Well, well, well...

Well, well, well...

Perry, if you have info that you want to release, out with it. If you are just going to dangle it in front of us like a carrot for a mule, you'll find you are the one who ends up looking like the ass. So lets hear it.
Well, well, well...


I am going to take care of you first. You said,

Hmm. I am not exactly sure what is happening here. However, we seem to have gotten side-tracked.

The thread was initiated by \"Future Coyote\" who claimed to be a researcher from the future. Why not give him the benefit of the doubt? What is the purpose of this forum?

What I like about academics (even present day ones) is that they have a lot of patience and a touch of class. They are objective and fair, and have a universal perspective. I can only assume that future academics have evolved even more.

Okay \"Future Coyote\". The ball is in your court. Care to continue where you left off?

We really want to learn and have a fascinating dialogue.

And this was your third post in this community. Third post. You showed up with Coyote and Admiral Nelson and for the record I consider you to be one of the authors. I am one of those present-day academics you mentioned and for your benefit I want you to try this on for academic size: don't show up to the dock here and tell a seasoned group of Admins, Mods, and Members to give a new visitor the "benefit of the doubt"--we are all about this benefit; we are actually soaking in the benefit of the doubt. Thanks.


And as a student of Plato, your moniker offends me. Hope you are not a student of Roman history.

Perry. You're next.

I am sorry to hear that you have some sort of a time travel emergency with an imposter in the temple. Please work it out on your own. Have you no sense of decency? I work in a small 21st century company. We put out fires every single day. I involve no online forums while solving these problems. Stiff upper lip there pal. Hunt down your coyote and work it out on your own. What would your unit think?

And don't ask me to have patience on this forum. That just enrages me.

And finally, to all the mediocre grad students out there considering such a hoax:

1. Take notes here.

2. You have not read enough. Trust me.


Mod Edit: Warning issued based on Rule #1. General insults directed at members, groups of members, or the entire board
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by August@Nov 15 2004, 10:01 PM


And this was your third post in this community. Third post. You showed up with Coyote and Admiral Nelson and for the record I consider you to be one of the authors.

My response is: Huh?? I may have been lurking for a bit and finally decided to participate. And for this you label me as one of the alleged "hoaxers"? Please don't shoot innocent bystanders. Now, let me anticipate your response. "Oh, You're just playing dumb!" LOL.

I am one of those present-day academics you mentioned

Well, If you ever get a chance to time travel, I would recommend a trip back to the middle ages to study things like the Spanish Inquisition to enhance your academic progress.

don't show up to the dock here and tell a seasoned group of Admins, Mods, and Members to give a new visitor the \"benefit of the doubt\"--we are all about this benefit; we are actually soaking in the benefit of the doubt. Thanks.

Well. Thanks very much for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Also, you want to have a fascinating dialogue? Don't be so obvious next time.

Just issuing a follow up polite challenge to someone who claims to be a time traveller.

And as a student of Plato, your moniker offends me.

Huh?? Philosophy means "love of knowledge" and "thinking hard about stuff". This implies having an open mind to divergent views. I submit that your mind is not really open and that is why you are offended. Come out of the cave, student of Plato!
Well, well, well...

And as a student of Plato, your moniker offends me. Hope you are not a student of Roman history.

Um....and as an aside...I believe it was Socrates who was the "Gadfly"? ;)

Call me naive, but I 'm still hoping that Future Coyote is a real time traveller.
Well, well, well...

Hello Coyote

Welcome to 2004. Enjoy your stay. I would appericate you answering a few questions about the future.

1. Does George Bush, Hilary Clinton, or the president in 2012 get trialed for their war crimes aginst us americans?
2. When does the stock market crash
3. Why does the war get deadly by fall of 2007
4. Can you reveal the name of the president in 2012
5. Are their any presidents from 2015-2020
6. Does the ocean rise and if so by how many feet.
7. How common is homosexual marriage in your time.
8. Why is money no longer used after 2067
9. Has the population been told the truth about aliens yet?
10. Have you colonized or terraformed mars yet and if so when
11. Does any more countries join into america after the war other than western canada and mexico.
12. Whats the name of the new republic after the war.
13. How many people die from the civil war, and how many die from the nuclear war .
14. Has new york been rebuilt yet?
15. did the greatlakes fall into the earth and create a inland sea and if so what is the name of this new sea.
16 can you give us a history of america from 2067 to your present time.
17 do you believe in reincarnation?

Please feel free to ask us anyquestions if you want.
Well, well, well...


You are a participant. Not a bystander. This is a forum. Imagine us in a circle, near the fountain. You said something; I said something back. Ah the wonders of the forum.

I did not call you a hoaxer. I called you an author. Your timing is impeccable.

Philosophy is a love of wisdom, not knowledge. There's a difference. There are many wizened members on this forum.

Socrates referred to himself as a Gadfly. It was at his trial methinks. Socrates never wrote anything. We know about his comparision through the words of his student, Plato.

I apologize for attacking your moniker. That was wrong. It is a great name. Perry's request for patience had made me angrier than I thought.
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by Gadfly@Nov 16 2004, 01:57 AM
Call me naive, but I 'm still hoping that Future Coyote is a real time traveller.

I wouldn't call you naive at all.

Don't get your hopes up on finding out if anyone in this thread is a tt'er. As long as this thread is a flame war, I doubt Coyote or Perry will post again.

I would suggest that everyone get back into their corners, take a deep breath and get calmed down. Allow Coyote and/or Perry to answer the sincere questions that have been asked.

Well, well, well...

Ok, this has gone on long enough. Everyone really needs to just take a step back and a deep breath and think about what you say to one another. This thread has gotten more into throwing mud than time travel and that's very, very sad to me. So here you go:

1) If you think Coyote and/or Perry are hoaxing, then pm them and keep quiet in the thread. If they are, and you've figured it out, then you've won the game - give others a chance to find out too. Some people might believe them! You don't know this and it's your job to step back and let the others have a bit of fun too - it's part of being in a community.

2) If y'all can debunk them POLITELY, then have fun - if you think for one second that what you're about to say can be misconstrued by anyone else as rude or inconsiderate, then don't say anything at all.

3) I haven't said anything until now because I didn't see a need to have two mods trying to fix a thread, but y'all just aren't letting up and now y'all are wondering why Mom is going nuts. Let's just try sticking to the basics.

"If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all"
(at least not on the boards which we have already pointed out tons of time are strictly watched - vent elsewhere, that's why we have other options here) :)

4) I know many of you are really tired of "hoaxers" but let me gently remind you of something: y'all would be bored stiff without them. It's part of the game. You have to sift through a ton of dirt before you pan the gold. Just keep at it, if your patience gets lost - write a PM or come vent in the Chat - but please don't post in the thread and then wonder why the mods jump on you. If you have a question regarding the rules, come talk to us - we'll break it down as best we can.

:love: i love this place and most all of you, and hopefully y'all know that - so please help us out. We don't want to have to constantly protect you from each other - now that's just rediculous.

If the mannor in this thread is not changed to one of being polite and tactful, then I'm going to close this thread. If any of the admins have a problem with that, please feel free to reopen. As it stands, imo - I'm tired of watching the bloodfeast.

So, keeping with this newfounded spirit, if any of you don't like this post - pm me. Do NOT reply back on this thread please.

Thanks for your time.
Well, well, well...

I'm enjoying this thread, but I got a little confused, so I'm going to see if I have the story right:

Future Coyote posted claiming to be a time traveller from 2242.

Perry Nelson then posted welcoming Coyote.

Now Perry and others seem to believe that Coyote is not who he claimed to be, so the general consensus is that Perry is the real time traveller and Coyote was a fake who was pretending to be one of "Them."

Perry, what led you to believe that Coyote was not who he said he was? And do you know why Coyote included Paul in his story?
Well, well, well...

Originally posted by Doc Brown@Nov 16 2004, 04:28 PM
I'm enjoying this thread, but I got a little confused, so I'm going to see if I have the story right:

Future Coyote posted claiming to be a time traveller from 2242.

Perry Nelson then posted welcoming Coyote.

Now Perry and others seem to believe that Coyote is not who he claimed to be, so the general consensus is that Perry is the real time traveller and Coyote was a fake who was pretending to be one of \"Them.\"

Perry, what led you to believe that Coyote was not who he said he was? And do you know why Coyote included Paul in his story?

Perhaps I can clarify the situation a little.

In my opinion, Perry has attached himself parasitically to the Coyote narrative. Or think of him as a hermit crab. This is not meant as an insult: on the contrary, it is Perry who insults us by witholding vital information. Look at it this way: the forum is full of people striving for small scraps of worthy information-- shards-- fragments-- and we test what we think we have to see if our suspicions are correct. Why bother? Because we are trying to find the truth. What are we trying to find the truth about? Time travel.

Why? Because we suspect that time travel may be invented in the near future; if so, it stands to reason that it would be used; if used, it stands to reason that a time traveler would visit us. Where is this traveler? Would he or she or they post here? Why not? Wouldn't you?

Now, here comes this character who says that he has many of the answers to the questions that we have been struggling to find. My instinct tells me that if he is telling the truth, he would give the answers to us and let us bat them around and test them against our experiences and discussions. You see, Coyote has given us many answers up front, and stepped back and let us bat them around. Titor used to do this, too. This is why these kind of claimants have some credibilty right away.

But when someone like Perry protects us from the truth, and conceals information, and uses the forum for his own peculiar ends, my instinct tells me that he is lying and has nothing. Furthermore, when this kind of clandestine discourse gets going, it leads to further concealment and destroys the very purpose of the forum: for example, someone says he can debunk Coyote, but does not reveal what he has. For another example, we are urged to work behind the scenes and withold important information from one another to enjoy the "game."

This is not a game. I have written here before that you are all more important than you realize. Others may use you in some sick game; the government may think that your minds and energies are expendable. Actual agents and timetravelers (if these are different) may "lurk" (a perfectly fitting word for their actions). But what we need is the light of day, and the courtesy and honesty of the simple truth. If you have it, give it to us; if you have no intention of giving it to us, please just shut up-- we can easily guess the worst things about your motives.

Now I have been singled out as someone of importance in the development of time travel technology. This would be a very strange claim for anyone to make unless that person had somehow become familiar with an unpublished novel I have written. Of course you are all aware of the special impact fiction has had on time travel theory, and I have allowed myself to entertain the idea that this is what Coyote was referring to.

I think that I have permitted my vanity to overcome my common sense; but you see, it makes no sense to me that Coyote is telling the truth here, because he mispells my name. This means that I am not all that important, at least to him, especially since I have seen my name spelled in the forum correctly thousands of times, and anyone familiar with the site at all (especially a historian from the future) could hardly have overlooked it. Language is important in its details; an odd spelling is a tell.

I hope that this clears it up from my point of view. It does not add to the lustre of Coyote's claims to convince me of their reality through flattery to me. The issue, to my mind, is still Titor. If Coyote is not a hoaxer, it would seem that his motive would be to divert our attentions from Titor. If he is a simple student, he sure did pick a coincidental time and place otherwise to show up to do his studies.
