Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Originally posted by Ralan@Jul 22 2004, 09:50 AM
I felt sick after reading Marylin Manson's autobiography. Hoave you read it Morg?

If you're referring to the "Long hard road out of hell" book, then yes I've read it. I haven't read any other books on him though.
Who Are You?

Greetings fellow time travellers,
It has taken me a while to actually start writing in this Forum, I have always been very cautious about messageboards. Some of the ones I have been involved in have really put me off due to the conversations degenerating into purile mud-slinging and/or boorish infantile agruments that bear no relevance to the topic being discussed. So this time I have thought it wiser to read through some of the posts and to my surprise I believe I have at last found a forum where the people genuinely seem to have a healthy respect for each other and care about the subject being discussed.
I have a passionate interest in Physics, especially time travel and look forward to sharing my thoughts, concepts and insights(such as they are) as well as revelling in the thoughts, concepts and insights of you all. I do apologise for not sharing too much personal information about myself at the moment, please don't think I am being rude or enigmatic, I am merely being cautious as I am quite - for lack of a better term- a shy person.
I believe I have something to contribute to this community and I know I will expand my knowledge and experience through communication with you all. All I ask is that you be patient with me till I am confident enough to be more open about my personal life. After all, there is always TIME.

Much Obliged
The Doctor
Who Are You?

Originally posted by The Doctor@Jul 27 2004, 07:22 AM
Greetings fellow time travellers,
? It has taken me a while to actually start writing in this Forum, I have always been very cautious about messageboards. Some of the ones I have been involved in have really put me off due to the conversations degenerating into purile mud-slinging and/or boorish infantile agruments that bear no relevance to the topic being discussed. So this time I have thought it wiser to read through some of the posts and to my surprise I believe I have at last found a forum where the people genuinely seem to have a healthy respect for each other and care about the subject being discussed.
? I have a passionate interest in Physics, especially time travel and look forward to sharing my thoughts, concepts and insights(such as they are) as well as revelling in the thoughts, concepts and insights of you all. I do apologise for not sharing too much personal information about myself at the moment, please don't think I am being rude or enigmatic, I am merely being cautious as I am quite - for lack of a better term- a shy person.
? I believe I have something to contribute to this community and I know I will expand my knowledge and experience through communication with you all. All I ask is that you be patient with me till I am confident enough to be more open about my personal life. After all, there is always TIME.

Much Obliged
The Doctor
I hope you enjoy yourself here. Good to have you. :)
Who Are You?

I would also like to welcome the good doctor, and to say that he should not be put off by those of us who don't have a shred of shyness.
Who Are You?

Well, I for one agree with you Doc. Like most forums I have browsed I find the same thing, and that is part of the reason that I settled here to talk about all this. Thanks for coming on, I look forward to your posts.
Who Are You?

Hello, everybody, I'm Chris. I'm a 16-year-old teenage guy (Whoa. That was redundant.) living in beautiful, scenic, smog-infested southern California. I love Jesus. I love journalism. All those "J" words, I guess. Hahaha. Oh yeah. I'm not really into using acronyms like "lol" and "brb" outside of instant messaging conversations. Heheh. Sorry if that puts anyone off. I like reading and writing, but talking is by far my favorite thing to do. Hmmm. Maybe that's too general. What I really meant was "discussion". That's the word. Topics like time travel, astronomy, and ancient history intrigue me. Probably why I'm here. :P I'm into physics and science in general, but I'm certainly no buff in any one area of study in that department, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to help me along in the pursuit of knowledge. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll be able to return the favor. Heheh.

I look forward to contributing however I can to the ongoing discussion of time travel-related topics that goes on here. Thanks!
Who Are You?

Welcome Ender. Please feel welcome byt this community and feel free to express your ideas and opinions as we are a pretty lively and accepting bunch. You also won't find loads of lol's and brb's in peoples posts here.
Who Are You?

I'm a 72 year old ex-mechanical aircraft design engineer (BME from the University of Florida) looking into some of the Internet stuff re; Time Travel and other weird things that I didn't look at previously. I was born in California, lived in Arizona while a teenager, went into the Air Force from there and became a mechanic on Boeing B-47 six jet aircraft (at Mac Dill AFB, Tampa FL). I retired (ha!) from Bell Helicopter (Research Design) here in Texas in 1990, and then had 2 strokes in 1994 & 1995. Oh, and some open heart surgery in 2000. And now, here I iz, wanting to go back into the year 1750, or ahead into the year 2530, uhh, but just for a visit you understand!
