Voynich Manuscript.


Active Member
Is anyone familiar with the Voynich Manuscript? Apparently it’s written in an unknown language.


The Voynich Manuscript is an ancient and mysterious handwritten book filled with illustrations, diagrams, and text in an unknown script. It is named after Wilfrid Voynich, a rare book dealer who purchased it in 1912. The manuscript is currently housed in the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University.

Key characteristics of the Voynich Manuscript include:

1. **Unknown Language:** The text in the manuscript is written in an unknown script or code that has yet to be deciphered. Linguists, cryptographers, and scholars have attempted for centuries to unravel its meaning, but the script remains undeciphered.

2. **Mysterious Illustrations:** The manuscript is heavily illustrated with detailed drawings of plants, celestial bodies, human figures, and intricate diagrams. The nature of these illustrations has added to the enigma surrounding the manuscript.

3. **Carbon Dating:** Radiocarbon dating suggests that the manuscript was created in the early 15th century (1404–1438), during the Italian Renaissance.

4. **Unusual Content:** The content of the manuscript includes sections related to herbalism, astronomy, biology, and pharmacology. However, the specifics of the information and the purpose of the manuscript remain unclear.

5. **Named Sections:** Different sections of the manuscript appear to be dedicated to specific themes, such as herbal illustrations, astronomical diagrams, and biological drawings.

6. **Voynichese:** The term "Voynichese" is often used to refer to the mysterious script in the manuscript. Various attempts to decipher it, including statistical analyses and comparisons with known languages, have not led to a conclusive understanding of the script.

The Voynich Manuscript has fascinated researchers, historians, and cryptographers for centuries due to its unknown origin, undeciphered script, and the unusual nature of its content. Despite numerous efforts, the manuscript's true purpose, authorship, and meaning remain one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the study of ancient manuscripts.


Senior Member
Yeah its been posted quite a bit on the forum here.

