A Prophetic Warning


Junior Member
Looks like I am in the wrong forum. Sounds like a church
a Church is a group of people, to worship an invisible super-being with a higher conscience as UAP are unknown some people study Angelology, Ancient Aliens, and strange phenomenon, but what I study is an eternal conscience God - like Eternal existence. eternal meaning something that does not have a beginning and has no end infinite in nature.

the post-deal with Ant-Christ, ant-matter the opposed matter, two super-beings good and evil the invisible universe where the naked eyes can't see.
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it's like now you see, now you don't

your user name is unholy a dragon Satan ant-matter unholy evil, holiness is illumination.
unholy is darkness the opposed to illumination.
the post is a warning, about the worship of darkness the man of prediction; the conscious minds of many unholy that manifest in one man.

the chaos theory you can say
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the world will be shrouded in total darkness, things to come
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The Lord says
they who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature the unholy, rather than the Creator, illumination who is blessed forever. Amen.

Romans 1:25 (NKJV)
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Junior Member
What? Is there a time travel bible?
believe it, it is how you live because the truth is always unpopular; nevertheless, the truth is the truth, can't change that.

Whatever you do your choice now becomes forevermore know that.

I see followers, as in not! true leaders, it is like many that follow one over a cliff!!!!!

Do you know what is the end of the cliff?


Active Member
believe it, it is how you live because the truth is always unpopular; nevertheless, the truth is the truth, can't change that.

Whatever you do your choice now becomes forevermore know that.

I see followers, as in not! true leaders, it is like many that follow one over a cliff!!!!!

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Do you know what is the end of the cliff?
Are you talking about me going to hell? you can't see what God have plan for person who believes in Jesus Christ tell me are you a psychic or future teller no know when this going to happen I look forward for a caught up to heaven your Bible is false you need to study king James bible
