Welcome All, from 2026

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Timescholar\")</div>
I can't seem to edit posts.. so here's another one. What's the capital of the United States in 2026?[/b]

umm... the capital is where i live, considering i will be president, right zeshua?

:grin: :grin: :grin:
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Cornelia\")</div>
Just to point out that Zeshua means \"Jesus\" in His own language (aramaic).
Someone here is a bit megalomaniac.[/b]
WB Cornelia... miss you!

The name Zeshua was not chosen because it means Jesus. It was picked for another reason. Normally I would say nothing, I just didn't want Zeshua to be related to a religious figure.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Darkwolf\")</div>
Maby thats his name. My middle name is Jesus (pronounced the spanish way) It was almost my first. (parents were christian hippies)[/b]

Well, I'll be damned, "Hey-Zeus" Placer was a good pal of mine in high school. Of course in French Louisiana, his last name was pronounced "pla sare", but what the hell. Came from good Spanish stock out of Cuba. Glad to know that Darkwolf. Tres cool.

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Heh Look what I found on this website:


The Pope dies
When the Pope dies, the Cardinal Camerlengo (currently Eduardo Cardinal Martinez Somalo) must verify the death, traditionally by calling the Pope three times by his name without response. He must then authorize a death certificate and make the event public by notifying the Cardinal Vicar for the Diocese of Rome (currently Camillo Cardinal Ruini). The Camerlengo then seals the Pope's private apartments. He would also arrange for the \"ring of the fisherman\" and the papal seal to be broken. He then makes preparations for the Papal funeral rites, the novemdieles, the nine days of mourning.

That was taken from that website.

Now look at what Zeshua posted:

Zeshua posted:

No Problem...No Apologies Necessary. When the Pope Dies,

\"the Cardinal Camerlengo (currently Eduardo Cardinal Martinez Somalo) must verify the death, traditionally by calling the Pope three times by his name without response. He must then authorize a death certificate and make the event public by notifying the Cardinal Vicar for the Diocese of Rome (currently Camillo Cardinal Ruini). The Camerlengo then seals the Pope's private apartments. He would also arrange for the \"ring of the fisherman\" and the papal seal to be broken. He then makes preparations for the Papal funeral rites, the novemdieles, the nine days of mourning.

Everything he said he just copied and pasted off of that website. I found it by google. He's just googling all his information and passing it off as his own.

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Heh Look what I found on this website:

? ? Quote:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
The Pope dies
When the Pope dies, the Cardinal Camerlengo (currently Eduardo Cardinal Martinez Somalo) must verify the death, traditionally by calling the Pope three times by his name without response. He must then authorize a death certificate and make the event public by notifying the Cardinal Vicar for the Diocese of Rome (currently Camillo Cardinal Ruini). The Camerlengo then seals the Pope's private apartments. He would also arrange for the \"ring of the fisherman\" and the papal seal to be broken. He then makes preparations for the Papal funeral rites, the novemdieles, the nine days of mourning.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

That was taken from that website.

Now look at what Zeshua posted:

Zeshua posted:

? ? Quote:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?No Problem...No Apologies Necessary. When the Pope Dies,

\"the Cardinal Camerlengo (currently Eduardo Cardinal Martinez Somalo) must verify the death, traditionally by calling the Pope three times by his name without response. He must then authorize a death certificate and make the event public by notifying the Cardinal Vicar for the Diocese of Rome (currently Camillo Cardinal Ruini). The Camerlengo then seals the Pope's private apartments. He would also arrange for the \"ring of the fisherman\" and the papal seal to be broken. He then makes preparations for the Papal funeral rites, the novemdieles, the nine days of mourning.

Everything he said he just copied and pasted off of that website. I found it by google. He's just googling all his information and passing it off as his own.

DWOMT - Bravo, very good call :grin:
I visited the link you posted and saw, word for word, everything that Zeshua posted - you are correct, kudo's to you.

Two days ago, Zeusha posted some answers to a few of our questions. As DWOMT pointed out - he copied and pasted text from another web page regarding the Pope.

When asked the following question: How is technology by then?
His reply was "We are on the fringes of a fully efficient quantum computer. At this point in time, we have basic Qubit engines functioning on silicon/organic chips with hypertransport interconnects to the rest of the system. The basic "Home" or what you may call "Desktop" computer system is usually running 10-15 terraflops and functioning on a .5-1 terrabyte holographic memory subsystem that is fully integrated at less than 10ns to also maintain the virtual memory and RAM subsystem. <snip>"

Being ever more interested, I did google search for "terabyte holographic memory subsystem" and found, interestingly enough, a page called "Future of Computing".

It seems to me that Zeshua spent his hiatus looking up some answers online, and I would be interested to hear what he has to say in response to that statement.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"DWOMT\")</div>
Heh Look what I found on this website:


That was taken from that website.

Now look at what Zeshua posted:

Zeshua posted:

Everything he said he just copied and pasted off of that website. I found it by google. He's just googling all his information and passing it off as his own.


I knew there was something fishy when I saw that post. Sounded like it was out of a book or something. Reminded me of a show on the History Channel a few years back, too. I think they quoted from it, or paraphrased it.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Any time traveler who doesn't give or have proof is obviously a fake, a hoax, a sham, a. . . well, you know what I mean.

Where's the Beef!!
