Who is going to have the Covid Jab?


Had the same thought about how it might be a way to make it so humanity can interact with anything from space
without getting hurt. However I don't think that's what it is.

I agree. I personally think this so the puppet masters can conquer the U.S. by resetting the economy so people have to rely on the government. They can take over and control all aspects of our lives and the puppet master gets richer and richer. The sad part is, nobody is fighting back or helping, and the puppet master is basically doing this to Europe, too. We once fought Hitler. Now, people vote for him.

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Soooooo, do you see the scam yet?



The Covid-19 treatment molnupiravir was developed using funding from the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense.​

A FIVE-DAY COURSE of molnupiravir, the new medicine being hailed as a “huge advance” in the treatment of Covid-19, costs $17.74 to produce, according to a report issued last week by drug pricing experts at the Harvard School of Public Health and King’s College Hospital in London. Merck is charging the U.S. government $712 for the same amount of medicine, or 40 times the price.
Last Friday’s announcement that the new medicine cut the risk of hospitalization among clinical trial participants with moderate or mild illness in half could have huge implications for the course of the coronavirus pandemic. Because it’s a pill — as opposed to monoclonal antibodies, a comparable antiviral treatment that is administered intravenously — molnupiravir is expected to be more widely used and, hopefully, will cut the death rate. In the first 29 days of the trial, no deaths were reported among the 385 patients who received the drug, while eight of the people who received a placebo died, according to the statement put out by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, the two companies that are jointly launching it.

In addition to having huge implications for health, the pill could bring staggering profits to both Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics. A small Miami-based company, Ridgeback licensed the medicine from Emory University in 2020 and two months later sold the worldwide rights to the drug to Merck for an undisclosed sum. Although Ridgeback remains involved in the development of the drug, some have described the deal as “flipping.”
Like the vast majority of medicines on the market, molnupiravir — which was originally investigated as a possible treatment for Venezuelan equine encephalitis — was developed using government funds. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, a division of the Department of Defense, provided more than $10 million of funding in 2013 and 2015 to Emory University, as research done by the nonprofit Knowledge Ecology International has revealed. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, also provided Emory with more than $19 million in additional grants.


Yet only Merck and Ridgeback will reap the profits from the new antiviral, which according to Quartz could bring in as much as $7 billion by the end of this year. After the announcement of the encouraging clinical trial results on Friday, Merck’s stock price climbed, while stock prices of some vaccine makers sagged. Despite its initial investment, the U.S. government seems to be facing a steep markup in prices. In June, the government signed a $1.2 billion contract with Merck to supply 1.7 million courses of the medication at the $712 price. The transaction is due to take place as soon as molnupiravir receives emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration.

Reasonable Terms​

Good government advocates are pointing out that because federal agencies spent at least $29 million on the drug’s development, the government has the obligation to ensure that the medicine is affordable. “The public funded this drug, and therefore the public has some rights, including the rights you have it available under reasonable terms,” said Luis Gil Abinader, senior researcher at Knowledge Ecology International.
In an interview on CNBC, Ridgeback co-founder Wendy Holman noted that the company asked for but “never got government funding” to help manufacture molnupiravir. A whistleblower complaint filed by Rick Bright, the former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, or BARDA, in May 2020, described Ridgeback’s unsuccessful efforts “to secure approximately $100 million” from BARDA to develop the drug as a Covid-19 treatment. The company’s press release about the study results also noted that “since licensed by Ridgeback, all funds used for the development of molnupiravir have been provided by Merck and by Wayne and Wendy Holman of Ridgeback.”
Abinader was critical of Ridgeback’s failure to acknowledge the government’s initial investment in the drug before the company acquired it. “What they want to do, apparently, is to shape the narrative about who paid for the development of this drug in order to avoid demands from the public to make it available at reasonable prices,” he said.
In an emailed response to questions submitted to Ridgeback Biotherapeutics for this article, Davidson Goldin wrote, “Ridgeback has never received any government funding for molnupiravir and self-funded the development of this medicine for treating SARS-CoV-2 when the government did not provide financial support.” Merck did not respond to inquiries about this article.

No Strings Attached​

Merck has promised to make molnupiravir accessible around the world and has already entered into licensing agreements with five Indian companies that manufacture generic drugs. “Merck has committed to providing timely access to molnupiravir globally, if it is authorized or approved, and plans to implement a tiered pricing approach based on World Bank country income criteria to reflect countries’ relative ability to finance their health response to the pandemic,” the company said in its announcement of the trial results on Friday. Indian companies are planning to price the drug at less than $12 for a five-day course, according to recent reports.
In the U.S., and likely in many upper-middle-income and all high-income countries, the price will be determined by the market. Noting that the treatment may be offered to people who are not yet severely sick with Covid-19, health advocates fear that will mean some in these countries will not be able to afford the new drug. “Offering someone a $700 treatment when they don’t yet feel that ill is going to mean that a lot of people are not going to take it,” said Dzintars Gotham, a physician at King’s College Hospital in London and a co-author of the report on the pricing of molnupiravir. According to the report, pricing molnupiravir at $19.99 would allow a company a 10 percent profit margin.
Melissa Barber, a doctoral candidate at the Harvard School of Public Health and co-author of the report on molnupiravir, said that, while its pricing is not as extreme as that of some other drugs, it will likely still place the antiviral out of reach of some who could benefit from it. “If you can’t afford medicine because it’s 1,000 times more than you can afford, or because it’s 100 times more than you can afford, it doesn’t matter,” said Barber. “Those are both bad.”
Barber and Gotham acknowledge that the $17.74 cost of producing a five-day course of the antiviral pills is an estimate but said that the algorithm they used, and have employed to estimate the production costs for hundreds of drugs, tends to result in overestimates in the long run.

Titorite here.....

Freaking forgot my password and facebook log in failed meh ill fix it later or ride it out if i must.
I just was passing through. Rembered us here . Read this and had to cast my vote and opinion.

I will fight to my last breath to resist this killshot. My old lady is also opposed.

Have ya seen the project vertais leaks, the nurses doctors and corporate employees that have come forward to blow the whistle?, all the medical,police and fire fighters willing to lose everything before they submit to the kill shot.

That should be a gigantic red flag right there.

To say nothing about the immunity from liability or the former pzer ceo being appointed head of the FDA...

You know.why they told us we will own nothing and we will be happy? Because dead people cant complain from the grave.

As for suffering lock down abuse and covahoax restrictions ...I give those the finger too.
I will not submit to protect the greater good from a disease with a 98 percent survivablity rate
That hasnt been fully isolated and has a prove 3 year 100 percent fatality rate in animals that was never overcome before 2019.

This vaccine kills. 10 percent at first, the other 90 3 years later en mass. By the time we see it happen it will already be too late. It is already too late.

Ladies and gentlemen , we are standing in th3 midst of the worst genocide in human history.
And we.wont be dragged down to the georgia guidestone levels of depopulation but we may lose a.billion or 2 and that lose will be beyond words.
To follow up on follow the money "Dr Fraudci & Co 2019 Why Don’t We Just Blow The System Up"

I cant post links yet but you can find that vid.via that search term. From Cspan. OCTOBER 2019.
Its short like under 10 maybe around 6 minuts or less. EVERYONE should see that cspan conference. They arw on stage discussing the plan .. jist find it and five.it a view if you dont know.about it already.

start at edge

Active Member
All happens just as it is supposed to happen – the only leaderships (governments) who have no reason to be afraid are those who do not force their people to have the vaccine and to swallow all sort of ridiculous and stupid measures, because they do not take such measures … as a result, those governments are safe from people anger and are not targets for overthrow, on the contrary, they have the trust and support of the people.
So, as a complementary conclusion, people who do not have such leadership, are not doomed to be enslaved – but only if they know what is needed to be done - I know this from my own experience. Nevertheless, waking up and realizing this, is not enough – it is also necessary to take some action … we did that and it paid off so far. Of course, it would be easier if this would happen in much more places around the world – it would be a silent support for and of each other.
As for the vaccine, it would be nice to have a database with all those who kneeled, blindly obeyed and took the vaccine … just for future reference. Most of them (with some exceptions) are the ones who slow down the liberation process and their mouths should remain silent when they will take benefit from the liberation gifted by all the others … that is why we need to know who they are. In this respect, I remind everybody again to offer all the help and support to those who lost, are losing and will lose their jobs because they have verticality and refuse to kneel before the devils … whether teachers, cops, doctors or any others.

Location: Bucharest, Romania
Date: September 15th 2021
At that point, government was already on the floor, belly-up … now (October 8th) it is half buried, head-down.
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walt willis

Senior Member
Stop calling it the "JAB"! It's a SHOT of some very nasty shit from low life budget bidder evil pricks hell bent on reducing human population on earth!


walt willis

Senior Member

start at edge

Active Member
Does anyone here remember what I said (wrote) mid January ?!?!
Have a look here:

Back then, I asked this:
1 How much does a mask cost?
2 How much does a covid19 test cost?
3 How much does a vaccine dose cost?

… someone answered: “time”

I hesitated to bring corrections then, thinking that it may either trigger panic or that I’ll be ridiculed … so I will bring those corrections now:
It would be a nice dream to only cost time … unfortunately, first and most of all it costs LIFE.
