Debate 911 was 17 years ago


Does that make you feel old?

What are your thoughts and feelings about 911 so many years later? Are you still convinced it's an inside job... or not an inside job?

Let us know what you think!
Old ? Yes....Like people who know where they were when daddy govt killed JFK. I'll never forget where I was on 911.

Thoughts and feeling? Well let's see
-Empathy & Love for the real innocent victims & families who were sacrificed that day to usher in blatantly illegal reforms on our rights.

The anger I had that day is absolutely unbelievable now that I look back on it.
I was one of those guys saying let's go bomb the ever living shit out of em!
I wanted and craved pure revenge.
Love and light was nowhere to be seen for some weeks.

The anthrax scare made no sense at the time to me and was played up for all it's worth.

I started to slowly wake up from the propaganda coma when certain things made zero sense in combination with many other glaring inconsistencies.

Of course many red flags existed but I was also young and naive at the time as well as extremely patriotic. I grew up around family that served in the army, navy, and coast guard. I was taught to respect the flag and our "sovereignty" and gladly sang the pledge and national anthem at ball games.

Slowly the coma lifts and you say to yourself this doesn't make sense, that doesn't make sense, and this combined with that makes no sense.

No need to hash out the details we all know em by heart at this point but in short guys w/ box cutters did this, passports "magically" found of the apparent terrorists by the trade center when we couldn't even find all the victims bodies!, 3 steel framed structure buildings falling in one day (one of which wasn't even hit by a plane). Precision aiming on all the targets, knowledge of the who committed the act almost instantly by all news outlets.

On and on and on and on.

For anyone young out here who is questions it please go to Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth. That is the best sourced material you can find by literally hundreds (might even be a thousand+) of professionals.

We live among leaders and clandestine movers & shakers who are pure evil. They want nothing more than to take your rights away as quickly as possible.

They took a big ol dump on MAGNA CARTA!!!

America was by no means perfect before 911 but after 911 the entire world changed starting with you and I first...not some mythical terrorists.

We'll pick this up next year - Same place, same time - Have to let it out once a year.

Much Love to You & Yours!


Senior Member
What about the holograms?

Holograms wernt necessary and more than a few witnesses on the ground repeatedly stated that their were no planes. So how? CGI.
All they really needed to do was show it on tv over and over again. BUt that was pre youtube. Stupid insanity never thinks it through and it is the TV that condemns and verifies the CGI.

Heres a short montage

September clues is good for the long version and complete deconstruction of all the details... BUt yeah. no holograms were ever needed... just good repetition of the lie.
