Hearing Voices at Night


My daughter is 17. She said she sat up last night because she heard shuffling and thought she heard her brother and other people talking. She said it was at 1:30am. I checked all the cameras and nobody was outside all night. She has no signs of mental illness, but has occasional insomnia.

She sides with her father and does not believe in god or ghosts, but these are what I feel are the possibilities:

- Lucid dreaming. “But mom I was on my phone”. I said she could have been half awake.

- Hearing the past

- It was really 2am and she heard me taking her brother’s blood sugar

- Cats playing and making noises

- Ghosts

Any other possibilities?


Temporal Engineer
Occasionally I hear voices at night time too. All of them sound very real! Sometimes there are loud noises right next to me with no apparent cause. The only thing that makes sense to me is my dream computer is still turned on and I'm not fully awake yet.


Occasionally I hear voices at night time too. All of them sound very real! Sometimes there are loud noises right next to me with no apparent cause. The only thing that makes sense to me is my dream computer is still turned on and I'm not fully awake yet.
Right. That’s about what I told her.


Active Member
Right. That’s about what I told her.
Which is the only normal brainwave state that allows psychic connections, whether it is ghosts, aliens, spirit guides, ancestors or demons...The others take training to get to. edit, I should have said unextended normal state. my bad
I too often try to summarise stuff poorly cause I can't be assed explaining properly.
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Active Member
I think that it in theta brainwave and Delta level
Both take a basic level of training or practice usually, though there are some practices that aren't considered practice that would enhance it. But that bridge coming out of rem is the normal and usually longest time ppl are bridged between the 3d illusion and the astral realms and ether. Extended stays in the theta at night definitely can be a factor especially closer to the witching hour but it's usually shorter lived. Unless theres insomnia which can drag it out. Not so much delta though, there are exceptions that are always lucid in delta but for most it is far more heavily reliant on training. At least in my observations and conversations with other psychics, the morning is almost always the easiest time to stay bridged and enter the ether again.


Active Member
Could be man, or its reflecting the worries of the day surrounding the health issues of the brother.
If issues of the day are creating insomnia then definitely yes, that would extend the reach of that bridging state in the witching hour between worlds, and if theres anything nearby it would appear closer to this world than normal.


My daughter is 17. She said she sat up last night because she heard shuffling and thought she heard her brother and other people talking. She said it was at 1:30am. I checked all the cameras and nobody was outside all night. She has no signs of mental illness, but has occasional insomnia.

She sides with her father and does not believe in god or ghosts, but these are what I feel are the possibilities:

- Lucid dreaming. “But mom I was on my phone”. I said she could have been half awake.

- Hearing the past

- It was really 2am and she heard me taking her brother’s blood sugar

- Cats playing and making noises

- Ghosts

Any other possibilities?


If this continues, send me a PM.

I'm fairly certain what might be the cause(s).



If issues of the day are creating insomnia then definitely yes, that would extend the reach of that bridging state in the witching hour between worlds, and if theres anything nearby it would appear closer to this world than normal.

So, stress. I thought of that as well. She's close with her brother.
