Sensory Deprivation Tank Therapy


Junior Member
So maybe I’ll explain the words definitions.
It’s something that allows for spiritual journey in order to relax.
It’s like synthetic way of getting high taking one of drugs known as LSD.
It I mean that it’s relaxing human souls…etc.
Helping the others in case of having too many thoughts when they are thinking about too many things.
Short-term sessions of sensory deprivation are described as relaxing and conducive to meditation; however, extended or forced sensory deprivation can result in extreme anxiety, hallucinations,bizarre thoughts, and depression.


Temporal Engineer
I don't agree with everything you say. Meditation will cure one of anxiety and depression. I've read that diet can also help. But a sensory deprivation tank is more like a torture device. I wouldn't be surprised if it was also linked to death.


Junior Member
Well it’s not so-called White Room Tortures.
I don't agree with everything you say. Meditation will cure one of anxiety and depression. I've read that diet can also help. But a sensory deprivation tank is more like a torture device. I wouldn't be surprised if it was also linked to death.
I think it’s working more like it was presented in Star Wars Holliday Special.
It was very exciting life experience for some random male elder Wookie(one of Chewbacca’s species)…etc.


Active Member
Depends who you are, a murderer, a monk, a soldier, a teacher, a physicist, they would all have very different experiences, some would come out worse for wear, others would exit better than they went in.


Junior Member
Depends who you are, a murderer, a monk, a soldier, a teacher, a physicist, they would all have very different experiences, some would come out worse for wear, others would exit better than they went in.
But what about stalkers and perverts? Including for instance nowadays so-called furries sub-culture. I guess for some people it’s so-called even also zoophilia fetishes. I guess it’s like lying in the Dead Sea. I guess even in history of medieval era not drowning people were accused of witchcraft,right?


Active Member
But what about stalkers and perverts? Including for instance nowadays so-called furries sub-culture. I guess for some people it’s so-called even also zoophilia fetishes. I guess it’s like lying in the Dead Sea. I guess even in history of medieval era not drowning people were accused of witchcraft,right?
It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, they will all face the same thing. Themselves. Their shadows, their shames, their accomplishments etc. How you process it is where things either go well for you or get worse for you. Most people in society i've heard aren't used to that level of solitude, and facing it is going to be harder for some than others.


Active Member
If I had the choice over extended therapy though, I would choose, and will be choosing when I can build to suit it, a fully sound proofed dark room therapy unit. 7-11 days in pitchblack is the standard fair nowadays but in older times a full month was apparently more common for those on spiritual journeys. Theres just some things you can't do in a tank and you would have to leave and go back in often just to go to the bathroom which kinda breaks up that journeys pace.
If you've never heard of it
Heres one of the first ones I found on ytube for a 7 day treatment.
This guy started out a bit rough but he had some previous experiences that probably helped him deal with it better.

note, even infrared shouldn't be used in these places, and you sure as shit should never come out of this to spend an hour or less in the dark and go watch the sunrise. but anyway,


Junior Member
Ever heard of so-called Montauk Project?
Also it might be too scary for people with trauma like one of characters from Netflix for instance these days Stranger Things…etc.
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Junior Member
Would it help in case of for instance these days even in case of andropause in case of all men and menopause in case of all women?


Active Member
Would it help in case of for instance these days even in case of andropause in case of all men and menopause in case of all women?
Menopause is little more than the cholesterol clogging of the fallopian tubes which can be cleared out with the right herbs, and so called andropause is the revelation of authenticity causing a mild spiritual awakening potential. Though those cases where its closer to insanity is probably the resistance to that authenticity, which probably ain't going to be pretty.
