Why do people love animals?


Some people love animals and some don't. I've been reading on possible reasons for loving animals:

Health Benefits:

  • Increase of Dopamine an Oxytocin
  • Decrease of Cortisol
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Assistance with ADHD


- As a woman, I have strong instincts for taking care of the world's animals. If I see an injured animal, I WILL help. I will answer their calls for help. I feel that perhaps it isn't so scientific, but some of us have parental instincts (even men), for all creatures, not just our human counterparts. I would also protect other peoples' children in the same manner. If I saw one in danger, I would try to save it if nobody else was already doing

From an Animal's Perspective:

- Some wild animals WANT to bond with us. My alligator was fascinated with us when he was a baby. He swam closer and watched us for the past 5 years. He continues to "enjoy" my sitting along the pond so we can stare at eachother. Why should he care? (No, he isn't waiting to eat me and please, let's not have an alligator conversation. I don't need lectures).

  • Cats and dogs - Some ferals come and WANT love and human companionship. Some don't.
  • Lactating animals will usually care for other baby animals -- like a cat feeding a baby squirrel.

I don't think there really is an answer about why some humans bond with animals. I'm going to call it instincts. Afterall, humans are animals.

This is actually being studied by NIH, but even NIH has no definitive answer.



Active Member
While animals do have their own agendas, they're often less scheming than humans. That can be relaxing to be around.
