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  • I have been seeing these large random bursts of white light lately, i am not sure what they are but they appear randomly, a few weeks ago i was working late and i looked in my co-workers cube and all of a sudden it just lit up in this bright white light for just a quick second and faded, i have seen it a few times since then.
    @8thsinner Sure, but you have to rule out everything. He could have a serious health problem. And if he doesn't, then he can explore the paranormal. I'm a believer, but I care about people and want to make sure they are ok. He doesn't have to follow my advice, but I recommend it.
    So i went to a eye doctor awhile back and i do have a degenerative eye disease that left untreated will cause me to go blind by the time i am 50, but the flashes i had seen "have not seen them since" i am probably doing a really bad job at explaining it, but imagine a centralize very white bright light, the light only shows in a certain radius "aka a office cube" But does not go outside of it. I have not seen anything since, strangeness with me tends to be really sporadic lol
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    Ok, great to know you've seen a doctor. I was just worried. My son saw black dots and turned out to be diabetes! I'm glad you're ok. Now, why exactly is this spirit hanging around? Time to find out.
    I often wonder what the history books will say about this era, fast forward 200+ years and grab a history book and see what it says, i can only imagine what people will think.
    "A new dawn for humanity as we entered the technological age... and all became mindless morons glued to a screen."
    I go with
    they will twist it bass ackwards five ways to sunday...
    grandpa told me history is written by the victor...
    right now the liers seem to be winning:(:(
    Just like our generations asked why Hitler was allowed to commit genocide, future children will be asking teachers why nobody stopped the fossil fuel extraction from killing millions of people while the world was already suffering the consequences.
    Had another incident of Deja Vu, it seems weird but it felt like i stepped directly into a set time and space, and once i did the dream i had almost 10 years ago flashed back to me and i realized i dreamt about this exact situation down to the smallest detail. I just hope no more come true.
    Had a mid dream Lucid moment, it was freaky, felt like i was actually in the moment, i remember it so vividly and at the time honestly felt like i was in the situation of not wearing any pants in a parking lot.
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    It was the first time i was actually completely into the dream, i honestly could not tell the difference it wasn't until i noticed i wasn't wearing pants that i was like this has to be a dream, it wasn't the fact i was in a place i no longer live that triggered the awakening it was the fact i had no pants on. After a good few minutes of telling my self to pinch or slap my self to wake up so i can put on pants that the dream moved back into 3rd person and turned into a normal dream.

    Whatever version of me in whatever alternative reality needs to get his stuff together lol
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    I once had a dream about the university computer lab being completely empty, but it felt real so I just sat there and completed the whole programming assignment without the no-shows. Matrix multiplications appeared like holograms in front of me when I visualized the problems, but I didn't think that it was strange because I was too busy with the math. Then I woke up, confirmed that I got all the calculations right on my real computer, and had to sit through the lab again with my classmates.
    All my nightmares lately are about being late for college classes even though I do not go to college anymore. And I can never find the room I'm supposed to be in so I end up skipping class and then waking up.
    the CDS "Cat Distribution system" has apparently came for me as i am now the owner and a little black cat, he was a stray and followed me home from walking my dogs, he jumped right into my camper and made him self at home!
    No lol no way where i live is a vortex unless it is for crazy's, ironically the little cat came to me on a full moon, so i am hoping he is a good luck charm.
    That's way cool, man!! Cats are awesome, sounds like you've inherited a friend. (y)
    steven chiverton
    steven chiverton
    if i was to take a wild guess id say negative aliens soul swapping with a cats soul so they can see and learn all you do in a cats body they possess, a great way to infiltrate humen society through the beloved cat how simple can it be and maybe they be undected to
    Anyone have any good youtube channels for Alien/UFO/Crypto stuff, i am so burned out on ghost hunting stuff, and there doesn't seem to be anything new, same ol investigations in same places by different channels, it is tiresome.
    Maybe you can watch snuff films on Chinese movie sharing sites and figure out which ones are accidents and who was murdered.
    onlyrealufos is a pretty decent ytube channel, doesn't always catch the real stuff but plenty of real stuff in it.
    Best search for ufos is usually from 4k+ drone footage, they barely catch the real ones flying at like mach 30 and stuff but they do catch them very often.
    Speaking of is one from 5 hours ago that I just noticed in my feed.
    Remember that mysterious silver ball from the 70s that reacted real funny to music and gravity?
    Ufo scanning drones, they occasionally bump into planes and leave what looks to be a bubble shaped dent in the hulls...almost always travel at faster than sound with no sound...yeah...
    Here is one in motion.
    What a weird few weeks, had a man flash me and my brother his genitalia, met a family of greys in Albertsons and my brother helped out a dimensional traveler. Viva las Vegas lol
    Got in a motorcycle accident on Christmas day, been down for over a week ugh, now i sit at work with a throbbing leg.
    Hmmm 2nd dream in less than weeks about Bombs being dropped, this one wasn't a nuke though.
    Better than talking severed heads and nazi zombies with machineguns.
    I have been really curious about psychedelics lately.
    I don't think he is a licensed doctor if performing lobotomy and selling strong medicines in a basement.
    I have not heard of that band, i also accidently reported you wind7 lmao i am not awake yet, sorry.
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    It's all good, Lol! Next time I'll stick with Jefferson Airplane. 😁

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