Debate 911 was 17 years ago


Temporal Engineer
You overlooked the fact that there were several cell nets in operation even in 2001 (i had a great small mobile cell phone, fitted with a small retractable antenna that worked for miles, back in 1994!!), i could even use it to listen into what people were saying in my lounge when i was working away.....All i had to do was to set my cell phone to standby, and switch off the volume, so no one could here me calling my cell phone when i was at work, sneeeeeky!! ;):LOL:..

When the aircraft were travelling fast, they would have been picked up at the next nearest cell net station, they actually had more than one cell net station per city, and aircraft could communicate with all of them very easily and clearly, even flying at high speed :cool::)..
However, i still believe that there was some sort of conspiracy going on!!..

Did you see the YouTube video where one of the TV networks did an actual test with three cellphone manufacturers just to see at what altitude reception was lost? None of the manufacturers came even close to transmitting to 30,000 feet altitude. I believe they had all dropped off by 2000 feet altitude.


Senior Member
Did you see the YouTube video where one of the TV networks did an actual test with three cellphone manufacturers just to see at what altitude reception was lost? None of the manufacturers came even close to transmitting to 30,000 feet altitude. I believe they had all dropped off by 2000 feet altitude.

Fake news my friend :cool:..


Senior Member
17 years ago was before fake news was invented.

The FBI were heavily involved in the 9/11 cover up...You may recall that i made a previous posting on this thread about Deena Burnett, who received a call from her husbands cell phone while he was on one of those planes, and it was recorded on her answer phones Caller Identification..She had positive proof of that call, but when the FBI interviewed her (on two separate occasions), they made her appear as if she was lying...IMHO the FBI took that recording and somehow "misplaced it", they are VERY "careless" with certain evidence :rolleyes:..

So it happens that the term Fake News was not out 17 years ago, but that term simply means somebody was lying, if you prefer it that way my friend :)....On a final note, i also said in my previous posting that several people were convinced that the plane was flying in as low as 5000 feet, moving into collision course with the first Twin Tower....In situations such as 9/11 there will always be the people who believe that it was a conspiracy, and obviously others who say that it wasn`t...It all depends on which "side of the fence you want to sit on" ;)..


Temporal Engineer
The FBI were heavily involved in the 9/11 cover up...You may recall that i made a previous posting on this thread about Deena Burnett, who received a call from her husbands cell phone while he was on one of those planes, and it was recorded on her answer phones Caller Identification..She had positive proof of that call, but when the FBI interviewed her (on two separate occasions), they made her appear as if she was lying...IMHO the FBI took that recording and somehow "misplaced it", they are VERY "careless" with certain evidence :rolleyes:..

So it happens that the term Fake News was not out 17 years ago, but that term simply means somebody was lying, if you prefer it that way my friend :)....On a final note, i also said in my previous posting that several people were convinced that the plane was flying in as low as 5000 feet, moving into collision course with the first Twin Tower....In situations such as 9/11 there will always be the people who believe that it was a conspiracy, and obviously others who say that it wasn`t...It all depends on which "side of the fence you want to sit on" ;)..

Personally I prefer to listen to eyewitness accounts. Usually information that is the source of the real facts. Although I do agree that the FBI is full of LIARS.


Senior Member
So you're saying that there were no people on the planes? That they just had a list of people that were supposed to be on the planes and they killed them all prior to boarding?

Who had to kill anyone? Paper trails dont need bodies to be manufactured. People steal and invent identities every day. Now the real bodies in the real buildings that really came down, thats another horse. Thats real. Everyone that got mesothelioma from all the asbestos released into the air thats real .

The cell phone calls, the cork screw turns, the pentgon perfect lawn, 2 planes taking out three towers...Chinas gold magically evaporating in the heat of the fires..... that was all a bunch of horse shit.


Senior Member
I have a hard time believing that the FAA or anybody really, hasn't attempted a real cellphone test while onboard a commercial flight.

Did you even watch that video I posted... People did exactly that. The cell phone hooey doesnt hold up. LETS ROLL MERCIA one must be wary of all the propaganda in this day and age.... We didnt just get the best rocket scientists in operation paperclip, we also nabbed the best propagandists ….. If you dont control your mind someone else will.... Dont trust the TV programing.


Senior Member
Here is an interesting piece of information that actually came from the UK`s BBC reporting people on 9/11...It said that the third building known as WTC7 had collapsed 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did collapse!!...Next comes the BBC`s response! :rolleyes:..

The BBC`s "editors blog addressed the reports", and traced how an on-air comment about an "imminent collapse" turned into reporting about the building "actually" falling, shortly before WTC7 did indeed fall...(end of comment)..

Personally i dont think there was any news at all about an "imminent collapse" of WTC7, because people would have probably been expecting a third plane crashing into WTC7...The official line from the US Govt was that WTC7 had been set on fire from debris falling from the twin towers, but was that ever mentioned BEFORE it collapsed?..

Anti-conspiracy "experts" say, (part of the reason for for the persistence of such conspiracy theories is the dissonance that results, when people hear that a relatively small group of men using "low-tech weapons" caused such cataclysmic carnage) o_O..
