World that never was


Senior Member
People ask me why we don't have flying cars or men on mars. Actually, the answer is easy. OK so imagine that you are the 21st century equivalent of the Wright Brothers and you build in your back yard a rocket to go to the moon. Home land insecurity would arrest you. That is why we have less tech, because we are a politically correct police state that always finds a new law to pass. If we were free, people would go every day to the moon. There would even be ZPE devices in every home - ZPE is zero point energy.

Sadly, that is not our case. If we had our current type of government which is a repressive regime, back in the 1700's there would now be no gas cars. After all, gasoline is explosive and dangerous to use. Please add that there would be no electricity - it is also dangerous to use.

I can imagine some newspapers... of course there would be no radio, TV or movies, screaming - another child was electrocuted today, we must ban the wire. Only then we can be safe and secure.

Rich people would have horse drawn carriages. Alas, as for the poor... they would walk miles and middle class citizens would use bicycles, but you do not believe me. I have seen alternate time lines where they have teleporters in 2016 and robots are common. There are no more wars. People live in peace. Frankly, the world of the jet sons did come true, but not for us. Sadly, for us it is the world that never was.



Senior Member
People ask me why we don't have flying cars or men on mars. Actually, the answer is easy. OK so imagine that you are the 21st century equivalent of the Wright Brothers and you build in your back yard a rocket to go to the moon. Home land insecurity would arrest you. That is why we have less tech, because we are a politically correct police state that always finds a new law to pass. If we were free, people would go every day to the moon. There would even be ZPE devices in every home - ZPE is zero point energy.


This post was written in Mar. 2016...and I found something today. So, we can talk about WHY and what can we do to change it?

What I found is that USA did not want to sell Xeon processors to China (Everything we buy now, comes from know).

So, Chinese building their Microprocessors big time...and soon supersede is like that ZPE. They may come up with one, unless we also go for it...

China...China builds world’s fastest supercomputer without U.S. chips

OH...I can build a ZPE...with tons of money...but that is a different issue.


The Jetsons was an amazing show! I remember when it was shown on Cartoon Network. That show was way better than virtually every show Cartoon Network has on today.
