Why the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Gay Marriage Could Be Every Republican’s Best Friend — Then...


Think outside the mind
The debate about gay marriage is nothing new in America. It has been issues in presidential elections for decades now, and only in the last few years did it look like a day like today was ever going to come. But it has happened. The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional, and

No Confederate flags at this party.

now all 50 states have to participate in gay marriage whether they like it or not.
On the surface, this may seem like a damning moment for the Republican Party and Christians throughout America (which mostly happen to be one and the same, incidentally). Also on the surface, it may seem like a huge win for President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Well, these observations are absolutely true, although Common Sense Conspiracy points out that there is only one real political party in the United States, and you can bet that these landmark rulings are all part of the plan of that one party. Disappointment or elation on either side may be genuine to those members of the parties that are not privy to the big picture, but when it is all said and done, this is just another part of a plan that is being set into motion with or without the will of the people it is being administered to. Having said that, if we look a little beyond the surface, this could be a pivotal moment for the Republican Party and the 2016 Presidential Election.
You see, Democrats were fully prepared to ride two issues that the Supreme Court just nullified into 2016. They were going to beat into everyone’s head about how Republicans would never allow gay marriage. How Republicans would repeal ObamaCare and take everyone’s friendly, subsidized insurance away. Well, as of today, these two issues are done and over. The Supreme Court ended the last reasonable or unreasonable legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act (which some are now calling SCOTUS-Care because of the unusual lengths the court has had to go to keep the law alive), and now gay marriage is the law of the land. So two of the biggest issues that the Republican Party was on the short end of the stick on just became non-issues. This forces the Democratic Party to focus on new issues which they are not nearly as strong on. Ahem…national defense. ISIS taking over the Middle East. Spiraling debt and out-of-control spending. This would be a great opportunity for some of the huge Republican field to say that is that and now we are moving on. So, you see, the nullification of these major issues could be the very thing that springs a Republican candidate into the White House or at least into serious contention.
Having said all of that, now we turn to the second part of the title of this article. Why it won’t be? We just showed you why the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage could be a godsend for the Republican Party. But it won’t be. Why? Because the candidates that the Republican Party keeps putting up for the nomination are all too hard-headed to realize when you’re beat, lose with class, and move on. Instead, we have Mike Huckabee vowing to continue to fight same-sex marriage, even hinting that civil disobedience is not out of the question. The best response so far out of a Republican candidate is just to stern disapproval. No one so far has taken the opportunity that has been handed to him or her on a silver plate. This is the time to save face. This is the time to actually look good on an issue. We disagreed with it. We fought it. We lost. Now we must get back to real issues that plague our nation instead of trying to legislate what happens in people’s bedrooms. Is there a candidate out there that will seize the moment?
Almost definitely not. They all believe they will lose the votes of the religious right if they don’t come out guns blazing. And yet, the votes they are really losing are those more toward the middle, who with these two social issues off the table might have been more likely to lean in their direction in the upcoming election.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


Senior Member
Over here in Great Britain we had same sex marriages approved by the government.

It made me sick in 2010 when the main three political parties here were all clamouring to get gay peoples vote for the upcoming election, when only a few years earlier they were all trying to act like Christians saying that gay marriage should not be allowed!!..ad nauseum..
