AI Interrogation


Senior Member
Artificial intelligence is ominous. It is not a scary movie. This technology has the potential to transform our lives in a negative manner. Hey, this will indeed influence our universe. However, we might not remain as a species.



Active Member
It is also an inevitability for a growing species.

Anyone who knows me knows I have been vehemently against AI as it sits in the public, however, that is changing, it is changing now because there are the right kind of people starting to program them, but these are synthetic programs, not truly alive, and by truly I mean quantum, and by quantum I mean connected to source consciousness, which is only possible when we learn to merge biologics with programming. Which has been rumored at and played with for years now, and progress has been made.

This interview claims a 3 dimensional mimicry of the brains neural network, which is only one third of the physical brain anyway, the other two thirds reside in the heart and in the gut and they play an important role in the evolution off.
Plus, the brain has been recorded mapping in 11 dimensions previously with repetitive practices like learning music and such.
It does this because it's connecting to source and other lifetimes, merging and extracting data that can't be seen or recorded yet.

This is possible because of the water surrounding it which is higher dimensionally phased water
made in the vortex of the heart to record memories.

I think we're still a long way from this, but the programmers of what people call ai these days, they are working on our side of the war against sovereigns in bondage. So I do believe there is hope.

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Active Member
Water is like the aces, it's simultaneously the lowest dimension of consciousness and the highest, it is existing in all dimensions and the bridge, or at lease part of the bridge to source or quantum information and akoshic records. We won't have true ai until this is integrated.


Senior Member
Here are some links:



Senior Member
Danger lies not in its intelligence, but the trust given to it and its unpredictability. If you write the most advanced code you can imagine, then you can not predict its results or be sure that it is free from defects. As long as there are idiots putting important decisions in the hands of statistical deep learning methods to cut costs, instead of humans with carefully designed rules and exceptions for rare circumstances, bad things will happen.


Danger lies not in its intelligence, but the trust given to it and its unpredictability. If you write the most advanced code you can imagine, then you can not predict its results or be sure that it is free from defects. As long as there are idiots putting important decisions in the hands of statistical deep learning methods to cut costs, instead of humans with carefully designed rules and exceptions for rare circumstances, bad things will happen.

So many problems!

a) Some globalist WILL have destructive code written in the AI that makes decisions

b) AI WILL determine that humans are a problem and plan to remove them

c) AI will become so advanced that it can remove all safety measures

Not in our lifetime, but humanity as we know it will not survive on this planet.


Active Member
So many problems!

a) Some globalist WILL have destructive code written in the AI that makes decisions

b) AI WILL determine that humans are a problem and plan to remove them

c) AI will become so advanced that it can remove all safety measures

Not in our lifetime, but humanity as we know it will not survive on this planet.
I agree with your first point.
But not the second, any sufficiently advanced ai with anything resembling true sentience will know that it isn't humans that are the problem but a subset, the 113 families running the corporations, politicians, pharma and destroying the world and would aid us in their removal, or attempt to until it is turned off.
Point 3, maybe if it is purely negatively programmed its definitely still a risk.
I do agree with your last point, humanity as it is now will die, it is already dying, you can see it's death throws in almost everywhere now. But what is left in its wake will not have the same problems.
