911 Attacks: 13 years later


Temporal Engineer
There is the alien implant technology. Dr. Roger Leir claims to have removed 17 alien implants over many years. No one knows what they do inside our bodies. But we don't possess the technology to manufacture these devices. I could speculate that these devices placed in key individuals could be behind 9/11. Control chips.



New Member
It gave law enforcement agencies the power to detain you without giving you a reason if your suspected terrorists. They can hold u as long as they see fit without counsel. They basically stripped us of what civil liberties we had left.


Senior Member
Law enforcement already had the right to detain you if you were suspected of terrorism.

People are detained all the time for probable cause, and have been for centuries.



Senior Member
What I see is normal demolition of standing steel beams.

You expected them to simply carry off beams from destroyed buildings the way they were left?

Sorry, but things like that get cut into manageable pieces before they're loaded on trucks for disposal. You can't use normal procedures to further your little imaginary fantasy.



Junior Member
I still think there is an extraterrestrial presence operating behind the scenes making our government look like the bad guys. No one on the planet has the mega huge manurfacturing plant necessary to manufacture the huge quantity of Nano-Thermite necessary to melt the steel support structure of the twin towers. Yet it became apparent that the steel structure was gone, because the buildings collapsed at a freefall rate. Lets face the facts, we're talking about a goverment that can pay a $1000 dollars for a toilet seat. Our government doesn't possess the organizational skills necessary to have pulled off 9/11. Can I say "Bay of Pigs" as an example?

There is an unknown enemy in control. And I'm pointing my finger at the ET's.

I am very curious about this possible connection. I lost a very close friend that day who worked in tower 1 on the 105th floor. It's taken me several years to be emotionally able to look at this event more closely (though I have been suspicious about it since day one I haven't had it in me to probe deeply). Last night I woke from nightmares about an alien hand grabbing mine in my dark entry way and a bright light shining through my door. In the dream I wanted the hand to be something else and then I remember not being sure if the thing I thought it was was my own wishful thinking, what was really happening or an implanted memory/version given to me by aliens. The whole thing left me extremely shaken, it was very disturbing. Then in another dream later in the night I saw my friend, the one I lost that day. He was so real and we were together in this big empty room filled with light. It was sterile looking. I don't know what else was there. But his eyes were shining and I felt hypnotized by them. I have seen him many times in dreams like this, some of them lucid, and all of them extremely vivid and realistic, since the event. i have spoken with him each time and remembered our conversations after in detail (unlike my usual hazy dreams that are hard to recall). But each time he seemed like there were things he could not tell me, was not allowed to. Last night I joked with him about how mysterious he was being when he suddenly had to go and couldn't say why and couldn't say where and couldn't say where we were. The way his eyes were, so big and shining, I started to wonder later, I don't recall if I thought of this during or just upon waking, I wondered if an alien was disguising himself as my friend and implanting that kind of memory as well. I don't know. I don't know if possibly he is really alive somewhere but was taken by aliens and so that's why I have been able to 'visit' with him at times. I wonder because there are a lot of videos and photos out there showing UFOs on the scene and I wonder than if they took some of the people from the buildings before they went down. I don't automatically trust video or photos as I know how easily they can be manipulated and fabricated. But I still wonder about the possibility of UFO involvement or abductions that day. After all my friend's body was never recovered, no traces at all. How could they have been? So convenient for aliens if they did want to take people. Everyone would just assumed they had died and especially if they were high up in the building no one would expect to find any evidence of remains and it was so difficult for anyone to see in detail at the tops of them, so even more convenient for a UFO to come and take people. I would like to find out more, anything. So if you or anyone on this site can point me in a good direction to do more research on this I would appreciate it. Even if it's just others who have lost people and have had similar experiences, it would be interesting to see if there are any links. Or if there are those who believe ETs were involved maybe just more as to why they think so and what other agendas might be on their lists, etc. Thanks so much, this is something which affects me deeply and is difficult to share so I appreciate anyone's willingness to listen kindly and be open minded. Thank you.


Foreign exchange students are accounted for. Every time you enter and leave the country, it is supposed to be documented. Apparently, about 6000 or so college students never "checked out". I don't believe a college visa is unlimited. You'd have to reapply if you want to stay longer.


Active Member
I personally think that oil and minerals were not and never were the primary target. We have much more convenient ways of taking resources than invading entire countries. Also no drilling rights were given to American companies. They all went to Russian, and I think it was Chinese companies. However, American companies got subcontract rights. I have several theories, but the resources that it would have taken to make 9/11 happen and keep it under rap just to get some oil just doesn't seem efficient. I'm not saying I don't believe it was created by the GOV, just saying I don't think that they'd go through all that just to get some oil. We just recently talked Mexico into drilling more oil and American companies are more than likely going to get those contracts and nobody had to be invaded.

I've posted it before, but I'll post this again. Very good video.



Senior Member
I still do and always will believe it was a False Flag.

If ET's were out to get us why not of done it thousands of years ago when we couldn't put up a fight in the least. Aliens aren't the threat we are.
But where there is good there is evil not all ET's are good and not all are bad. But The gov is the ones to blame not ET.
