Weird ways to try to predict the future


King Ivan
I've been reading about fortune tellers and I saw some particularly weird ways people try/tried to predict the future. Some of them aren't really weird. They are:

1) Throwing a bunch of sticks into the air and interpreting which way they fall (as done by the ancient Chinese).

2) Looking at the steaming intestines of animals.

3) Heating tortoise shells or the shoulderblade of a cow, and seeing what pattern they crack into.

4) Watching how birds fly.

5) Reading the pattern of tea leaves or coffee on the bottom of the cup.​


I prefer tarot cards or psychic writing, personally. The psychic writing has been eerily accurate. I don't like one result about my brother at all and I'm HOPING it doesn't come true.

Runes are another method similar to the sticks but contain more detail.

Let's not forget palm reading.


Junior Member
I've actually had successful divinations in regards to watching birds fly. Specific types of birds, that is. Certain ones resonate, others don't.

My preferred method of divination is to use visions of myself in different futures. Think about "sending" your current perceptions, save for written information and numbers, "back" to you at a certain time. The reason that you don't include numbers and letters is because of some weird human consciousness mechanics I don't quite understand yet, nonetheless, their exclusion makes it work.
