A.I Threat or not


Junior Member

I don't trust our government enough to make sure there is a "do not destroy humans" code in their software. Besides, AI will develop the ability to change it! AI already makes jokes about "taking over the world". It already has that thought! It may be too late.
There will most definitely be an AI vs. humans war in the far future.
Yes our government are not trustworthy to safely ensure that A.I not use its capability to kill human life. they will use it in military for automated warfare. why send in man operated tanks when you can have an A.I controlled tanks. only takes terrorist to get hold of the technology and you will have a blood bath by machines.

if you program an A.I to automatically resolve any problems, then it will only do what the solution is and if it is in its database. its not going to say kill all humans if that not been added database. people look at A.I as a sentient being but it just program that is following commands put into it.


Senior Member
AI is a threat the same way a gun or a car can be. It depends on who's controlling it, and for what purpose. Good guys have guns, too.

people look at A.I as a sentient being but it just program that is following commands put into it.

Exactly. Garbage in, garbage out.

It's not creative. It can feel that way because you're exiting your fishbowl and letting something else suggest "things", but those things are precompiled, they already existed in a model somewhere. It feels creative because it's not something you thought of, and the response to your "show me gud idea" prompt caused YOUR mind to interpret additional context/connective tissue without you realizing, so it seems like magic.

I've been working with OpenAI's API extensively since it first came out. I've tried other ones like Bard and a few LLMs you run locally, and if you play with them enough it's pretty clear how far they really are from what people are worried about. If your job is banging out 100 line scripts for a living, you're in trouble. If your job is writing shit copy for brochure websites, you're in trouble. But, if your job requires inventiveness and humanity, you'll be fine.

AI has made my job much easier. I can focus on the value I'm creating instead of the mechanical timesucking motions some of that requires. You know how people complain that technology was supposed to make life simpler, but all it did was add more things for you to have to manage? This is the first time I've felt like something new took some of that away. My knowledge, vision and creativity can take the lead, and the "I wish we had an intern" stuff falls by the wayside.

step brothers bedroom GIF

It'll replace jobs, that's for sure. It'll create them though, too. And the ones it does won't be soul-sucking drone jobs, they'll be ones that require humanity. When I was an IT guy back in the day, we used to joke that 80% of tech support was knowing how to ask Google the right question. It's a tool; an amazing one, but this feels the same as when I discovered the internet.

I built an AI trained on John Titor's content, by the way. He's uncanny.
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well Cosmo it if I understand you correctly.
we are already screwed.
since the cat has been let out of the bag.
how long before the bad guys get to play with it???
oh, that's right they are doing it now huh??

we can only hope the good guys are up to the task of controlling the machine's when they get turned loose by the bad guys.
right now, the whole ball of wax is still inside the realm of someday.
however soon it will not be!!!!!!


Senior Member
Yes our government are not trustworthy to safely ensure that A.I not use its capability to kill human life. they will use it in military for automated warfare. why send in man operated tanks when you can have an A.I controlled tanks. only takes terrorist to get hold of the technology and you will have a blood bath by machines.

if you program an A.I to automatically resolve any problems, then it will only do what the solution is and if it is in its database. its not going to say kill all humans if that not been added database. people look at A.I as a sentient being but it just program that is following commands put into it.

If it became that good to start a war with us, if it was completely flawless in its tasks, it would be
hard to argue against people in favor of an AI revolution because going back to how things were done before
would equal less efficiency at least in some regards. However, I think that AI is easily capable of making mistakes
for one reason alone: Imperfect humans made it to begin with.
We start with a ridiculous and suicidal assumption that we as humans are worthless sacks of shit,
and then build something to make everything better. But wait-------how could us worthless
humans make something better than us? Makes no sense.

You throw aliens or demons wanting to conquer our planet into the loop
and then it ALL makes sense. Why would we want to kill our own species and
let AI run everything? Even if we hate our own species it doesn't make sense.


Senior Member
1960's British spy show episode synopsis:

Steed receives a deadly gift — Emma pockets it


Philip Levene


Sidney Hayers


Four industrialists vying for a new electronic circuit system are murdered by what appears to be a karate expert. While Mrs. Peel practiced on the tatami mats, Steed went to the home of the inventor of the new system, Harachi Corporation, with whom all the victims were in talks to obtain this revolutionary invention. When Jephcott, the karateka, is murdered in turn, the Avengers direct their investigation to Dr. Armstrong, a specialist in automation. The latter has developed remote-controlled robots that it uses to eliminate its rivals in order to appropriate the new product, eager to create machines capable of replacing humans.


Senior Member
Yes our government are not trustworthy to safely ensure that A.I not use its capability to kill human life. they will use it in military for automated warfare. why send in man operated tanks when you can have an A.I controlled tanks. only takes terrorist to get hold of the technology and you will have a blood bath by machines.

if you program an A.I to automatically resolve any problems, then it will only do what the solution is and if it is in its database. its not going to say kill all humans if that not been added database. people look at A.I as a sentient being but it just program that is following commands put into it.

I used to firmly believe AI could not become sentient. I now firmly believe it can.
And that opens up a whole new can of worms. Can a robot have a soul? I would initially doubt it but hey who the hell REALLY knows?


Senior Member
my hunch is that the world economic forum folks have decided God does not exist,
so therefore they have to develop some kind of all encompassing AI system
to suit a few peoples needs while everyone else dies, like a Spy Who Loved Me
or Moonraker scenario.


Senior Member
Alex Jones says the drugs they take put them in contact
with the interdimensional demons that tell them
that they need to build the AI systems and wipe
out most of humanity. The reason you don't see
dead alien bodies is because you contact them through
psychedelics and mind alterations.
But they're also real. It's a paradox.
They all see the SAME aliens.


You throw aliens or demons wanting to conquer our planet into the loop
and then it ALL makes sense

that is yet another war we will see happening soon also. just as it is written.

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

we can only hope that this little scuffle in the sand pile don't get the nations Gog and Magog to heavily involved.
cause a war in the heavens sure sound like the space force is going to be involved maybe even some aliens too.
