When Your Dreams Come True

first let me say thanks for not judgeing me on this dream thing i can not count the number of times I have been laughed at or called a freak for this. it has cost me most every friend I have had first they would laugh then when they would see what I had told them happen they would call me a freak, creepy, spook , then just not talk to me again. this thing you call a gift has been the source of alot of pain in my life and made me some what of a lone wolf. untill I stumbled across this place and you guys way back in 05-06.

do I have any other gifts??
not to my knowing no, but I do finish peoples sentances some times and that does unsettle them quite a bit. I do seem to see or just know whats coming long befor others can see the trend starting to develope . not sure whether that is what you mean or not but thats about it the main thing is the dreams..

I understand completely what you are talking about, because I have been through it myself, only difference is that most of the time I laughed when they got freaked out. I couldn't help it, it was funny. When you predict things repeatedly, even then people doubt, but it's because they are scared or don't want to believe the truth. My closest friends and family took most of my predictions very seriously though as they watched my predictions come to pass.

You are among friends of like mind here. We are all a bit freaky on Paranormalis, in one way or another. :eek: ;)
I'm still reading your comments, but finished with this first one. These are called "precognitive dreams". It is a gift. I have had precognitive dreams my entire life. They are very real and you remember these dreams much more than normal abstract dreams, as I call them. I'm a Christian, but one does not have to be religious to have this gift.

Many of my precognitive dreams were dire forewarnings. Some were about people I had never met. A few years before the World Trade Centers were attacked, I had a dream that I was standing on one of the Towers with other people who were screaming and it collapsed while I was on it. Very scary dream, but at the time I did not know anything about the existence of Towers in New York, because I'm a Californian. It was only after the tragic events and watching footage on TV that I recognized the Towers and remembered the dream.

I also have many dreams about people in the Afterlife. My departed loved ones, and others whom I did not know on earth visit me in the dream state and communicate with me. I cannot will the dreams. They happen randomly. (I have had two dreams of Princess Diana who gave me a message for her sons, Jim Morrison who is stuck in his Paris apartment on the earth plane, Hervé Villechaize - Tattoo from 'Fantasy Island' TV series also stuck on the earth plane and is very angry, many of Nicole Brown Simpson who haunts O.J. and protects others from him, and several visits with Marlon Brando, as a few examples.) In a dream I traveled to Sylvia Browne's house (like astral travel) and asked her a question. I was shocked when she saw and heard me, and it made her mad! She told me "This isn't the time or place for this!"

I know the dreams were real, because many things were shown to me that I did not know, and after waking I would research and discover the details were true about the person, places, or events...or they would show me things that were going to happen in the future, and those things would happen.

Once after my birth mother died (I have 2 moms), she visited me in the dream state and showed me some things that were going to happen in the future and they did indeed happen. So I regard these visits from souls in the Afterlife as real visits.

Once when I had an Afterlife visitation dream, an "Angel Messenger" came to me and said, people in the Afterlife can meet with people on earth in the dream state, and when they do, they meet just "outside the Gates of Heaven".

In addition to precogntivie dreams and Afterlife visitations in dreams, I also had very strong telepathic abilities and could audibly 'hear' people think. I frequently conversed 'telepathically' with other telepaths, people who were very psychic. We did this unconsciously. We would have conversations that were strictly telepathic, not audible to the human ear, but we were unaware that we were only speaking with our minds. This happened many times and was witnessed by others who totally freaked out on us! They told us we did it all the time.

I frequently answered persons questions when they only 'thought' it, before they verbally asked, and that frightened them. I was unaware that they were only 'thinking', not talking when it happened.

Reading minds and talking telepathically happened my entire life until I was about 40 when I had health issues and that gift diminished to a degree. I'm considered very psychic, but was extremely gifted until I had the health issues. Now it is more diminished, but I still have the gift and the dreams have not lessened. When I was healthier, I could see the future (in my waking state) and knew many things before they happened. I still have this gift (and people attest to it), but not nearly as strong as before.

One thing I learned...most people don't want to hear about the future. If you try to warn them they get mad, or think you're nuts, or try to deny whatever it is even when it's true. I told many things before they happened in an effort to prevent things from happening, but mostly it's pointless.

Have you experienced some of these other gifts, in addition to the precognitive dreams?

P.S. I have had many dreams about the future and the destiny of the USA and the people here. The first thing that attracted me to John Titor was the similarity of my dreams to his stories of our future. I have many of them recorded in my Research Journals about John Titor.

Interesting about Herve Villechaize...I've seen him in my dreams a few times over the last year or so, and he didn't look bad off at all, and he certainly wasn't angry. He wasn't in a bad place. He looked quite fine to me. Also, he was reaching out for my hand, as if he wanted me to join him. Someone close to me who is really into this sort of thing said that there were evil intentions with these dreams, but I absolutely refuse to believe it. Sure, Herve Villechaize had his problems, but from what all I gathered about him, deep down inside he was a good person. So again, he looked fine where he was at. It also leads me to believe that you don't necessarily go to a bad place if you take your own life.
Interesting about Herve Villechaize...I've seen him in my dreams a few times over the last year or so, and he didn't look bad off at all, and he certainly wasn't angry. He wasn't in a bad place. He looked quite fine to me. Also, he was reaching out for my hand, as if he wanted me to join him. Someone close to me who is really into this sort of thing said that there were evil intentions with these dreams, but I absolutely refuse to believe it. Sure, Herve Villechaize had his problems, but from what all I gathered about him, deep down inside he was a good person. So again, he looked fine where he was at. It also leads me to believe that you don't necessarily go to a bad place if you take your own life.

I guess we cannot know which of our dreams are accurate about Herve then until we cross over into the Afterlife. I had the dream about him many years ago. If my dream was true, he was stuck on the earth plane, because he took his own life. He was angry at the time, because he was stuck and no one could hear him. Or perhaps both of our dreams are true and he has been elevated to a higher level, out of that realm, since I dreamed about him. There is such a place as Purgatory where some souls go to before they can progress to Heaven. Maybe the earth plane where suicides linger is part of Purgatory.

I heard an old legend that said a person who committed suicide is stuck on the earthly plane where they died (such as I have dreamed about) until the time when they would have died naturally or appointed by God (unless they were mentally ill or under special circumstances, then they were not earthbound). Then when their natural time passes, they go to where ever their soul is destined to go.
Hey guys heres one for ya in one of my latest dreams I was moving along a road that was still under construction only I didn't have a car I was flying/hovering about two feet off the ground and moveing very fast. but I could only do it over a completely paved road when ever I came to dirt or gravel I had to walk. and the mechines that were working on the roads were all automatic no human crews to opperate them. they didn't have any supply system either. The huge mechines would scoop up the dirt infront into a big hopper, set the grade and spit out pavement from the back. it puzzled me so much that I fallowed one of these mechines for a couple miles and just watched it make a road. sounds wierd I know it kinda creeped me out when I woke up.
I've posted this somewhere before but around the start of january this year I had this nightmare about a zombie apocalypse. Considering I've had dreams of small things that happen some time later(although I rarely remember the dreams and only feel dejavu and fragments of the dream come back to me) I was terrified. I woke up crying and unable to sleep for a day or two and found a small cut on my right wrist I didnt remember making. The nightmare felt so real and I found it stranger that I actually STILL remember parts of it even though I've done lots to try and seal it away/forget which I've nearly done luckily. But about a month ago I had another nightmare about zombies and this time I forgot it but was too scared to sleep for ages again. I had a short zombie nightmare again last week which scared me again. This terrifies me and it doesn't help seeing these reports of zombie-like behaviour from people this year.... I'm not really scared of zombies as much usually but still. The dreams-especially the one in January- involved me and people I know and love brutally ripped apart and tortured and nobody could do anything to stop it.
I think I'm halfway to losing my mind over this... I had ANOTHER zombie nightmare as soon as I fell asleep today/last night and cant sleep.... It felt real like the others did but i... Woke up crying, shaking badly and I am scared senseless even now.... My stomach is feeling kinda weird and I jump and stuff at sudden sounds and have read all these stories of zombie behaviour this year. I cant access jews on phone so.i am scared and my stomach is aching like something bad is going to or has happened
While you are a little older than most children who experience Pavor nocturnus or Night Terrors, at your age, 16 per your info, you can still experience them. I'm in my way upper 50's and I still do, though very rarely. Anyone can. Perhaps these sites can offer you more information and a way to deal with them. If they persist you could discuss them with your Doctor, if you haven't already. But, be assured, you are not alone with this.
Night Terrors Resource Center
Night terror - PubMed Health
My little brother experiences night terrors every now and then and it can be freaky when he does. He's always claimed there was a man who would walk into his room and watch him while he slept and he would flip a lid over it but he would always be asleep when he claimed it.
While you are a little older than most children who experience Pavor nocturnus or Night Terrors, at your age, 16 per your info, you can still experience them. I'm in my way upper 50's and I still do, though very rarely. Anyone can. Perhaps these sites can offer you more information and a way to deal with them. If they persist you could discuss them with your Doctor, if you haven't already. But, be assured, you are not alone with this.
Night Terrors Resource Center
Night terror - PubMed Health
interesting...i might go seek help or mention it to a doctor etc considering that the 1st time i had a zombie nightmare/terror was in january and i woke up with a small cut on my wrist i didnt remember doing
