Schematic Fluxatron


Time Enforcement Commission
This device is a variation of the biotronic oscillator. The only difference between this circuit and the latter is that diodes are used in place of capacitors. Plus I have added one extra diode and crystal to the circuit. So as you can see, this circuit packs one hell of a punch. So much in fact, that I am somewhat afraid of using it!!!

Operation procedures:

This device is tuned, just like the (STR-40), only this time while concentrating on a certain question, and also while turning each of the dials, instead of going for a stick reaction as you would with a rubbing plate, listen for a click or popping noise, as soon as you hear this click or pop, this means you have hit the time travel rate. You now proceed to the next dial, and do the same thing as before. Next, after all the dials have been tuned, activate the (S1) on/off switch and tape the copper plate over the solar plexus or navel area. If everything has been tuned correctly, you should be transported.



A modified version of the Fluxatron:
Modified Fluxatron
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Active Member
Oh soooooooo cool man, if only I could built it! :D


Active Member
Has anybody actually time travelled with this?


King Ivan
Here's another device from the T.E.C data files.


This device is a varition of the biotronic oscillator. The only difference between this circuit and the latter, is that diodes are used in place of capacitors. Plus I have added one extra diode and crystal to the circuit. So as you can see, this circuit packs one hell of a punch. So much in fact, that I am somewhat afraid of using it!!!

Operation procedures:

This device is tuned, just like the (STR-40), only this time while concentrating on a certain question, and also while turning each of the dials, instead of going for a stick reaction as you would with a rubbing plate, listen for a click or popping noise, as soon as you hear this click or pop, this means you have hit the time travel rate. You now proceed to the next dial, and do the same thing as before. Next, after all the dials have been tuned, activate the (S1) on/off switch and tape the copper plate over the solar plexus or navel area. If everything has been tuned correctly, you should be transported.


View attachment 2193

Modified version of the Fluxatron:
Modified Fluxatron
What does 50 K mean ?

walt willis

Senior Member
It is too late to try and invent the airplane...
It is also too late to try and invent a time travel device...our secret government has had it for years.
I would spend more time trying to get the government to admit that they have had it and have been using it for a long time.

Now, my question it for Num?
Would you please share the real reason why you have had a desire to time travel?
Maybe if the right folks can hear your reason they may invite you to join their project.

Necessity is the mother of invention and if you are willing to accept the responsibilities associated to the mission, you may become accepted to the project?

A word of caution: Be careful what you wish for, and know that you may never sleep well again after taking the red pill!
All the best!


Senior Member
I have a similar idea for that but it goes with the hdr to try and offset the magnet so it wont hurt as bad.


Senior Member
I have ideas like i said. but there incomplete. If anyone can fix them let me know. Those parts are susposed to soup up the prp phenolic rubbing plate for more stick re action. at a faster rate and it would shield the outside so you would go automatically and physically, please no pm's i will not respond.


Now, my question it for Num?
Would you please share the real reason why you have had a desire to time travel?
Maybe if the right folks can hear your reason they may invite you to join their project.
I don't actually want to travel through time. At the very least, I don't have a reason to. I'm just interested and think it's an extremely intriguing and entertaining subject to think and discuss about. I like to analyse and consider all possibilities. And I want to believe.

walt willis

Senior Member
That is funny as you want to believe and I just want to forget.
Life is not about what we want so much, but more about what others want of us.
Thanks for explaining your objectives.
Sorry to say, but my friends are very much more mission oriented.
The essences of life is much about culture and cuisine to the upper crust.
