Debate will corona virus overwhelm the planet?

will corona virus overwhelm the planet? poll

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start at edge

Active Member
well if it is a elevated processing quantum computer you might reconsider EPROQ
Right now there is very little that could be elevated in a quantum computer processing .. maybe interconnecting two or more of them would generate more computing power, but even one single quantum computer has such huge computing power that humans are way behind, as they have no application (software) that needs even 1% of that power .. it seems we need to catch up a lot.


Active Member
IF I knew a timetraveler he woud had said to me and to the world !!!!
Okay. I think the way to stop the cornovirus is to go back in the past to make sure it never happened at all.


Temporal Engineer
It's sad to say but I have a feeling this virus will go on for years and years. Anybody else feel this way?

I think what will happen is everyone will eventually get the coronavirus and develop a natural immunity to it. Because it is so contagious I can see not more than a 6 month span.


Senior Member
Im not so sure about places like Syria, Yemen and the Rohingas refugee camps. Or for that any refugee camp.

Will be hard to contain.


Junior Member
Well 6 months are a lot for some countries ... have you seen Ecuador ? Watch that country and immagine what would it happens if that situation goes the same ways for 6 months ! As for the other countries as you are seeing are in the corners of the ring and don’t know how to fight back . They can’t sacrifice anymore the moneys so guess what . They will sacrifice the people ! Get out doesn’t matter if you die go and work ... they have to use a protocol providing the neccessary to people ... with as many low costs ... on lives .

start at edge

Active Member
If it is alien in nature, then the source has to be very close, maybe even here on earth among us. This type of virus can not live on its own for too long. After some time in a hostile environment, it dies. Once dead, it can not be brought back to life by anything – it’s gone. This span is in matter of days, so if, like some people suggest, it comes from very far away (transported by some meteorite, for example), that means it traveled hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of years through space.
The problem is that this virus spreads incredibly fast and it does so because it gives absolutely no signs and symptoms for about 2 weeks from the moment it settles in the body of the infected person. During this time it multiplies and gets to other people (which again, will not notice anything for about 2 weeks). At this rate, it is no wonder it spread around the whole world in matter of days, as in our days people travel all over the world all the time. From the beginning (in Wuhan) until now, it seems that the virus suffered some small mutations and divided into a few subcategories. What is very mean is that those small mutations did not affect its multiplying rate or its incubation time. The good news though, is that those mutations made it a little less aggressive, yet it remained extremely dangerous.
From the very beginning, scientists all over the world, after studying this issue, agreed that it will eventually infect all people on the planet. The danger of final effects (death) is, like in many, many other processes, a “Gaussian” chart. The immense majority of the population gets infected by the virus, but has strong enough immunity to defeat the virus and create antibodies, most of them carrying the disease on their feat, some of them needing to be hospitalized and get medical help. Some people have their immune system very weak, whether hereditary or weakened by some other affections (heart, lungs, liver, blood, age, etc.) – some of those, even under medical observation and treatment, are too weak and don’t make it. The very interesting part is that there are people (very few) who do not get infected by the virus. A study on this would be very interesting. My guess is that those people (very few) already have antibodies in their organism, maybe from a previous attack of some similar virus that they got some time ago. It seems that those scientist were right – there is no way that someone on the planet will not get infected by this virus, even if it takes several years. Once the virus got among people, it is carried further all the time and it does fatal damage (kills) whenever it encounters a person with weakened immune system, even in spite of a vaccine (which we all hope will be developed soon). It is the same as in the case of regular flu – there were vaccines developed, but some people die from it every time there is an epidemic in various parts of the world, even if vaccinated (their immune system has become weakened, there were small virus mutations the vaccine ignores, they got older, etc.).
What the medical authorities try to achieve, is to keep people at home (isolation, social distancing, quarantine) in order to not get infected, until a vaccine is developed or/and more efficient treatment is found – then the chances of prevention and cure are much bigger.
Anyway, it is worthy to keep in mind that we ALL will eventually be infected – there is no doubt about that.
