What Makes Magick Work? The Brain, the Universe and the New Occult


This is the lecture of the day. This is a conversation I had with the doctor following a hypnosis session designed to assist in the development of my psychic perception and understanding of myself in relation to the universe.

I started by asking about the session and the mental techniques that he was teaching me before, in regards to actually making the tychokinesis actually work and if he could try to explain it all and kind of demystify the whole thing. He smiled and made the remark "Well, it isn't called the mystery schools for nothing"
Psychic tools
What separates man from animal is the use of created tools not found objects as tools but something taken and changed to fit a purpose. The same can be said for our psychic side. If the psychic aspect of the animal such as instincts and intuitions is something present in us we see that it is there in everything, we must assume that since it is not normally available to us we must develop tools to access this aspect of ourselves.

Your heart rate is regulated by instinct and the body simply responds to stimuli. However through the development of psychic tools one can regulate ones own heart beat, some masters of this technique can even appear to be dead by intentionally slowing the heart rate to such a degree.

This is the same concept involved in using our connections to the biophysical electromagnetic field (Aura) that surrounds us and interacts with the quantum information matrix. (Also known as the astral dimension) (QIM)
When we receive impressions from the QIM they have to be translated into a way for the brain to be able to interpret them. The nervous system notices these changes in its own electromagnetic rhythm as electricity passes from axon to dendrite and so forth nerve to nerve in a seemingly chaotic pattern resembling lightening throughout the brain.

The brain was designed to interpret information within certain area of the brain in relation to stimulus of sensory organs in the physical body. These include but are not limited to the five physical senses sight, hearing, feeling, smell, even taste, the sixth is the intuitive function of the brain and the memory access centers of the brain. The part of the brain that accesses information from the memory can also interpret signals from the (BEF).

It is connection of BEF to these areas of the brain that respond to input from sensory organs that the information in the QIM can be interpreted and relayed from subconscious to conscious awareness. The conscious aware or ego can only understand the messages from the subconscious as some form of sensory input or cognitive way that can be accepted by the conscious awareness. Similar in the way the subconscious communicates to the conscious during dreams using sounds and imagery in symbolic forms.

The subconscious says to the conscious "hey I got something going on in the QIM" then the conscious says "OK, what's that?" the subconscious says " I don't know but if you could hear it, it would sound like this, and if you could see it, it would look like this, If you could remember anything about it, you would remember it like this. Does that help? Let me know when you figure it out because that's what you do best."

Our tools then begin with tapping into the areas of our brain that help us interpret our world. Before we can connect to these areas of the brain we need to talk to the guy who runs the show over there, the subconscious.

It sometimes helps a person to think about the conscious awareness as having two sides our mind, one, the active thinking state, (and this is represented in much occult literature) and the passive receiving state. We see these differences in the very fluctuations of our brain wave patterns.

We do most active thinking in gamma and beta and in alpha we get the first linking to the subconscious this is where the passive side takes over. This is the state you are in while watching TV. Alpha can be the seat for much of the work in the psychic areas; this is the state where you allow information into your awareness without focusing too much on any one thing.

Then you have theta where you are in a more meditative state. Remote viewing and astral travel can take place in this state. Then last we have delta now in this state if you are having an experience of some kind it's not showing up on the brain scans.

Now I have heard of people that can maintain conscious awareness while in delta and for many it is an explanation for freak occurrences such as the conscious manipulation of quantum particles in such a drastic way as to result in what can only be described as something resembling the Hutchinson effect.
(Side note) I had asked the doctor if he had actually seen something like what he described. He didn't want to elaborate.

The tools we are creating are part of a method for the conscious awareness to make more clear and precise contact with the subconscious. Also to develop our awareness of the faculties that can be used by the subconscious to deliver information to the conscious awareness.

By using binaural beat meditation, hypnosis, and neuro linguistic programming NLP in a well structured system with specific goals intended. We can create an environment for the neophyte to see real progress without wasting time in a pointless meditation which the sole purpose is the state it's self.

The obtaining of the state is pointless without a goal intended. For example the state of fear has a purpose, that being the resulting, fight or flight. The same can be said for the psychic states. Why be in a state of fear only to be in fear yes it is exciting but there's no growth or change coming from it. This has always been the problem with many traditions.

In the magical system the state is not the objective but a means to an end. It is from the state that the work can take place
The first tool is the program. Our lives are full of programming. Almost every aspect of life is through programming nature programmed our DNA to make us what we are, the language we use is a program, our societal norms and morals are all programs we are born into.

The way we will program or reprogram our minds is through self-hypnosis and NLP. By utilizing ones own natural state changing rhythms and processes we can get to the subconscious and rewrite the code so to speak to allow a person to have access to the states much more easily through ones own will. Where as once upon a time it took years of meditation and quiet contemplation to discover a way to change states at will under conscious control.

We will establish trigger mechanisms that will allow one to enter the desired state and quickly access the areas of the brain responsible for it's specific function in relation to our goal. If the goal is telepathy, the sending and receiving of information via the BEF /QIM matrix. Then you must have a method for pressing the metaphorical button on the side of the walkie-talkie.

The second tool in the shed is the quick drawl, Like a wild west gunfighter who must draw his pistol take aim and fire, one must be able to quickly change states and focus awareness then engage the mechanism, This is how one achieves psychic function while seeming to be in a state of normal consciousness.
The quick draw is the method used for most objectives accomplished in alpha. For other work we must use the deep dip method. This allows one to go from alpha into theta without falling asleep and while maintaining awareness focused inward.

These methods and techniques allow the magician to see his mind working and notice what parts of himself activate when he does certain activities. He can then, with the tools, activate himself within the right areas, granting him access to abilities that may have only presented themselves in random and accidental ways. Such as freak premonitions and strange phenomena.

(side note: I asked the doctor "Is that what our whole hypnosis session was? His answer was. "Yes, we had to go in and re align your perception of reality to be more accurate, since you have studied in the occult for many years your eyes were more open than most, and you took to it rather quickly. For an absolute beginner however several sessions and a regimen of regular exercises and mental stretching techniques are most likely going to be required before the programming takes full effect.
