2021 Predictions


My Aunt....Made a scrumptious-looking dessert that I once sampled back in the day.

Lime jello crammed with carrots....Celery.....grapes.....And topped with......Mayonnaise....!
As a child, I naturally thought it was a dessert......

....Until the first bite.:sick:

That sounds scrumptious. It sounds like someone never lost their pregnancy cravings…
Why not?

I predict a new trend!

(Please pass me a bucket...)


I predict a lot of people will be needing buckets. :sick:


Back to predictions --- I thought the economy was going to suddenly crash this summer, but it seems to be happening slowly.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
I predict Halloween will be "cancelled" this year... At least in parts of the U.S. Typically, (starting in July) the shelves are FILLED with Halloween goodies - candy, costumes, decorations, etc. But this year, the stores in my area have hardly any Halloween items! It's almost as if the companies know lockdowns are around the corner.... Or, perhaps it's to discourage gatherings.

But it reminded me of an old post from back in 2015. A member predicted some sort of events would happen that would cause Halloween to be cancelled. The basis of the prediction was the lack of mention of Halloween in Back to the Future: Part II, which was set in October 2015. Maybe their prediction was a few years off? :unsure:


Senior Member
I predict Halloween will be "cancelled" this year... At least in parts of the U.S. Typically, (starting in July) the shelves are FILLED with Halloween goodies - candy, costumes, decorations, etc. But this year, the stores in my area have hardly any Halloween items! It's almost as if the companies know lockdowns are around the corner.... Or, perhaps it's to discourage gatherings.

But it reminded me of an old post from back in 2015. A member predicted some sort of events would happen that would cause Halloween to be cancelled. The basis of the prediction was the lack of mention of Halloween in Back to the Future: Part II, which was set in October 2015. Maybe their prediction was a few years off? :unsure:
Yeah' looks like it might. Mucked up fess.
