Debate why are people still taking John Titor seriously?

Sam Slagg

Concerning the time travel aspect of this debate, how can you, personally, prove that time travel will never exist? How about in 1000 years? Do you know how advanced science and technology will be by then? Scientists already state that there is nothing in Physics preventing time travel, meaning that it isn't obsurd. It is only a matter of time before someone figures it out. This means that time travelers from all over the universe could be visiting us. This is what makes the Titor story believable. No hoaxer has developed a story so intricately as Titor has. The hoaxers stop after a few days because of all the questions. If Titor is a hoax, it was done by some very smart people. Yes. People. He definitely was a team.

I can't imagine who is saying that time travel is impossible. Certainly no one in this discussion. I have, in fact, disputed that comment several times.

As for the "Titor" narrative, there is nothing intricate about it. As with all trolls, he vanished into the ether after stirring people up. Yes, "he" stuck around for a few weeks but only responded about once a week and only to a select few posts. The only thing creative was his solution to avoid answering questions with specific"future" information which incidentally allowed"him" to continue the fantasy without providing a shred of proof.

In conclusion; is physical time travel possible? I don't know. Did "John Titor" aka timetravellr, establish himself as a legitimate time traveler? Not even close.

Sam Slagg

Well, it's not so much a critical approach as it is a personal approach.

It is both.

I was there during this entire hoax. I know what was really said and done, not just what has been posted since then. I along with at least 3 other posters made several attempts to verify at least SOME of what he posted and he flatly refused.Much of which took place in private messages, but not all. I haven't even touched on the other 100 holes in this narrative as there really is no need. One thing is clear, whomever "Titor" was, he was no time traveler.

Please specify. Please elaborate, as any information is helpful.

Also, I think you need to keep in mind that the cover story was just that, a cover story. It is a medium for conveying cryptic information. If you're taking it literally, you missed something.

I can appreciate that you are going through something you are having trouble understanding. Who are the little people you spoke of? Are we dealing with fairies, trolls, leprechauns or your average every day midgets? Seems to me that you should begin at the beginning. I hope the best for you.

I admit I am quite annoyed with you reducing my brief deposition of my personal experiences to fairies and bullshit. I suppose that is easier than actually indulging in the thought exercise.

I challenge you to actually THINK, and assist me in processing this information rather than being so quick to reject it.
I am not rejecting anything. It was a legitimate question. I am more than happy to try to help if I can. But understand that time travel may not necessarily be the only solution.


Concerning the time travel aspect of this debate, how can you, personally, prove that time travel will never exist? How about in 1000 years? Do you know how advanced science and technology will be by then? Scientists already state that there is nothing in Physics preventing time travel, meaning that it isn't obsurd. It is only a matter of time before someone figures it out. This means that time travelers from all over the universe could be visiting us. This is what makes the Titor story believable. No hoaxer has developed a story so intricately as Titor has. The hoaxers stop after a few days because of all the questions. If Titor is a hoax, it was done by some very smart people. Yes. People. He definitely was a team.

I can't imagine who is saying that time travel is impossible. Certainly no one in this discussion. I have, in fact, disputed that comment several times.

It was somewhere on these forums, then. I have a bad memory. Sorry.

Sam Slagg

Concerning the time travel aspect of this debate, how can you, personally, prove that time travel will never exist? How about in 1000 years? Do you know how advanced science and technology will be by then? Scientists already state that there is nothing in Physics preventing time travel, meaning that it isn't obsurd. It is only a matter of time before someone figures it out. This means that time travelers from all over the universe could be visiting us. This is what makes the Titor story believable. No hoaxer has developed a story so intricately as Titor has. The hoaxers stop after a few days because of all the questions. If Titor is a hoax, it was done by some very smart people. Yes. People. He definitely was a team.

I can't imagine who is saying that time travel is impossible. Certainly no one in this discussion. I have, in fact, disputed that comment several times.

It was somewhere on these forums, then. I have a bad memory. Sorry.
No problem. I'm sure it has been said here many times but it is not my view . I don't have the knowledge to make that statement, though I doubt anyone else here does either.

Sam Slagg

And just for the record, fairies, trolls, leprechauns and regular midgets do exist....I just know it!
lol "Regular midgets", since ya know, some are irregular... :p

Well, it's not so much a critical approach as it is a personal approach.

It is both.

I was there during this entire hoax. I know what was really said and done, not just what has been posted since then. I along with at least 3 other posters made several attempts to verify at least SOME of what he posted and he flatly refused.Much of which took place in private messages, but not all. I haven't even touched on the other 100 holes in this narrative as there really is no need. One thing is clear, whomever "Titor" was, he was no time traveler.

Please specify. Please elaborate, as any informatio.

Also, I think you need to keep in mind that the cover story was just that, a cover story. It is a medium for conveying cryptic information. If you're taking it literally, you missed something.

I can appreciate that you are going through something you are having trouble understanding. Who are the little people you spoke of? Are we dealing with fairies, trolls, leprechauns or your average every day midgets? Seems to me that you should begin at the beginning. I hope the best for you.

I admit I am quite annoyed with you reducing my brief deposition of my personal experiences to fairies and bullshit. I suppose that is easier than actually indulging in the thought exercise.

I challenge you to actually THINK, and assist me in processing this information rather than being so quick to reject it.
And just for the record, fairies, trolls, leprechauns and regular midgets do exist....I just know it!
lol "Regular midgets", since ya know, some are irregular... :p
And just for the record, fairies, trolls, leprechauns and regular midgets do exist....I just know it!
lol "Regular midgets", since ya know, some are irregular... :p
There has to be riiiiiiiight?


I can't imagine who is saying that time travel is impossible. Certainly no one in this discussion. I have, in fact, disputed that comment several times.

It was somewhere on these forums, then. I have a bad memory. Sorry.
No problem. I'm sure it has been said here many times but it is not my view . I don't have the knowledge to make that statement, though I doubt anyone else here does either.

I just replied. Wasn't aiming it at anyone. Read the posts yesterday. Came back today and thought someone said time travel didn't exist. Must've been somewhere else. :)

Sam Slagg

Well, it's not so much a critical approach as it is a personal approach.

It is both.

I was there during this entire hoax. I know what was really said and done, not just what has been posted since then. I along with at least 3 other posters made several attempts to verify at least SOME of what he posted and he flatly refused.Much of which took place in private messages, but not all. I haven't even touched on the other 100 holes in this narrative as there really is no need. One thing is clear, whomever "Titor" was, he was no time traveler.

Please specify. Please elaborate, as any information is helpful.

Also, I think you need to keep in mind that the cover story was just that, a cover story. It is a medium for conveying cryptic information. If you're taking it literally, you missed something.

I can appreciate that you are going through something you are having trouble understanding. Who are the little people you spoke of? Are we dealing with fairies, trolls, leprechauns or your average every day midgets? Seems to me that you should begin at the beginning. I hope the best for you.

I admit I am quite annoyed with you reducing my brief deposition of my personal experiences to fairies and bullshit. I suppose that is easier than actually indulging in the thought exercise.

I challenge you to actually THINK, and assist me in processing this information rather than being so quick to reject it.
You are "annoyed" with me? You're funny. I annoy myself too. You know what I do when that happens? I ignore myself. Oh yeah...I give myself the ole silent treatment. It really pisses me off when I do that but I always make up with myself afterwards know..."make-up sex"'s really a win-win...


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
And just for the record, fairies, trolls, leprechauns and regular midgets do exist....I just know it!
lol "Regular midgets", since ya know, some are irregular... :p

Well, it's not so much a critical approach as it is a personal approach.

It is both.

I was there during this entire hoax. I know what was really said and done, not just what has been posted since then. I along with at least 3 other posters made several attempts to verify at least SOME of what he posted and he flatly refused.Much of which took place in private messages, but not all. I haven't even touched on the other 100 holes in this narrative as there really is no need. One thing is clear, whomever "Titor" was, he was no time traveler.

Please specify. Please elaborate, as any informatio.

Also, I think you need to keep in mind that the cover story was just that, a cover story. It is a medium for conveying cryptic information. If you're taking it literally, you missed something.

I can appreciate that you are going through something you are having trouble understanding. Who are the little people you spoke of? Are we dealing with fairies, trolls, leprechauns or your average every day midgets? Seems to me that you should begin at the beginning. I hope the best for you.

I admit I am quite annoyed with you reducing my brief deposition of my personal experiences to fairies and bullshit. I suppose that is easier than actually indulging in the thought exercise.

I challenge you to actually THINK, and assist me in processing this information rather than being so quick to reject it.
And just for the record, fairies, trolls, leprechauns and regular midgets do exist....I just know it!
lol "Regular midgets", since ya know, some are irregular... :p
And just for the record, fairies, trolls, leprechauns and regular midgets do exist....I just know it!
lol "Regular midgets", since ya know, some are irregular... :p
There has to be riiiiiiiight?
Well, it's not so much a critical approach as it is a personal approach.

It is both.

I was there during this entire hoax. I know what was really said and done, not just what has been posted since then. I along with at least 3 other posters made several attempts to verify at least SOME of what he posted and he flatly refused.Much of which took place in private messages, but not all. I haven't even touched on the other 100 holes in this narrative as there really is no need. One thing is clear, whomever "Titor" was, he was no time traveler.

Please specify. Please elaborate, as any information is helpful.

Also, I think you need to keep in mind that the cover story was just that, a cover story. It is a medium for conveying cryptic information. If you're taking it literally, you missed something.

I can appreciate that you are going through something you are having trouble understanding. Who are the little people you spoke of? Are we dealing with fairies, trolls, leprechauns or your average every day midgets? Seems to me that you should begin at the beginning. I hope the best for you.

I admit I am quite annoyed with you reducing my brief deposition of my personal experiences to fairies and bullshit. I suppose that is easier than actually indulging in the thought exercise.

I challenge you to actually THINK, and assist me in processing this information rather than being so quick to reject it.
You are "annoyed" with me? You're funny. I annoy myself too. You know what I do when that happens? I ignore myself. Oh yeah...I give myself the ole silent treatment. It really pisses me off when I do that but I always make up with myself afterwards know..."make-up sex"'s really a win-win...
