Where are all the time travelers?


You probably know what the Fermi Paradox is and that it pertains to aliens. Well, doesn't it also apply to time travelers?

Imagine time travel gets invented at some point in the future, or perhaps, that it even exists right now. Even if it doesn't become mainstream...

First, shouldn't we be able to spot clues left behind, by masses of people who went back in time across the ages? Maybe OOPARTs the clues we're looking for? Out-of-place artifacts. That's a possibility. I tend to believe time travelers, like tourists, tend to leave their garbage behind...

Second, wouldn't we know about actual time travelers? In other words, wouldn't we know, that our whole world (past-present-future), is part of a 4-dimension multiverse from which visitors can and will come to visit us? Would we be aware of that?

Do you believe the Government knows that our present can be reached from its future by some individuals? Do you believe the Government has time travel?

It begs the question: Where's everybody?!?


New Member
Both times I time travelled in the black car age 14 and 26 it probably created a paradox but I can remember it vividly. All the time traveller I met were from Scotland. They only time travelled to meet mentally ill people to bring them to the future.

From my memories of being tortured by people like The Mad Doctor, a man in his 60s and piecing everything together of the other time travellers visiting the same hospital, my memories of the gangs hurting me and others alongside doctors and nurses in abandoned buildings including the hospital- I'm certain Scottish gangs and or governments are just using time travel to try and torture patients they believe will never recover whilst also bringing patients to the future.

I don't think it's as innocent as tourism. These are very serious evil people


Active Member
Both times I time travelled in the black car age 14 and 26 it probably created a paradox but I can remember it vividly. All the time traveller I met were from Scotland. They only time travelled to meet mentally ill people to bring them to the future.

From my memories of being tortured by people like The Mad Doctor, a man in his 60s and piecing everything together of the other time travellers visiting the same hospital, my memories of the gangs hurting me and others alongside doctors and nurses in abandoned buildings including the hospital- I'm certain Scottish gangs and or governments are just using time travel to try and torture patients they believe will never recover whilst also bringing patients to the future.

I don't think it's as innocent as tourism. These are very serious evil people
I believe so because there a good time traveler and the bad time traveler I think they go against each other for I just don't know


Temporal Engineer
You probably know what the Fermi Paradox is and that it pertains to aliens. Well, doesn't it also apply to time travelers?

Imagine time travel gets invented at some point in the future, or perhaps, that it even exists right now. Even if it doesn't become mainstream...

First, shouldn't we be able to spot clues left behind, by masses of people who went back in time across the ages? Maybe OOPARTs the clues we're looking for? Out-of-place artifacts. That's a possibility. I tend to believe time travelers, like tourists, tend to leave their garbage behind...

Second, wouldn't we know about actual time travelers? In other words, wouldn't we know, that our whole world (past-present-future), is part of a 4-dimension multiverse from which visitors can and will come to visit us? Would we be aware of that?

Do you believe the Government knows that our present can be reached from its future by some individuals? Do you believe the Government has time travel?

It begs the question: Where's everybody?!?

If time travel does exist, just imagine that everyone you know could be a time traveler. And you are being kept in the dark because of the danger you would pose by telling others about them. Most people that have lost a loved one would do anything to get a chance to go back in time to change things for the better. Did I say do anything? Let that sink in! Desperate people would even result to murder to fix something in time. If you've never met a time traveler that confided in you, then consider yourself lucky.

In my opinion, I don't believe time works the way we would like to believe it does. And maybe in the far far future we may figure out a way to travel in time. But just imagine that we may have ascended to the next stage in our evolution. And time travel by then would just be a passing curiosity.


I believe that if time travel exists in the future, then they are visiting, but a good time traveler knows not to become known and not to meddle unless they want to change things.


Junior Member
Plenty of people claim to be time travelers, at least. But then their "predictions" are either wrong, or so generic that you or I could "predict" them right now and be right. (More people will have electric cars in 10 years? Unbelievable!) The usual excuse is that they are from some type of parallel dimension. Or, more accurately, we are their parallel dimension. It's a convenient excuse because it can't be proven right or wrong, you just have to take it on faith.


Senior Member
Both times I time travelled in the black car age 14 and 26 it probably created a paradox but I can remember it vividly. All the time traveller I met were from Scotland. They only time travelled to meet mentally ill people to bring them to the future.

From my memories of being tortured by people like The Mad Doctor, a man in his 60s and piecing everything together of the other time travellers visiting the same hospital, my memories of the gangs hurting me and others alongside doctors and nurses in abandoned buildings including the hospital- I'm certain Scottish gangs and or governments are just using time travel to try and torture patients they believe will never recover whilst also bringing patients to the future.

I don't think it's as innocent as tourism. These are very serious evil people
I don't wish to be drawn into any argument on time traveling. But where this topic exists of say UFOS-UAPs & ETs is stationed on the edge of believability as people are capable in a general consensus to believe.

Another periphery to the topic genre being on the edge of believability, is that in a lot of ways time travelers may seem either socially or metal-emotionally messed upped. This station of public acceptance a little more distant as far as a socially palatable topic.


Senior Member
I believe so because there a good time traveler and the bad time traveler I think they go against each other for I just don't know
That's generally frowned upon by the social side of time cops. This action could possibly cause inter-time-track friction.


Plenty of people claim to be time travelers, at least. But then their "predictions" are either wrong, or so generic that you or I could "predict" them right now and be right. (More people will have electric cars in 10 years? Unbelievable!) The usual excuse is that they are from some type of parallel dimension. Or, more accurately, we are their parallel dimension. It's a convenient excuse because it can't be proven right or wrong, you just have to take it on faith.

And they get angry when you ask questions. Who wouldn't ask questions? Many think they can get the same attention Titor did.
It never works.


Senior Member
for all practical purposes time travel doesn't exist,
every single case on here is a hoax imo.

It's a hypothetical thing.
However, it's theoretically possible
and is a fun and fascinating topic
and is very likely to be invented
at some point (most likely the VERY VERY VERY far future) and may be going on in secret
by government or some private entity underground
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