
walt willis

Senior Member
Have you tried to go on a camping trip to get far away from all the noise and see if you still can hear the whispering?

If the noise goes away it may have just been a localized thing in your environment.

If you have ever noticed the sound of a drum beat in your chest you may understand how a vibration can enter your body as sound.

good luck...


I have laid in bed at night, with no TV or any sound, and nothing happens. This doesn't happen every day, but it happens enough to freak me out.
When I do hear it, I mentally think, hell no this isn't happening. and I wont hear it again. it happens like once or twice a week. Its almost as if something is trying to get my attention. when I hear my name, I ignore it. And the incoherent whispering, like something is talking in my ear, and I cannot understand or make out what its saying.



walt willis

Senior Member
I know what this sounds like. you guys must think I'm off my head. :(

Maybe, but there may be something going on in your head other then a mental problem.

Two points I would like to present to you before you check into a nut house...

I told a friend about hearing a clear voice telling me to lay down on the back seat floor of a 56 Buick on the way to the family farm, and he told me about hearing a voice in Viet Nam telling him to more, your in danger that saved his life.

You new here so I share a web link that should better explain my story.
Aliens are real and they seem to have the ability to talk to people without a sound given.
They also can go through walls and appear out of thin air.

You may want to consider the idea that your having trouble understanding them and that is why they are being persistent.
The other thing could require medication... Either way it sounds like it is causing you some grief.
Good luck.


I know what this sounds like. you guys must think I'm off my head. :(

Maybe, but there may be something going on in your head other then a mental problem.

Not being personal towards anyone, but I think anyone with a paranormal experience that isn't experienced by other people should have a mental evaluation just to rule it out. That's how I personally analyze the paranormal. I check out all possibilities first and rule them out. If it can't be ruled out, then you definitely have something paranormal. Just my humble opinion and my own method.

Two points I would like to present to you before you check into a nut house...

First, people with a mental illness aren't "nuts". Mental illness is a physical problem with the brain. Second, nobody told him/her to do that anyway.
Discussing the paranormal is perfectly fine here on Paranormalis, hence the name. Nobody should feel afraid to.

But as I said, communication may be the key and there are ways to protect yourself from demons, including good old fashioned prayers and faith.
And no, I'm not a Bible thumper. :)


Solo, if you believe in demons, it's safe to say you believe in a God. Don't be afraid to ask your God for assistance in the matter.


Well I will go for an evaluation just to rule out any bad wiring in my head... But I highly doubt it. I know my mom is a sensitive. She can hear and speak to them. But if that's the case then why would I have only developed it now at my age?
