more from Scott Waring at UFO Sightings Daily
nah that's a weather balloon,, ha ha ha,,,no no wait its swamp gas,,,, ha ha ha wait for it ,,, nah it's lense flair,, yeah that's it .....lense flare ha ha ha ha ha

good find friend damn good find there!!!!!!!!!!!

That must be one tiny UFO because it's pretty close to the camera. Notice the lack of haze over it like the mountains behind it?
