Vote Biden... or Else


The Bearded One
oof where to start...
The "grab her by the p!@#y" recording he obviously doesn't respect women and he's a racist...
Trump claims to be a successful business man but has 13 businesses that have gone under... and 6 additional ones that sought bankruptcy protection.
He claims to be honest... Politifact checked 77 of his statements and rated 76 percent of them as varying degrees of false
He self funded his campaign at least 25 million dollars, research shows he's only spent 250,000 dollars.
His actual name is Donald Drumpf... there's nothing "wrong with that" but I find it hilarious.
His build a wall idea, is a GIANT waste of all of our money.
And I could keep going... i feel like i'd be wasting my breath as most of his "supporters" I've met in real life don't actually have any logical reason behind pulling for him other than they "believe he's right" or just chose him to troll people...

So with that being said... I'd love to know why? :)

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Joe Biden Doesn’t Agree Voters Should Know His List of SCOTUS Candidates Before Election

Joe Biden told a Milwaukee television station Monday that voters will know who he would appoint to the Supreme Court “if I’m elected” — not, apparently, before they vote.

After acknowledging he has a list of potential nominees, Joe Biden told TMJ 4 he simply is not going to share it.
He admitted the first selection was based on race and gender: a black woman. But beyond that, he would not provide additional details.

“Should voters know?” the reporter asked. “Should voters know who you’re going to appoint?”

“No, they don’t, but they will if I’m elected. They’ll have plenty of time,” Biden answered.

He claimed he would not share the names, in part, because doing so would give critics too much time to scrutinize them.

During a rally in Swanton, Ohio, on Monday, Trump said why he thinks Biden is not releasing a list:
“They don’t want to show the judges because the only ones he can put in are far-left radicals,” Trump said, adding that a nominee “left-of-center” would not be enough for progressives.

“So he’s going to have to put in radicals,” Trump argued, “so he doesn’t want to show who his judges are.”

Trump added that if Biden divulged his picks, he would be “unelectable.”


Junior Member
oof where to start...
The "grab her by the p!@#y" recording he obviously doesn't respect women and he's a racist...
Trump claims to be a successful business man but has 13 businesses that have gone under... and 6 additional ones that sought bankruptcy protection.
He claims to be honest... Politifact checked 77 of his statements and rated 76 percent of them as varying degrees of false
He self funded his campaign at least 25 million dollars, research shows he's only spent 250,000 dollars.
His actual name is Donald Drumpf... there's nothing "wrong with that" but I find it hilarious.
His build a wall idea, is a GIANT waste of all of our money.
And I could keep going... i feel like i'd be wasting my breath as most of his "supporters" I've met in real life don't actually have any logical reason behind pulling for him other than they "believe he's right" or just chose him to troll people...

So with that being said... I'd love to know why? :)

Yeah old senile status quo creepy uncle Joe has no character flaws and has never filed bankruptcy either. Because hes never done anything but suck the tax payer teet vote for racist laws and just be creepy around kids and women. Trump has filed bankruptcy yeah but how many domestic and international businesses has he been involved in a lot more prospered then failed. The US is the largest corporation in the world what do want running a business a business man or a career politician that hasn't accomplished anything in 42 years of service. Fact is the Dems dont stand a chance in hell at winning this election and they know it that's why they are trying subversive tactics. Cope harder
