A Computer for John Titor


Active Member
That's funny. I came up with my own, um, thing, too... :D


i also have two eyes, two thumb..drive..s, one tongue, one keyboard, one head. huh.
and the mnemonic circuit i use for deciphering these things are the matrix language of my precuneus, using harmonic reverberation from my thalamus and optical nerves!



Senior Member
Dear John,

You're fired. **JOKE** A-hem. Let's start over.

Dear John,

Don't you think this computer would be better?

View attachment 1456

It's only $5k and has 2 floppy drives!!!

Think it over, bud..



He, he, he. Does it run on the Mercury Project Operating System?
You see, there was this guy named Richard Feynman.
When people think of Rich, they think of the Quantum Physics Atomic Bomb guy.
But did you know that he invented parallel computing?
He was in charge of something called the IBM Team.
IBM later went on to develop something called the IBM 5100 and IBM 5110.
Do you know what one of these computers can do that no computer today can do?
It can read any encrypted data no matter how complex that data is.
Leibniz's Binary system uses 0 and 1, and the sequential order is always from left to right.
One of these computers can also read from right to left, up and down, down and up.
When comparing numbers in any sequential direction, you can always find a solution faster than from ordinary left to right.
This computer is superior in parallel computing than any computer today in 2014.
If they (the computers) don't exist in John's time, I understand why he would want to get one.
Or modify one and leave it seeded in the past for some future date.


Junior Member
Ren you sound like you may know this. Is it true that the 5100 and 5110 were both made without any kind of internal clock?


Senior Member
Not quite. The architecture is different and the location of the APL is in a different place. In 1980, the IBM PC architecture became the standard that all computers today are based on.

Read these comments. In summary, on some 32bit UNIX time devices, you can set the time to 2030 and it will automatically reset it to 1970. In 64bit UNIX time, this doesn't happen. It is possible to exploit Android and future UNIX devices by tampering with the time settings. So perhaps the story of retrieving the IBM 5100 is esoteric and not technical. The story may just contain clues. To what? I couldn't tell y'all.

Heh, You can crash android with the 2038 unix bug : Android


Not quite. The architecture is different and the location of the APL is in a different place. In 1980, the IBM PC architecture became the standard that all computers today are based on.

Read these comments. In summary, on some 32bit UNIX time devices, you can set the time to 2030 and it will automatically reset it to 1970. In 64bit UNIX time, this doesn't happen. It is possible to exploit Android and future UNIX devices by tampering with the time settings. So perhaps the story of retrieving the IBM 5100 is esoteric and not technical. The story may just contain clues. To what? I couldn't tell y'all.

Heh, You can crash android with the 2038 unix bug : Android

Is it coincidence? Titor stated he could only travel forward or backward 60 years. Does his device use Unix as an operating system? ok, ok..
maybe I'm grasping at straws....


Senior Member
It absolutely uses a UNIX based operating system. He said this before Android(UNIX based OS) took over portable devices.

"I do expect they will create some sort of emulation system to use in multiple locations."

"I do believe that "your" UNIX will also have a problem in 2038."

"Yes, EMP took out a great number of electronic devices."

It is no coincidence.
