Why Calls for Gun Control are a Cleverly Laid Deception


Think outside the mind
San Bernardino really brought it all full circle. For years now, after every mass shooting event, President Barack Obama has taken to his bully pulpit to try to shove gun control legislation down America’s throat. He has shamelessly politicized tragedy after tragedy, even going so far as to say just that one time, wagering that politicizing the tragedy was better than not putting his message out there.

Does it make sense? Well, of course gun control makes sense. America does have a gun problem, and you can roll all sorts of statistics to validate your point if that is what you believe. We can all debate the finer points on whether our Constitutional forefathers ever envisioned the rise of assault weapons and whether or not the Second Amendment should protect machines of such awesome and efficient killing power. We can all debate whether we need a better system for just how guns are acquired. And yes, we can even go all-in Texas Hold’em-style and ask the question if guns should just be outlawed altogether. Are all of these legitimate questions? Perhaps. There’s only one problem, and it is the reason for the last eight years conspiracy theorists have pointed to Barack Obama’s pleas for action as the ultimate proof that gun control is the ultimate goal of his regime. The problem is that calling for gun control may be legit or not, but it has nothing to do with the events it is being attached to.

San Bernardino brought it all together. It’s California. They already have the strictest gun laws in the country. And, in fact, those laws in California are actually stricter than anything that has been seriously brought forward on a national level. It didn’t work. The terrorists still got their weapons. They still committed mass murder. You can pine for gun control all you like, but to try to attach it to this only invalidates your whole position. But if this were the only instance of that, it might not matter. Unfortunately for those that favor gun confiscation, this is a recurring theme. Look back at all of the mass shootings. An overwhelming majority of them would not have been stopped by any of the laws that are being proposed.

So, why go there? That’s easy. The powers-that-be know what they are doing. They try to take advantage of a delicate situation where Americans are appropriately outraged to try to push that agenda… you know the one… how can we just stand by and do nothing?

There is a preponderance of evidence that gun-free zone laws may have contributed more to mass shootings than anything else. Does this ever come up in the mainstream media? Of course not. Gun control has nothing to do with stopping mass shootings, and it certainly has nothing to do with deadly terrorist attacks. It goes much, much further than that, and that is the reason you keep hearing about it when it seems disjointed at best. They want to disarm the American public. They want those guns turned in and rendered useless. They wanted it to happen yesterday. Are these false-flag operations designed to get America on board with giving up their guns? Or is it simple the government capitalizing on a convenient situation? That’s the real questions we should all be asking. And is this a massive conspiracy being executed by the American government or a cog in the wheel of a much bigger conspiracy, such as the New World Order movement? Common Sense Conspiracy wants to hear your opinions. What do you think? What is gun control really all about, and where will it go from here?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
I think this is conservative, as I've seen estimates that more than 60 million people died in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917. Even so, it should get the point across.

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Senior Member
Thanks for the info Martian...it is alarming. When people loose their guns they loose their control and become easy prey for dictatorships...if you don't do what they want, you get killed cause you can't fight back. Gun registration is like a two edged sword. It makes sense, to most people, that this is an attempt to keep guns away from convicted felons and mentally unstable individuals but what I've told people for years is that gun registration and permit lists enable the government an easy way of knowing who has the guns and where to go to collect them if they haven't voluntarily been turned over. The lucky ones are those that aren't on any list...but they may be out numbered.

Chip Lewis

San Bernardino really brought it all full circle. For years now, after every mass shooting event, President Barack Obama has taken to his bully pulpit to try to shove gun control legislation down America’s throat. He has shamelessly politicized tragedy after tragedy, even going so far as to say just that one time, wagering that politicizing the tragedy was better than not putting his message out there.

Does it make sense? Well, of course gun control makes sense. America does have a gun problem, and you can roll all sorts of statistics to validate your point if that is what you believe. We can all debate the finer points on whether our Constitutional forefathers ever envisioned the rise of assault weapons and whether or not the Second Amendment should protect machines of such awesome and efficient killing power. We can all debate whether we need a better system for just how guns are acquired. And yes, we can even go all-in Texas Hold’em-style and ask the question if guns should just be outlawed altogether. Are all of these legitimate questions? Perhaps. There’s only one problem, and it is the reason for the last eight years conspiracy theorists have pointed to Barack Obama’s pleas for action as the ultimate proof that gun control is the ultimate goal of his regime. The problem is that calling for gun control may be legit or not, but it has nothing to do with the events it is being attached to.

San Bernardino brought it all together. It’s California. They already have the strictest gun laws in the country. And, in fact, those laws in California are actually stricter than anything that has been seriously brought forward on a national level. It didn’t work. The terrorists still got their weapons. They still committed mass murder. You can pine for gun control all you like, but to try to attach it to this only invalidates your whole position. But if this were the only instance of that, it might not matter. Unfortunately for those that favor gun confiscation, this is a recurring theme. Look back at all of the mass shootings. An overwhelming majority of them would not have been stopped by any of the laws that are being proposed.

So, why go there? That’s easy. The powers-that-be know what they are doing. They try to take advantage of a delicate situation where Americans are appropriately outraged to try to push that agenda… you know the one… how can we just stand by and do nothing?

There is a preponderance of evidence that gun-free zone laws may have contributed more to mass shootings than anything else. Does this ever come up in the mainstream media? Of course not. Gun control has nothing to do with stopping mass shootings, and it certainly has nothing to do with deadly terrorist attacks. It goes much, much further than that, and that is the reason you keep hearing about it when it seems disjointed at best. They want to disarm the American public. They want those guns turned in and rendered useless. They wanted it to happen yesterday. Are these false-flag operations designed to get America on board with giving up their guns? Or is it simple the government capitalizing on a convenient situation? That’s the real questions we should all be asking. And is this a massive conspiracy being executed by the American government or a cog in the wheel of a much bigger conspiracy, such as the New World Order movement? Common Sense Conspiracy wants to hear your opinions. What do you think? What is gun control really all about, and where will it go from here?

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
More guns equals less crime. That's proven over the past 25 years. Mass shootings haven't slowed, neither have they increased in frequency over that period of time.


Active Member
The CONstitution is garbage. The second amendment has nothing to do with the right to self defense. It is about allowing limited property to facilitate a militia to protect the state. It is essentially saying that you are allowed to have guns, just in case the militia is called to action.

You have the right to defense against any threat to yourself, family, property and tribe/village by any and all means necessary and/or available. It is not limited to property, or to anything other than being on the defense.

You have a right to own whatever property you earned or has been gifted to you. It is not limited to guns or anything specific, only that it is rightfully owned.

You do not need parchment to exercise your rights, or need it to legally violate them. No one(including members of the criminal gang called government) has a right to regulate or deny your property or right to self defense.

The real issue with gun control is that the idea even exists.
