Your scariest experience


Hey guys, let me share my scariest experience with you-

One night in my previous home, I was asleep. I felt something watching me, so when I opened my eyes I saw this creature, bald and marble like skin, lying next to me watching me sleep. I shot up in bed, looked over and it was gone. I even felt the covers. I have no idea if that was a genuine experience with the paranormal or an hallucination, but it scared the crap out if me. I shared mine, whats yours? [emoji33]


Active Member
I was in a restroom of a cafeteria on a college campus years ago. I had been dealing with a situation involving a haunting and a guy who was sometimes possessed. Something invisible hit me in the abdomen as I was approaching the door to return to the cafeteria. I made a comment that it wasn't too bad (as far as pain goes), then it immediately happened again. I turned out ok, but that was the only time I ever got attacked by something I couldn't see.


Thats hectic. It obviously didn't want you in the cafeteria. Could you tell me more on the possessed guy? If you don't mind?


Active Member
It was a decade ago. He was my neighbor in the dorm. Looked like a normal guy. At first the possession only took place when he was drunk. And yes, I can tell the difference between a drunk guy and a possessed one. The alcohol seemed to weaken his mind, though, and let something else in. He started saying all kinds of evil things, and eventually it transferred to my roommate. I knew in advance that it would happen, because I was a psychic, and he ended up moving out. The guy who was originally possessed ended up ok, but you can imagine my discomfort in interacting with him. By this time, the dorm had taken on a rather nasty smell. Everyone I talked to thought the place was haunted. The funny thing about the possessed guy is that he breathed like a yogi when he was letting the demon in. Yoga in general I think is ok, but I suspect it has more power than most people know.
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Was this guy playing with Oracles? Like ouija and stuff. And why did it move to your roomate? Sorry for so many questions but I am very interested in demons and possession. From an educational point of view.


Active Member
I couldn't tell you what he was playing with, Ouija or otherwise. My interaction with him literally only spanned a few months. As for the reason for transferring to my roommate, I suspected at the time that it wanted to remain hidden. We can't see spirits usually, and it certainly seemed unhappy that I was on to it.


They are usually like that though. I have just read an article about saying Demons names out loud is a bad idea. Is that true?


Active Member
I couldn't say for sure, but I've heard something similar. More to the point, I've heard that knowing a demon's name gives you power over it. Whether this is true or not, I cannot verify, and I never learned the name of the spirit I encountered.

There is something peculiar about speech which allows some words to have meaning when spoken backward. The possessed guy was actually listening to song lyrics that were satanic when reversed. That's how I learned about it. It's like part of our language has some inherent power.


Active Member
Yeah, I tend to believe that most of it is just a publicity stunt, but once in a while some things seem legit. He seemed particularly preoccupied with Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin), but Tool was also something he liked. Lots of kabbalah stuff there if you watch Tool's videos.
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