Welcome All, from 2026

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
5. If the world does not end, does this mean I have to pay off my mortgage anyway?


Paul, I can answer one of those questions.....

I am a mortgage broker and Yes, if the world does not end, you still need to pay off your mortgage :P
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Wait til you see the answers.[/b]

Moi aussi Mon Ami, However, we must be circumspect as the Jocularity Enforcement Consortium may visit soon.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>
Moi aussi Mon Ami, However, we must be circumspect as the Jocularity Enforcement Consortium may visit soon.[/b]

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

i am still undecided but it looks like i'm leaning to hoax, but still...
what type of government do you have?
are there time cops?
how long have people been able to use this time travel internet?
when does the pope die?
what are exams like in 2026?
how about a news clipping from your time.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
I defy anyone to put that thing into a nutshell.

A couple of few words come to mind: gobbledegook, jabberwocky, macaronic, flimflam.

I conclude that this person is a cruel fraud.[/b]

I love your posts Paul. My sentiments exactly. As I was reading his post I asked my self if he was a politician. They are the masters of the dark art of writing volumes, saying absolutely nothing.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Ok, I'll ask some questions.

Do you log off at night or is this connection to our time kept constantly connected?

What do you mean rented? who owns it?
Re: Welcome All, from 2026


I see what you mean Zorsha, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders, sending back information regarding future events to a bunch of neanderthals in land of the lost must be a real hassle. It\'s a good idea you keep your indentity top secret. With any luck maybe a Time quake will occur and all your posts/ evidence will vanish into time. God speed and good luck.

I happen to be but a child in your time 2005, but I would not consider anyone a neanderthal. I have through planning \"vanished\" my posts several times, but you or I would never know the difference regardless.

Sorry Zeusha for the negative attitude towards you, I truly apologize and really want to know what happens when the pope dies? Thankyou kindly

I haven\'t , what\'s it\'s significance? DAre you gonna tell us what happens when the pope bites it ?

No Problem...No Apologies Necessary. When the Pope Dies,

\"the Cardinal Camerlengo (currently Eduardo Cardinal Martinez Somalo) must verify the death, traditionally by calling the Pope three times by his name without response. He must then authorize a death certificate and make the event public by notifying the Cardinal Vicar for the Diocese of Rome (currently Camillo Cardinal Ruini). The Camerlengo then seals the Pope\'s private apartments. He would also arrange for the \"ring of the fisherman\" and the papal seal to be broken. He then makes preparations for the Papal funeral rites, the novemdieles, the nine days of mourning.

During the interregnum, it is the Camerlengo who is responsible for the government of the Church. He must arrange the funeral and burial of the Pope. He directs the election of a new pope, assisted by three Cardinals, elected by the College of Cardinals, with three new Cardinals elected every three days. \"

Also note \" Upon receiving the news of the death, the church bells/carillon may be tolled (Some traditions suggest the bells be tolled once for each year of life and for each year of the pope?s pastoral responsibility.) \"

And Finally \" Ballots from a conclusive scrutiny are burned without straw, producing the white smoke that signifies election of a pope to those outside the conclave. \"


Cary P

Okay hoss. No one\'s asking you for the lotto numbers. gl100 just asked you to post this, \"All I\'d like to know is who the posting member is and what the content of the post will be. We would appreciate your answer on Thursday or before.\" What\'s so hard or sinister about a song and artist? Nothing. You wanna keep people in disbelief? You\'re doing a swell job. Why the misdirection with the lotto numbers? gl100 never said anything about that. You pulling a Houdini here with some misdirection for an illusion? I\'m sure you have some convoluted answer for this. Whatever.

Actually, no answer. As Human Choice is the most truly random of events, I would never be able to accomplish this feat. In Rare circumstances when the individual has taken certain measures before posting and the bridge dis-engaged and re-engaged at a moment in which it was not present before, it would be possible to re-post a post that has not happened yet.

If you\'ve been in contact with some of the members here since 2009 back to now, care to say who they are? My future can\'t be that priceless, anything in your rear view crystal ball you\'d care to share about me? Am I still here at TTF in 2009? You know who I am? Wait, that might be priceless. LOL Have fun while you\'re here, just don\'t jack with people too much. I\'ll play nice if you will.


I have never spoken with you before, however the mere fact that we are speaking now may influence your future on the forums here at this site. Meaning, although I have been here a few times in 2006, 2008, 2009, maybe a week in 2007, everytime I come here everyone I meet, I am new to them, and most of the time they are new to me. A few members remain over the years, but I must stress how few and far between they are. It seems maybe 98% of the people I talk to are new, and only a few have remained. I am always continually explaining myself except to those few (they know who they are, I get in touch with them).



{QUOTE]Is people in 2026 really spiritual?

How is technology by then?

Is gaming still around?




1.) Surprisingly yes, there is not one person I know who does not feel spiritual or religious in some manner, although these have become much more personal, it does not mean they are frowned upon or laughed at. It only means, there is no reason to pronounce to the world ones own beliefs. There is nobody to convince anymore, we all know there is a reason we are alive while so many others have died.

2.) We are on the fringes of a fully efficient quantum computer. At this point in time, we have basic Qubit engines functioning on silicon/organic chips with hypertransport interconnects to the rest of the system. The basic \"Home\" or what you may call \"Desktop\" computer system is usually running 10-15 terraflops and functioning on a .5-1 terrabyte holographic memory subsystem that is fully integrated at less than 10ns to also maintain the virtual memory and RAM subsystem. Most of these computers are set-Top wireless computing systems, most people have one main computer and several interdependent connections including wrist-pad, HUD, wireless stylus, voice recog, eye control, pulse control, Brainwave pattern recog, and many have small silicon-organic implants into the temples, which allow them to control basic computer functions with direct eye movements or thought depending upon the implant.

3.) There are only two types of gaming. Solitary, and Multiplayer. The first is self explanatory, the second usually involves hundreds of players in advanced pattern recognition competitions involving our huds, very fast laser interpretted hand movements (similar to your Keyboard), and advanced strategy techniques. You might consider this Chess Vs. Star Wars.



Could you please send me the keys to the sphynx? There is a standing 1 million Dollar Reward to that. If I had the keys, I promiss to return it by sundown, all gased up and waxed and I\'ll even split the reward with you. Simply send me your Name and Account # And I\'ll purchase 500,000 worth of your choice in stocks under your name.

By 2026 you should be quite the rich and dapper fellow.

I think this is a win win situation.

No. I do not care so much about money.

Grayson me boyo,

Now you\'ve done it. You have gone and upped the ante in truth for sooth. With kind kudos to Sue for pointing that out.

Zeshua, you have said that you have helped others here already? How have you done that? Have you decided as to how you can PROVE that you are from the future?

Albeit, you are well versed in Susposed temporal manipulation and theory all that proves is that you are currently a student in Physics, 2nd year is my guess.

You need to pony up to the bar and prove yourself if any one is to believe you. Forget the momsense regarding time ripples, had you made any kind of mistake in our future you would no longer be there. So, the fact that you are still posting proves that nothing will go wrong.

You are correct, I\'m currently studying fields including physics. I have already stated I cannot prove myself, never 100%, you can only trust my words and hopefully find meaning in what I can say, and also what I cannot directly say.



Well, there\'s no question about whether the Pope dies. He will

There have been many prophesies regarding the death of this particular Pope. Some say that the next Pope will be the AntiChrist. Some say that the next Pope will be the last to reign. For some reason, the next Pope signals the end of \"something.\" End of times, end of life as we currently enjoy, end of the Catholic Church. I haven\'t found a prophesy yet that states that the next Pope brings about a positive change.

If you are posting from the future, wouldn\'t you have the ability to send your reply within nano-seconds of a question?

The Next Pope is the end of \"something\", your current Pope, John Paul II, happens to be much more important in the World Stage than may be apparent to most Americans, so I would understand how it may seem unimportant, or, insignificant.

Per reasons I have already explained, I could reply within nano-seconds but it would require disconnection of the link that is currently established, thus bringing more possible implications for myself. I prefer to stay in what is considered Real-Time for the duration of my communications here.



So, if you can measure variances in causation as a result of your actions, how come you are not caught up in the new causal line? Ergo, blind to the changes wrought...

It would be very helpful if you could describe in detail the properties of a Graviton for us. I am particularly interested in its charactersistics and the mechanism by which it attracts both particles and energy waves.

That probably gets a causal event warning doesn\'t it?

Alterations of the timeline can be measured, and come in waves as if ripples from a rock thrown into still water. This is a completely different way of thinking compared to your previous understanding.

In fact, certain alterations of the timeline, even minute, can take as much as 3 days to even reconscile. Others are almost instantaneous. Regardless, whenever any message is sent from myself, even though it is pre-scrubbed, and immediately and continuously monitored as part of all of the tracking programs and overall derivations of the timeline. I see that there is a problem, a certain level has been reached, such as when I caused a 1/10th 1% 0.01% derivation to the timeline, I could see it coming, I had the escape message setup ahead of time. Using various sites on the Internet I post various encrypted cyphers that can be easily traced and monitored today, in my time. If one of these is detected, I get the message, from myself, and know what not to do.

This has the unfortunate side effect of having to have had something go wrong First. However I\'ve done this over 20 times now, usually on much smaller scales, and in every instance I am able to stop my original communication from going out, thus halting the changes to the timeline.

Also in every instance, I have no recollection of the event, only what was written in my cypher telling myself what to do or what not to do.

I know this is very complicated, I doubt many on the forums could even comprehend, and if you would like perhaps I can explain in further detail... This Is how it works, Yes it Is messing with the continuity of the timeline, yet I will continue regardless as I believe in 2005 there is still the opportunity to help certain individuals.



OK, y\'all can call me dumb and expell me from the forum, put a scarlet I for Idiot under my avatar, but how old is this Zeshua person in any timeline and what friggin\' exams is a 63-year old talking about?

I am 25. I was born on 2000.



That was funny! I got one for you Zeshua. Send us a picture...just a picture of a well known building or place that has been affected by a war or an act of terrorism. And the Twin Towers don\'t count! Prove to us Zeshua with concrete evidence without talking in circles. I\'m not trying to be rude but just to the point.

I cannot give you concrete evidence, if I did it could be detrimental for my own health or well being, Sorry....



k, questions... questions... Ok, here is one. Nostradamus talks about a person by the name of Mabus, after whom who\'s death will cause a \"hundred-hand\" death. Any insight onto who this is, from the perspective of looking from the future to the past? There have been some who say it might be President Bush or Mohammad Abbas. Another person says it could be a man in the Balkans, a Mirajald (spelling ?) Labus. What do you say?

Will Iran do as they say when they create a nuclear bomb (and drop it on Israel)?

And, most importantly, When will Yellowstone blow its top?

Nostradamus, just like JT, spoke in plain and simple truth, the kind that can only be understood after an event or occurence has happened, giving altogether new meaning to their original interpretation. I believe the Death or Arafat in your time is Truly a significant event, and those who may rise to power after his fall, might truly capture the disbelief of the public in their Private conquests.

No, Not Iran.

It has not happened yet. Although I understand it has a natural cycle of ~650,000 years. However even the Earths magnetic field changes more often, I would not worry about it.




Hi I\'m Frog I just wanted to ask you a some questions so here they are and thanks for listening:

1. What kind of time travel do you do?

The Good Kind. LoL.

2. What kind of food, water, and soda do you have in your timeline?

Ever heard of Rations? Lots of canned food, mostly larger prey as most food caught is shared, coyotes, wolves, deer, the occasional buffalo or wild bull. Most of the time all we need is transported in or grown locally, however we still hunt.

We have distilled water.

3. Do movies and entertainment still exist where your from?

thanks for your time and patience and thanks for the answers and so much more please reply back to me soon if you have sparetime and thanks for being cool and such I will talk with you later on! well I got to go now I will chat more later!

Yes... Ok I will explain a little more, nothing is 2-D anymore as you used to watch, everything is 3-d and Holographic in nature, Movies at least. Most of our vids are on very small discs roughly larger than an inch. With new lasers and higher speed compression as well as multiple layers, entire 4-6 hour movies at highest resolution playable in any format can be stored on these discs. I believe the prototypes are available in your time. You must also understand, almost everything is produced locally, there is very Very little National transportation of Any product. Any movie or show produced is usually put on by a small crew or group and broadcast on the nets available to millions at home. We no longer have \"Channels\" such as 1,2,3, PBS, NBC, etc.



I don\'t think Zeshua is a TT\'er either, but just to go along with the flow...


- What does history say about the Middle East during this decade?

- What does history say about the US?

Please give more than a few sentences.

That Muhammad was a prophet, that Allah was Great, that the mere freedoms we all took for granted in the U.S. were the very things the Arabs in the Middle East were despondent against.

History considers the U.S. capitalists in every sense of the word. Led about like a dollar bill hanging from a string on a stick in front of a Donkey. The Rest of the world considers the U.S. as feeling as if they are \"Better\" than any other country.

The Citizens of the US feel their ancestors of your time were blindsided and truly insignificant.




Any US War Veterans still alive in your time? Currently in our time we have a few hundred World War I Vets still alive, a couple million World War 2 vets, and more numbers from Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. I doubt WW1 vets are still alive in your time, but possibly are there any WW2 vets and beyond still around in your time? Would be interesting.

For the record. WW2 Vets could still be alive in Zeshua\'s time. Considering that the last of the US Civil War Veterans all passed away in the 1950s.

Not Many, the Average National Age has dropped dramatically, and that is all I will say. We still have WWII vets however most are in personal homes or clinics.



i am still undecided but it looks like i\'m leaning to hoax, but still...

what type of government do you have?

are there time cops?

how long have people been able to use this time travel internet?

when does the pope die?

what are exams like in 2026?

how about a news clipping from your time.

We have a Government of the people, For the people, By the people. What do you have?

There are those in Governments the world over who have the equipment and understanding to monitor the timeline. You could call them Time Cops, however, I think this is inappropriate due to their actual job functions as I currently understand them.

As far as I understand I (and my former team) were the first to combine existing technologies for posting messages into a specific space-time coordinate in the past via the Internet.


All exams are given via individual test in VR. They put you into a desk, a headset and HUDs are placed over both eyes, the mask comes down, there are four large rectangular buttons on the desk in front. Four Answers appear on the screen, aligned with the four buttons. The question is flashed for approximately 2-3 seconds depending upon its length, the answer flash for a moment again. The actual score is determined upon your response time and accuracy. Several thousand questions are asked over the course of 1-2 hour sessions. I would call it very intense but very accurate.




Ok, I\'ll ask some questions.

Do you log off at night or is this connection to our time kept constantly connected?

What do you mean rented? who owns it?

The connection to 2005 is currently kept running at real time, second per second. It can be disconnected and reconnected however this draws immediate attention and I prefer not to. I am working (still) on a "Pause" button however it is not yet completed.

Floating Points are rented via the Internet, just as you would rent a timeshare, an apartment, a billboard. I require raw processing power for pinpoint calculations of space-time coordinates and all information coming from that particular space-time. I can send this information encrypted to servers on the Internet, which process the information, send it back encrypted, I decrypt it, and thousands of years of computing power can be purchased for just **************** per 10teraflops afterwards. That is the deal I am currently receiving. I rent the number crunching machines to make this experiment possible.

