What is God?

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Time isn't movement but the measurement between 2 points by an observer. You can believe god is whatever you want I'm not trying to change that. I feel some of the qualities god would have are timelessness and unchanging from the beginning to the end. So for me making such a bold claim that god is time is the equivalent of the simulation theorists claiming light speed is the proof of their theory. The reason they say this is they think light speed is the artifact of the program. The problem with that is an artifact doesn't change it stays the same throughout all functions of the program it's your baseline or limiting factor. The speed of light and its behavior is not constant throughout everything. Sometimes it's observed as a wave others a particle its speed changes through different mediums so it can't be their artifact because it's not unchanging throughout everything. Now as far as god being time I feel god would be constant throughout like the artifact your limiting factor in the program. But it is testable and proven time depends on the perception of the observer. Its percieved to flow at different rates under different circumstances for observers. Which means it doesn't remain universally constant throughout everythin from the beginning to the end.
It's a measurement between 2 points according to Einstein its relative to your perception hence the illusion it exists within your mind its really inconsequential to the grand scheme of things universally speaking
time is either an unimportant illusion or it's the most important thing.
nothing can exist without it
Meant here indicates intent from a sentient mover. So does heinous.

I vote for chaos and chance. Logos over mythos.

typical satanist

quantum coherence shows the hidden order in reality.
lasers, bose-einstein condensates, superconductors, quantum tunneling & entanglement

this is all produced by one energy.
this is the big secret of god

secret is the corruption of the demiurge can be fixed.
can produce quantum coherence at room temperature with it in ordinary objects.

like alchemists said it's not just man that fell from grace but atoms and reality itself.
philosopher stone is perfected matter.

your perspective @gnosticchristian is only partial. Need to include science.
like all gnostics say: knowledge is salvation.
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Time isn't movement but the measurement between 2 points by an observer. You can believe god is whatever you want I'm not trying to change that. I feel some of the qualities god would have are timelessness and unchanging from the beginning to the end. So for me making such a bold claim that god is time is the equivalent of the simulation theorists claiming light speed is the proof of their theory. The reason they say this is they think light speed is the artifact of the program. The problem with that is an artifact doesn't change it stays the same throughout all functions of the program it's your baseline or limiting factor. The speed of light and its behavior is not constant throughout everything. Sometimes it's observed as a wave others a particle its speed changes through different mediums so it can't be their artifact because it's not unchanging throughout everything. Now as far as god being time I feel god would be constant throughout like the artifact your limiting factor in the program. But it is testable and proven time depends on the perception of the observer. Its percieved to flow at different rates under different circumstances for observers. Which means it doesn't remain universally constant throughout everythin from the beginning to the end.
thought experiment:
imagine all planets stopped rotating, stopped orbiting and frozen solid(so cold even the air falls down as snow)
would it look like time stopped? sure
then comes mr.astroid, zooming through.

Near a blackhole, stuff stops moving.
even astroids.

what reaches out and stops it?

is there tiny movement?
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