What do you believe, and why?


What do you believe, and why?

I heard it said once the much of what we believe is just not true. we believe it because we should. because its worth believing. well I pondered that for a while and its mostly rite. but why do it. things like
the good guys always win
rite is always rite
rong is always rong
always tell the truth and it will be ok
quiters never winn and winners never quit
cops are always going to help you
people are by nature good
every cloud has a silver lining
if you don't bother them they won't bother you
all men are created equal
these are just some things I believe because there worth believing but not always true.


Re: what do you believe and why

It's always the other guy who gets the girl !
I don't think all people are always by nature good.
Shit happens. The murphy law.
We always find out the truth sometimes a while after, but we do find it.

Don't do to other people what you don't want them to do on you. It's also known as "respect the others". I think respect is important, and it's sometimes pretty rare in our days.



Re: what do you believe and why

cool thats just the kinda stuff I was atlkin bout.
good catch 7


Re: what do you believe and why

Also, all men aren't created equally, unfortunately.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
I like that one.

Chip Lewis

Re: what do you believe and why

kc wildman said:
I heard it said once the much of what we believe is just not true. we believe it because we should. because its worth believing. well I pondered that for a while and its mostly rite. but why do it. things like
the good guys always win
rite is always rite
rong is always rong
always tell the truth and it will be ok
quiters never winn and winners never quit
cops are always going to help you
people are by nature good
every cloud has a silver lining
if you don't bother them they won't bother you
all men are created equal
these are just some things I believe because there worth believing but not always true.

The good guys never win

Being right is objective

Being wrong is objective

The truth is always painful (for most)

Quitters win in any fight

Cops don't help anybody, they are more feared than anything

Good is objective

The silver lining is actually glitter that eventually falls off

Ever been stung by a wasp? Ouch!

Men are only equal in certain circles

IMO none of these are true. I guess in this case you could say my glass is half empty...


Re: what do you believe and why

LOL well there you have it the perfect example.
you are rite Chip on every count.
yet I believe them, because they are worth believing in.
I.M.H.O. if you lose the things worth believeing in, wether they are true or not true. you lose hope. a man without hope is the most dangerious man alive. he cares for nothing, has nothing to look forward to.
ha ha ha just re-read this.
not sayin you are dangerous there Chip, or without hope. sorry if it came across that way.


Re: what do you believe and why

Sometimes I'm negative, not because I want to be so, but because life is made that way.
It seems that always the same people get the good stuff, the good news, etc.
It's rarely my turn in these cases.
That might seen unfair, but that's the say life is made.

On the other hand, "help yourself and heaven will help you"
That's a matter of perspective.



Active Member
Re: what do you believe and why

Sqeaky wheel gets the grease. I believe it because it is true...but one can only get positive results if the skeaky wheel is diplomatic.

Oh another one:
Believe...and you can do anything.



Active Member
Re: what do you believe and why

I know I am posting back to back..but this is a great thread kc.....
I know that the more I brelieve that every day will be a great one the more I see beautiful things every day..Like this morning I was up drinking my coffee and I looked out the window and saw a buck ..a young one and he was eating the apples off the apple tree in the front yard..I see deer all the time but usually in the car...This deer was in the front yard for about 15 min...What a great way to start my day!
Oh yeah..the day I found out I was having twins..I saw a pair of twin fawns in the field next to mine....:)kool.


Re: what do you believe and why

gonzogirl said:
I know I am posting back to back..but this is a great thread kc.....
I know that the more I brelieve that every day will be a great one the more I see beautiful things every day..Like this morning I was up drinking my coffee and I looked out the window and saw a buck ..a young one and he was eating the apples off the apple tree in the front yard..I see deer all the time but usually in the car...This deer was in the front yard for about 15 min...What a great way to start my day!
Oh yeah..the day I found out I was having twins..I saw a pair of twin fawns in the field next to mine....:)kool.
thanks Gonzo:)
it is somthin that has made me say hhhuuuummmmmm for a long time now and wondered what others thought.:confused:
oh yeh grandpa would have said the fawns was a sign, you are a chosen one:eek:
only those who are worthy, would recieve such a gift. I think its just neater than specked poop. how things like that happen. you are indeed a chosen warrior, fight on the battle has just begun :D
