50 years today, man set off to land on the Moon..Did it really happen?

Who told you they are not published? Several universities have their own lasers they point at those mirrors and reflect back to the Earth as an experiment for their undergrads.

OK. Upon doing a fresh search I see that NASA published Apollo 15 landing site as 26.1°N 3.6°E (which isn't very accurate, either). Again, if this is so, to lay the argument to rest, all they have to do is point Hubble at it and snap some high-res pics? Why haven't they done it?

I'll tell you why, because no Apollo mission ever left Earth's orbit. They did not have the means to make it safely to the Moon and back, which is why all of them were faked.

We have had other means to go the Moon, so various objects could have been planted in order to provide 'proof', to keep the lie going...
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Well, to answer the Hubble telescope question it's because the resolution is not high enough. It's literally not capable of photographing it, and certainly no Earth telescope is either.
You want to see what the Moon really looks like?

Download this high-res image and zoom to 150%:

14 Megapixel Image of the Moon by Bartosz Wojczynski
Uploaded May 4 2015:

As you can see, the moon is not what we've been told it is, nor shown to be.

It's likely the stories that have been told by insiders are true -- that the moon is actually an artificial satellite, whose real estate has already been fully claimed and fully occupied for millennia. We would need permission to land and "walk" around, much less leave a bunch of low-tech junk lying around on someone else's property!

So, where on this image is the Apollo 15 site? Let's work together to put this to rest...
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Well, to answer the Hubble telescope question it's because the resolution is not high enough. It's literally not capable of photographing it, and certainly no Earth telescope is either.

Hubble's powerful Planetary Camera upgrade was over 25 years ago. They most certainly could zoom in on the Moon if they wanted to.

They won't because it's still 'forbidden' knowledge to know what's really up there...

Also, NASA's official excuse is not that Hubble is "not capable", but that the Moon is "too bright"....:cool::ROFLMAO:

Give us a break, NASA. We're not stupid...
China too bounces lasers off the mirrors Americans placed on the Moon:

Do you believe China's recent Moon rover images to be true?

If so, I have some swampland to sell you.

China is in on "the lie" (so is Russia)...
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Hubble's powerful Planetary Camera upgrade was over 25 years ago. They most certainly could zoom in on the Moon if they wanted to.

They won't because it's still 'forbidden' knowledge to know what's really up there...

Also, NASA's official excuse is not that Hubble is "not capable", but that the Moon is "too bright"....:cool::ROFLMAO:

Give us a break, NASA. We're not stupid...

If you're actually interested in the real answer this article has them, and no it's not because the moon is too bright. I can't even find where NASA said that, assuming you're implying that quotation is direct.
Can We Use Telescopes To See If The Moon Landings Were Real? » Science ABC

I did find this, which directly dispels that notion:
"I worked with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) for many years. First it was with early data (taken weeks after launch) for my PhD research, and then several years helping to build and calibrate a camera on board STIS. Working with HST (as those of us in the know call it) and doing as much outreach as I do, I learned quickly that there are a lot of misconceptions about the orbiting observatory.

One of the most frequent is that it can’t observe the Moon, because our natural satellite is too bright. Trying to snap a shot of it would damage Hubble’s detectors.

That’s not true. Well, not totally true. Some cameras on HST are very sensitive, and could be damaged if pointed to a bright source. The ultraviolet camera I worked on was so sensitive it would fry if it looked some kinds of stars too faint to even see with the naked eye!"
Source: Hubble Snaps a Photo of the Crater Tycho on the Moon

We DO have pictures of the moon landing site from the LRO, but since that's not Hubble it's probably bunk, right? Only Hubble can tell us, but it can't because then people would think Earth telescopes can see it— even though they literally cannot and everyone can at least know that much for sure...right?
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Considering we have photos from other countries, including Russia, of the original landing site which corroborates the claimed historical event I do indeed think we landed on the moon. I also believe that NASA is all but downright full of shit in regards to many things since then, though. The NSA and CIA have made NASA their puppet theatre, I am bankrupt of respect for those agencies and their rampant misappropriation of national security doctrine.

Photos can be faked, can`t they?....Take a look at the NASA Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter Camera Photo from 2009 (shown below), of the Moon landings site,, displaying a picture of the American Flag and its shadow, from the Apollo 16 mission, there are other flags also from Apollo missions..

Apparently the Apollo 11 American flag had blown away when the Lunar Module joined up with the Command Station Module.....One of my neighbours ten year old son could easily reproduce the picture below on his computer!...If you cannot see the below image in your country, please type into your browser, "Apollo Moon Flags Still Standing, Images Show"..

View attachment 8275
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You realize we still bounce lasers off the mirrors they placed up there, right?

Not too many people are aware that the Russians had two unmanned mobile Moon Rovers, LunoKhod 1 and 2, in operation very near to the where the faked landings were supposed to have been...On board Lunokhod 1 and 2 was a device for testing the Moons earth and rocks, and also a Retro-Reflector, which is a highly polished piece of metal that reflects light (Laser Beams for example), directly back to its source of origin, with minimal scattering...IMHO, i believe that the retro-reflector on board Lunokhod 1 and 2 are responsible for returning Laser beams aimed at them, and nothing to do with the faked Apollo missions..

For example, if you were sat on a chair with a laser beam device in front of you and aimed it at a particular part of the Moon that you know has a retro reflector on it, no matter what angle the laser beam hits the reflector, the laser beam comes directly back to the laser device that fired it after just 2.5 seconds :)..
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