Step-by-step guide to use the HDR


Temporal Engineer
I don't quite remember writing this; I sound pretty serious. (probably one of my counterparts / different timeline or I was stoned - or all of the above.)

Still sounds like a good idea; just now we need to include building an HDR from scratch.

Would you consider this to be evidence of a doppelganger?


Senior Member
The HDR can either cancel out or put you in another timeline if you stay awake. But I use a five step.
Turn on off switch 3 times to generate more power.Put head coils on
Start rubbing the rubbing plate
Meditate ask if you can to destination
Turn off then watch or close eyes

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Here is my procedure to use the HDR, it's a step by step guide I used at first to get familiar with using the device. Now I no longer need it, but I still use the HDR as follows:

1. Plug in the unit.

2. Turn ON the Yellow switch and wait for 2 minutes with the witness well empty, in order to clear it.

3. Put the double terminated quartz crystal or some other item related to the desired time period / events in the witness well.

4. Put head coils on.

5. Turn the first dial to the right, asking for the right frequency and play with it until you feel the stick reaction while making 2 inches wide circles to the right with your fingers on the rubbing plate. If you don't get a stick a reaction, turn the dial to the left while asking again for the frequency. Keep moving your fingers in circles to the right on the rubbing plate.

6. Repeat for the second dial.

7. Then, ask to clear all fear, resistance and disbelief and use the rubbing plate again until you get the stick reaction one last time.

8. Turn ON the red and green switches.

9. Place the electromagnet over your solar plexus in a 90 degrees fashion for at least 3 minutes but no more than 10 minutes.

10. Turn OFF all switches and set down the electromagnet and head coils.

11. Unplug the device.

12. Sit and meditate, or sleep.

To all HDR enthusiasts, users, let me know what you think of this step by step guide, which things you'd change, remove, add, etc. I wanted to post this a pretty long time ago to discuss about it but I somehow forgot about it.

I look forward to reading your feedback and ideas. :)
no 5 turn the dial to the right asking for the right frequency, question is frequency to what , be specific

Doc 05

Active Member
no 5 turn the dial to the right asking for the right frequency, question is frequency to what , be specific
@steven chiverton , in my understanding; the term, "rates and frequencies",
is just a term for lack of any better.

In my opinion, the term could apply to the concept of "multiverse theory",
and the only thing that separates this "verse" (or dimension) from the next is vibration or "frequency".

So, when working with the Hyper-"Dimensional" Resonator, one would be looking for the, "rates and frequencies" of the desired "multiverse" or what some call "timeline".

This is all Theoretical Fringe Science, (but it's My science and I love it). ;)


Senior Member
Why not explore it yourself? :)
There has to be an amplitude or a bandwidth into the future. I remember however, going into the past with an HDR is easier than trying to go into the future. Some users said that in their journeys to the future, that they were off as much as a year.

Where the computer is for the HDR is the human brain. So one is talking about field effect, intent here, as this relates to a chemical brain computer.

So in the buffer somehow, there must be an intent label, that jives with the settings on an HDR. In TTI there's an old thread on learning how to set the chronometer dates for the HDR and this is not what I'm seeing in this posting threads so far.

*What one might be doing with the use of an HDR, is ascribing a soul to go to the future, but what is clearly not understood, is the transition manifestation, to some kind of perceivable persona, once that jump has been completed.
