Who done it?


a good point @Kairos

But i dont buy gretas message.

The only thing is over abundance of plastics, but the pole shift is the real cause of climate change
In Your opinion, as you have been told before on this forum.


All it is, is divide and conquer.
In Your opinion, as you have been told before on this forum.


All it is, is divide and conquer.

No. It's a demonstrable fact. Anytime a person espouses a true right wing position, like close immigration for a long time and secure our borders, that's labeled as "far right" in an attempt to make normal people who don't want their nation destroyed by mass migration out to be Nazis or whatever.

"Far right" is a dog whistle and it's a bad move to accuse people of that because one can't defend his anti-nationalist ideas.
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Agreed... except for the leftist part... I don't think either party is truly loyal to the nation right now.
I agree. Conquer and divide. It creates confusion among people. It sets neighbor against neighbor, family against one another. It serves no purpose except to create contention.

Scripture states, do not trust in the flesh of man. But, trust in God only.

I believe this is the real right. The true right. Extremism on either side is not going to help this nation. Or the world for that matter. Passion for love, for God and others? Yes. But, increasing contention and hate which increases fear, will serve no one for the better.

I believe the world is becoming more dangerous because people are afraid of the uncertain times we live in.

Hate isn't love. Fear isn't love. Love works for the greater good.

The hate I have seen from others? I want nothing to do with it. Because, it isn't from the Savior I know. Jesus Christ. Jesus is loving and always on our side. Always supportive. Will never leave any of us, will never give up and always gives us hope.

That is passion for love. Passion doesn't involve extremism of left or right.

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