Accessing the Dark/Deep Web for info


Active Member
I basically spoke with Mike Marcum who tipped me off on some information as to accessing information for this material.

I have gotten the apps needed to do so and have found the browser far more useful than the defaults and ones I've been using for years.

However, accessing the deep web is pretty tough, or rather, very small and limited compared to how big I'm expecting it to be.

So I'm asking if there's any way I can get any help with people who are familiar with it who can help me navigate and go thru the internet finding information on stuff dealign with changing the past and the like, as there are stories and information related as to how to do so. I do believe the information I was given and am more than willing to do what I can to find it, thing is: i'm not sure how to access or get to communities who may have keys to getting that information and so forth, since the deep web is highly encrypted and difficult to get thru.

Any pointers?

The deep web is monitored every minute of the day mate..And everyone who goes on there is placed on a register, which is very easy to do as your IP address is displayed, even is you use roaming IP addresses..Be very careful, everything you have looked at on there is on that same register too..

Yeah, I figured as much. Anything you input into the machines, you're most likely already being monitored and watched already anyways.

Yes mate, all the initial monitoring is done by that pesky little sod, AL Gorithm and his pesky little friends lol :eek: :D
That's all over the place though. It's not a big deal. That's how alot of the information tends to get filtered in the search query when you run it many times over. Those rankings are paid for.

I'm basically looking for information on time travel and going to the past and changing it. That's all I'm interest in at this point.

I mean, I'd use it to find indie bands and all that, but I'm more interested in this at this point instead.
Are you aware that the Dark Web was originally a secret separate internet location that was used by governments to communicate with each other if there had been a nuclear attack, or a serious possibility of one occurring?
It was hacked by a very clever UK guy who even managed to hack into NASA, and the only way he was discovered was by forgetting to log off from their, and some some girl happened to see him lurking on her computer...

The US wanted him deporting to them for trial, and our worthless Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown was going to send him to the US..
Fortunately him and his useless Labour Party were kicked out of office and were replaced by a Coalition Party led by a conservative Prime Minister who said that he wasnt going to allow that guy to be deported...The guy eventually ended up working for our government in a high level encryption department..
