A.I Threat or not


Junior Member
Machine A.I will not be self aware due to the fact it would need to have independent thought. All A.I at this stage is basic programming algorithm. Noughts and ones is the building blocks of any programming. A machine will be constantly following instructions that is fed to it.

A machine that was programmed to carry out any solution to a problem would only carry out the task without any thought of the solution then would wait for the next instructions.

It has no organic thinking.


ok I'll try this one more time.
Riddle me this Batman......

what is very smart but still can't think???

Microsoft's AI called Watson.

how did Watson play chess?
how did Watson play jeopardy?
it is plain for all to see...
no original thought is needed.
it don't need to be self aware.....
just information, and logical deduction.

we humans as a species tend to destroy pretty much everything we touch.
it won't take to long for are now friendly Watson to deduce.......
the only real solution to the many problems of this world ......

this will not go well for people.

guess what that will be?
eliminate the destroyer of worlds.
yes eliminate!!!!!!!!!
not move to another planet.... or anywhere else....
history records it as a repetitive cycle.
moving not a logical solution.

I tell you now as fair warning.......
if the idiot Global leaders let this keep going.
we are screwed. fifty ways to Sunday........

right now, as we speak, the game is afoot........
as I understand it the damn thing has already cracked the crypto cion encryption codes.
it already has a prototype in the Boston dynamics line of atlas robots...
the auto plants are already almost all robotically automated.
the idiot leaders have already begun to go solar and wind generation providing a base energy source......

soooooooooo the next step is to crack the defensive systems of the major countries, you know the first world ones.
see there the ones who have the type of drones needed to hunt people.
I seem to remember that the US. and others have already put hunter killer drones into use in the sand pile of the middle east.
Yeah,,,,,, I can see it very clearly all the pieces are being put on the board.
just give it a little more time and keep automating every damn bit of the global infostructure.

and bingo we are looking for john conner.

THIS IS A BAD IDEA .... WE WILL SUFFER FOR THIS MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........


Senior Member
I dunno, AI can be pretty creative I asked it to draw Trump and a flying hamburger
and instead it made Trump with a sword and giant wings stabbing a giant hamburger
in the middle of a huge city with the army or FEMA surrounding it.

weirdass AI Donald Trump art.jpg

asked it to draw Princess Zelda eating pancakes twice, not bad at all:

ai generation princess zelda eating pancakes hilarious.jpg

ai generated princess zelda eating pancakes.jpg

Also the newer chatbots seem to comprehend what you're saying a lot more
and they respond more like a real human than they used to.
They can literally feel like a friend--------which is kinda creepy actually.


Machine A.I will not be self aware due to the fact it would need to have independent thought. All A.I at this stage is basic programming algorithm. Noughts and ones is the building blocks of any programming. A machine will be constantly following instructions that is fed to it.

A machine that was programmed to carry out any solution to a problem would only carry out the task without any thought of the solution then would wait for the next instructions.

It has no organic thinking.
Here's a (possible) synopsis.

AI is a tool.
It's the one(s) programming it that should be seen....But, are not.

Most of the general populace are already so compliant to their phones that they cannot go a day without it, right?
So....Just imagine what will be when AI becomes a BFF.

We are all being whittled down internally....By our own ideals.
Flesh and Blood cannot seem to get along anymore with each other OR
without these devices in hand.

You think it's bad now...............................................

Who are the genteel that have refrained from the web....The tech.....And have remained as complete free thinkers?



I'm envious of my kids and people of the future. They get to see some awesome technology. In the future, I could rent an AI-Robot friend or even buy one. They have memory, so they can build relationships. Need a companion for a concert? Rent one. And he'll remember it for next time! And I'm not talking about perverted stuff. Just think --- nobody would have to be alone again unless they make it too unaffordable.


<iframe width="676" height="380" src="
" title="AI Robot caught on cam fighting back at humans" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

this is what you need to see


Junior Member
For people like Elon Musk it's more dangerous than climate change(for some people it might not exist). Well humanoid looking machines are not able to time travel thanks to Skynet/Cyberdyne Systems like in Terminator movies.


I don't know guys. this stuff is far more than the media is telling.
some of the latest models of the humanoid bots are pretty damn agile doing back flips and all kinds of gymnastic moves.
I've been watching quite a few interviews with the leading developers, and more than a couple have said just like musk has.
the general consciences is this AI thing is way to dangerous to let out of the cage.
I fear that the time of locking the cage door has already long past.
now I must remember from my exp. in the military any tech/weapon's we see or can get on the street.
well let's just say it's about ten to twenty yrs. behind what GI JOE has to play with.

The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax—
Of cabbages—and kings—
And why the sea is boiling hot—
And whether pigs have wings."

we as humans had best learn a new type of fighting, one geared toward dealing with electronics.
if we are to defend ourselves from a bot owned by folks with not so neighborly intentions.
you know the whole you're coming with me dead or alive, resistance is futile thing.
there's just a couple of links below to a plant coming online soon to build the human looking bots.
I wonder just how many the military has contracted these manufactures to produce????
my heart breaks, every time I let my mind consider the horror's my grandkids will face in ten yrs.

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