Debate will corona virus overwhelm the planet?

will corona virus overwhelm the planet? poll

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Junior Member
The coronavirus is/was listed on sanitary disinfectant wipes before it ever became a "thing". It is a mutation of Sars/Mars. It is nothing to the normal functioning immune system. More like the flu and easily processed as a virus. It only effects the old with compromised immune systems, and the young without developed immune systems (normal for a virus).

It is not a pandemic. Or a means of population control (though some wish it were).

The only pandemic is public fear.

Remember, this is during an election year in which socialism wishes to take control. Therefore we are experiencing global media false news.

Read Ayn Rands Anthem if need be.

The pandemic of fear is caused by socialist/communist values. Which in turn create a desire in the public for the government to take control. Yet, this leads to our own demise...

Truth. Live. Love. Think beyond their agenda, to love yourself!

Power and control is a selfish man's thing...
I see the book you have suggested and it looks interesting so I will try get it to read it, but my opinions hear I derive from the novel “nineteen-eighty four” by George Orwell! One of the greatest books I’ve read and so true in connection to big brother and what our future reality looks like.
Read it... It will help you to understand no one controls you.

Deplete your mind of what our future looks like, and give what is (the future) a chance!


Junior Member
This is nothing compared to 1918. And, darling I know how powerful belief is...

Didn't read but one line of your post to know you're full of fear like the rest of the world.

And, I know whom is behind it. Not the good you think...

Sorry. Saw another line just now. I'm the least afraid of reality you've met.

You don't know whom you're talking to... Do you.
Don’t you think fear is important sometimes because, scared people take action and don’t just sit there. Sure some will want protection and let other people have the power like the people who aren’t scared all. Which seems to be what you want to do. The strong ones will fight for themselves and what they believe is right. You would be a classic example of a proletariat, someone who doesn’t care about questioning the government because they are too washed by mainstream bullshit and too lazy to care and take action against corrupt government.


Junior Member
Of co
Read it... It will help you to understand no one controls you.

Deplete your mind of what our future looks like, and give what is (the future) a chance!
of course I know that no one controls me, but that doesn’t deny the fact that other people would want to harm others against their will. Psychopaths and narcissists are everywhere. Rapists, murderers child traffickers and a lot of them in our government power it’s disgusting.


Junior Member
The only way for us to achieve the utopian future is to educate people enough of what’s killing the planet, so we can all collectively manifest a greater reality.

Don’t you think fear is important sometimes because, scared people take action and don’t just sit there. Sure some will want protection and let other people have the power like the people who aren’t scared all. Which seems to be what you want to do. The strong ones will fight for themselves and what they believe is right. You would be a classic example of a proletariat, someone who doesn’t care about questioning the government because they are too washed by mainstream bullshit and too lazy to care and take action against corrupt government.
You're talking to someone whom was fearless in my youth. I joined the Coast Guard. Literally top of my class. I rode ocean waves and came up laughing when I was pummeled hard by waves. I climbed 800 ft in the air on rock with a partner, ropes and gear.

Then, later in life I learned fear and what it holds you back from... Living.

No. Scared people react in panic. Panicked people lose their lives, in the end.

The government isn't here to save you. They are responsible for protecting your rights. That's it.

I'm of a generation that believes in your freedom. And, so are those in current office...

Bernie/Biden? Will do nothing but destroy our freedom further.

You want that?

I've already fought for you in more ways than one.

If I must step up to the plate a fourth time... I will.


Junior Member
You're talking to someone whom was fearless in my youth. I joined the Coast Guard. Literally top of my class. I rode ocean waves and came up laughing when I was pummeled hard by waves. I climbed 800 ft in the air on rock with a partner, ropes and gear.

Then, later in life I learned fear and what it holds you back from... Living.

No. Scared people react in panic. Panicked people lose their lives, in the end.

The government isn't here to save you. They are responsible for protecting your rights. That's it.

I'm of a generation that believes in your freedom. And, so are those in current office...

Bernie/Biden? Will do nothing but destroy our freedom further.

You want that?

I've already fought for you in more ways than one.

If I must step up to the plate a fourth time... I will.
Sorry to disappoint you buddy but I’m Australian. And I don’t give any shits about the American government who is literally the most corrupt of all. I don’t respect the American government and military especially for how they have created so much fear among poorer communities ambushing them for their oil. The military might be looked after by the government because the military are their bitches basically but they don’t respect the people of the country. No problem in this world be it scientific, social, business or spiritual, cannot be solved without identifying or acknowledging the issue.
You do realize the extent the US has given to this world? Maybe you don't remember world war 2.... How we stopped the genocide of innocent people from occurring. Maybe you don't remember we've given trillions in aid to other nations... To help them in time of need only to be taken advantage of.

You're country was started with criminals!

Should we judge you for such?

Stop the hate if you wish a Utopia... You so heavily speak of. We have done our part! One of the last free countries in the world!

Obviously you weren't born in a year of reality and perspective.

Gain it.


Junior Member
You do realize the extent the US has given to this world? Maybe you don't remember world war 2.... How we stopped the genocide of innocent people from occurring. Maybe you don't remember we've given trillions in aid to other nations... To help them in time of need only to be taken advantage of.

You're country was started with criminals!

Should we judge you for such?

Stop the hate if you wish a Utopia... You so heavily speak of before.

Obviously you weren't born in a year of reality and perspective.

Gain it.
You cannot create peace with war. I understand that so this is where I raise my white flag because war gets no where. One reason why utopia cannot be possible is because while they are still creating military for war that will always manifest the energy for war.


Senior Member
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
