Will Trump be the last president of USA ?


Active Member
Before we plunge into this, may I throw a few points;
* Many astrologists say he will be the last. But I don t believe them and this is not the base of this tread.so don t go crystal ball horseshit..
* Those who think that USA is bad or evil are wrong. In fact it is a great nation, has many think tanks, & the majority US are quite good people. So set the politics aside & look positively to US in general.

Trump seems to be thin skin, man-child character..wanna build a wall on Mexico? .let me see what ur gonna do w china who actually invaded & occupied the entire south China sea & filled it with artificial islands armed to the teeth like a lion leaving his urine everywhere to marking his undisputed territory....US Asian allies in are like virgins(or horz) getting raped daily. what u wanna do Mr GW, nuke china ? naaah cannot...negotiate? they already showed u the middle finger...I will buy popcorn & watch u Mr.GW(gold wig) swallow ur threats....To lead u need 2 b calm, thick skin, & think twice b4 u talk..this may cause disintegration of USA..something may not be good for the world..
What do you think ? and WHY ?


Active Member
Before we plunge into this, may I throw a few points;
* Many astrologists say he will be the last. But I don t believe them and this is not the base of this tread.so don t go crystal ball horseshit..
* Those who think that USA is bad or evil are wrong. In fact it is a great nation, has many think tanks, & the majority US are quite good people. So set the politics aside & look positively to US in general.

Trump seems to be thin skin, man-child character..wanna build a wall on Mexico? .let me see what ur gonna do w china who actually invaded & occupied the entire south China sea & filled it with artificial islands armed to the teeth like a lion leaving his urine everywhere to marking his undisputed territory....US Asian allies in are like virgins(or horz) getting raped daily. what u wanna do Mr GW, nuke china ? naaah cannot...negotiate? they already showed u the middle finger...I will buy popcorn & watch u Mr.GW(gold wig) swallow ur threats....To lead u need 2 b calm, thick skin, & think twice b4 u talk..this may cause disintegration of USA..something may not be good for the world..
What do you think ? and WHY ?

I do not think so myself. But there will be a fundamental change in policy and laws concerning the President when this man is over trashing the Oval Office and our Constitution.


Before we plunge into this, may I throw a few points;
* Many astrologists say he will be the last. But I don t believe them and this is not the base of this tread.so don t go crystal ball horseshit..
* Those who think that USA is bad or evil are wrong. In fact it is a great nation, has many think tanks, & the majority US are quite good people. So set the politics aside & look positively to US in general.

Trump seems to be thin skin, man-child character..wanna build a wall on Mexico? .let me see what ur gonna do w china who actually invaded & occupied the entire south China sea & filled it with artificial islands armed to the teeth like a lion leaving his urine everywhere to marking his undisputed territory....US Asian allies in are like virgins(or horz) getting raped daily. what u wanna do Mr GW, nuke china ? naaah cannot...negotiate? they already showed u the middle finger...I will buy popcorn & watch u Mr.GW(gold wig) swallow ur threats....To lead u need 2 b calm, thick skin, & think twice b4 u talk..this may cause disintegration of USA..something may not be good for the world..
What do you think ? and WHY ?

I do not think so myself. But there will be a fundamental change in policy and laws concerning the President when this man is over trashing the Oval Office and our Constitution.

What? Obama was trashing our constitution. Wanted to take our guns away. Slowly making it illegal to be Christian. Those are just a few examples. The liberals are against free-speech --A man can't even give a simple lecture at a university without a violent leftist riot involving fire.

No, he won't be the last president and I am encouraging his daughter to become the first female president of the United States.
