Media Weird YouTube Channel I found


Junior Member

It talks about a guy named Marshall Barnes does anyone know anything about him? Or anything more about him?
They say he created a time machine.


steven chiverton

Senior Member
he hasn't created a time machine yet so far his video explains about micro worm holds etc but no actual demonstration yet of sending abject into time , one of the videos above is new to me and the mention of congress gee dosent sound good , ?


Active Member

It talks about a guy named Marshall Barnes does anyone know anything about him? Or anything more about him?
They say he created a time machine.

Never heard of him, but I know that it's not all that difficult in mechanical terms, or quantum terms.
Time travel is no more than creating an em field with a locked in frequency distortion that matches a time period. It's basically teleportation with added complexity.
Once you understand the fractal code of what your own biology's make up is, you will note there are time and place refrences within it. In order to make the shift for you and you alone, you need to place yourself in an em field playing the offset differences of those time and place references.
So lets say for arbitrary example that your frequency is mapped and referenced, probably through genetic markers, within the base 12 fractal topology of those markers, the whole thing is basically a cymatic holographic image and each point of convergence of certain points is the record of everything you have ever experienced, including when and where, so say a time period is the position of the 30,000th prime convergence point of the code, the exact frequency of that placement is required knowledge, but it is compared to your 30,000th prime convergence position of where you are now, and there may be a difference of frequency of only .00005 hertz, in order to reset your position in time, you need to play back your fractal code but it would have to be .00005 hertz in the opposite direction in order to rebalance what time period you experience.
Thats the principle, what I can't say is how the hell you map the frequency codes of your dna, or how and what reference points are needed within that fractal topology nor how to create a safe em field to sit in in order to change from one fractal code to the other.

That was one of the mistakes they made in the philidelphia experiment, they were playing with these em fractal codes, but messed it up because they were trying to send back more than one consciousness but using only an offset quantum topology based on one person and not the totality of the group of consciousnesses itself. Black military scientists have figured this out, sometime in the 70's is when I am sure it was first used, and I am also sure that they haven't quite cracked the group code thing yet, they can only send back one person at a time, but they have gotten fast enough at reading the dna quantum topology that they now have basically working stargates that can read and convert the field in micro seconds.

I still haven't figured out what parts of the fractal code is necessary to change in order to do this, but I know it's based on a base 12 cymatic topology. Thats why I need equipment to play around with harmonic geometries, gravity, time, place, etc, is all part of the same code of frequency soup.

To get a brief idea of what I mean by convergence points in cymatic fractals, look at michael smiths work in base 12 numerlogy, dna and prime numbers. He is able to show how you map the code using node points at 1,5,7,11 markers. But, not all matter is dna based, matter has it's own marker code, which may or may not be including one or more interacting codes within the soup of 12 of 1...for example, in rodin math there are 4 types of marker codes that have been extrapolated one of which is the doubling circuit of cells. and it's numerological breakdown, ie, 2,4,8,7=16=1+6,5=32=3+2), 2,4,8,7,5,2,4,8,7,5, and so it repeats endlessly.

If you take the dna markers at the 1,5,7,11 points, these map the dna, and cross map (place one map over the other) the harmonics of that geometry with the markers of cell duplication being 2,4,8,7,5, you will get new convergence points creating a new element to the fractal topology. But you need the both of them in order to create the cell growth map of that being. But you still need the frequency of that being in order to map anything at all.

Gravity and matter printing is or should be slightly easier cause there is no consciousness involved to complicate things but trying to decode those markers...not easy

You following?


Active Member
Let me say it this way.
If you take one number representing one frequency.
If you map that frequency along the circumference of a circle, the 12 divisions of the clock face make up it's marker possibilities.
By endlessly rotating through that circles edge and noting all the times the division markers repeat you end up with repitions over and over, for example, the 1 marker obviously repeats 12 times per frequency cycle, the 5 marker repeats less often at the 10, the 15 etc.
If you lay out these repeats on a graph with all four markers you get cross over lines in prime number positions, though it does this weird up and down cycle thing too, i'll let michaels videos explain that part.
What you end up with is a giant giant long number with thousands of node points, this is the framework for the perfect output or perfect blue print of your dna.
You take another group of markers like the 2,4,8,7,5 and you do the same thing you get another endlessly long graph in a straight line.
But if you are taking these points of reference back to the circle, it basically ends up looking more like a sound cymatic, or a pond with rain falling into it. It has a pattern. This is what I refer to as the fractal topology.
And there are many cymatics that can sit on top of each other.

The secrets of time travel, teleportation, matter, and all things energy, is understanding these fractal holographic tolopogies.


Junior Member
Very Interesting video. I will check him out. What 8thsinner said is basically what Steven Gibbs machine, the HDR was designed to do to a degree. I read some where I don't recall where, i read that some scientist theorized that the pyramids of egypt were constructed using harmonics. That huge blocks of stone in theory could be levitated using the right tuned frequency. Same theorized idea also proposed that these doors carved into stone in places around the world did in fact work as gateways or stargates that were activated by harmonics. I recently posted on a thread on the site that I feel the team at Skinwalker Ranch should take a HDR to the site and experiment with it to see what results they get with it. ( I theorize it will open the vortex/portal that is there.) If my design and machine is up and running and thoroughly tested before hand I may in fact send one for free to Dr. Travis Taylor if in echange they share the data gathered with me. I personally believe Steven Gibbs story that he was handed the technology behind his invention of the HDR by ET's to be truthful. I believe what they are messing with out at Skinwalker Ranch is not of this world. With what 8thsinner outlined "Time travel is no more than creating an em field with a locked in frequency distortion that matches a time period. It's basically teleportation with added complexity." He nailed it! That is exactly what i feel Time Travel is. Some restrictions in that. Time travel possible but not on a field of origin. You leave a starting date and time on this world time line the best you can hope to do for a return trip is something close to what you left but it will not be the exact same time line you left.


Active Member
Very Interesting video. I will check him out. What 8thsinner said is basically what Steven Gibbs machine, the HDR was designed to do to a degree. I read some where I don't recall where, i read that some scientist theorized that the pyramids of egypt were constructed using harmonics. That huge blocks of stone in theory could be levitated using the right tuned frequency. Same theorized idea also proposed that these doors carved into stone in places around the world did in fact work as gateways or stargates that were activated by harmonics. I recently posted on a thread on the site that I feel the team at Skinwalker Ranch should take a HDR to the site and experiment with it to see what results they get with it. ( I theorize it will open the vortex/portal that is there.) If my design and machine is up and running and thoroughly tested before hand I may in fact send one for free to Dr. Travis Taylor if in echange they share the data gathered with me. I personally believe Steven Gibbs story that he was handed the technology behind his invention of the HDR by ET's to be truthful. I believe what they are messing with out at Skinwalker Ranch is not of this world. With what 8thsinner outlined "Time travel is no more than creating an em field with a locked in frequency distortion that matches a time period. It's basically teleportation with added complexity." He nailed it! That is exactly what i feel Time Travel is. Some restrictions in that. Time travel possible but not on a field of origin. You leave a starting date and time on this world time line the best you can hope to do for a return trip is something close to what you left but it will not be the exact same time line you left.
I would agree with that with minor resistance, 1, why do you think ets leave crop circles behind when they time travel...So they know where they are coming back to. And 2, as long as you come back to the right crop circle, even if it is one exact crop circle in maybe a few hundred different timelines, who cares if it is the exact timeline anyway, as freewill dictates it is always changing, the likelyhood of any major event happening differently is extremely reduced. Theres billions times billions created every second, the whole idea of time being some linear perfectly predictable line thats often used in sci fi is worthless and ridiculous, it doesn't matter if a butterfly flaps its wings in bali, or doesn't. Well at least it doesnt matter to me, unless I bring that projection of reality and it's consciousness into my awareness.

Where it definitely gets complicated though is collective timelines, if collective divergence is based on the irregularity of constants it creates additional timelines, however how long does that new timeline stay divergent from the whole?
If 99% believe walls are solid objects and can't be walked through then how long must you hold the idea and belief in the 1% that walls can be walked through to manifest above or divergent from the collective belief that they are.
Turns out there is a math to that, you can look this up but it was found that you needed roughly a million meditators focusing energies to effect a major met city, I can't remember what city but i think it was like new york or la or something.
My point is the base collective of beliefs is what mostly controls a major shared timeline experience, like the foundations to a game, you can build the walls and lights, and greenary etc but you can build the rest of the game around a caveman hunting deer concept, or you can build the game into a with hunting horror, or an open world racing game depending on the parameters of rules, well belief systems are those rules, and freewill are the design considerations. Life, is a mismatch of many on the same playing field of foundations.
So collective timelines aren't so important when coming back to a time frequency, and whether the guy down the road is playing with race cars or hunting monsters, makes no difference to the grand scheme.
So you (I) presume then that any active travelers are doing research on what and where collective timeline divergence happens. But they can't change the one I am on right now, only I can do that.

If it was me though, I would choose to target collectively different timelines, not just individuated ones. I would like to see the world 100 years after tesla if his work wasn't stolen and ford and rockerfeller were killed in a tragic horse kicking and the fbi was never created cause that idiot in the white house told the ets that landed on his lawn to piss off instead of making a deal....

I Would like to see the world and how it turned out if logging was shut down permanently before it began...

I would like to see a world where oil industries were never formed.


From what I know though it wasn't just one frequency that is used to levitate, we can already do sonic suspensions which require two frequencies, from my research into tibetan rumours, at least three frequencies are required, hence why I want three or more tuned in oscillators...One clue I think anyway is the famous pine cone image, Is it a device, or a clue to the mathematical sequencing of the device, looks awful like a pineapple to me, which has three very distinct numerical patterns at play simultaneously.

Also, the famous tr3b requires 3 focal points of frequency generation, this is for balance, and why the german bell was all over the place with only a singular generator location.

That other guy who built the levitating platform scooter thing, he used beetle shells, which close up actually have dual tipped cones in a honeycomb structure, like the end of two flutes side by side, which would create three frequencies, or could, if each flute was minutely different from it's neighbour, then the differential between tip a and tip b would create a separate one tone c. Assumming his story is true, though I do believe it is. And I think thats why his unit was stable.
