Akashic Records


Active Member
Anyone know what these are and how to access them?

Supposedly there's talk that people are given insight as to how to navigate thru time thru their own means of operation. What do you all think?


That's the Hall of Records. The library that contains all that can be known.

I agree that it's most likely a place that exists outside of our realm, in some very specific astral plane that can only be reached by meditation / OOBE. I don't think it's a physical place on Earth. It's not under the Sphinx, for instance...

I believe it might contain information about time travel, as well as information about just any other subject. It supposedly contain information about everything.


Active Member
I was told that people that have accessed it did receive insight and their own personal modus operandi in terms of pulling it off. Just that people who have and didn't disregarded it.

I believe I can access and will access it and go back to 2006 and go to medical school.

Hell, for all I know, I'm in a dream and will wake up that day and take this as a revelation and go to medical school because it was a bad dream.

Snake Plissken

I believe..
That's the Hall of Records. The library that contains all that can be known.

I agree that it's most likely a place that exists outside of our realm, in some very specific astral plane that can only be reached by meditation / OOBE. I don't think it's a physical place on Earth. It's not under the Sphinx, for instance...

I believe it might contain information about time travel, as well as information about just any other subject. It supposedly contain information about everything.

What do you think is in that chamber beneath the feet of the Sphinx num7?


I have no idea! But I highly doubt it's the hall of records as we mean it here: a library of all that can be know.

I don't think it's a tomb either...


Senior Member
That's the Hall of Records. The library that contains all that can be known.

I agree that it's most likely a place that exists outside of our realm, in some very specific astral plane that can only be reached by meditation / OOBE. I don't think it's a physical place on Earth. It's not under the Sphinx, for instance...

I believe it might contain information about time travel, as well as information about just any other subject. It supposedly contain information about everything.

Simple way to put it...

There is a so called Heaven in another dimension that is pure energy.

We all always belong to that...this place is a vacation...for spirits.

When you do deep meditation...you connect to your spirit (normally for 99% people, it does not happen, unless you connect through meditation)

Once you are connected, your spirit gets all the information that is not prohibited by higher ups...the information is called Akashic Records. It is the total Record since the birth of our Universe.

Because it is the Mega Data Warehouse...you can only access what you can understand...otherwise it would be just nonsense.

Can you get information to do space ships etc? Yes and No...There are rules for the access...just like you connect to your corporate computer system with the right filter...normally you get what can be available close to our time and technology line.

Some of us who have been in advanced society can get that but with a warning...that is if we need to do something in say 400 years, you will get the basics...no more. Such that we do not mess up the time structure...that is the catch...But your spirit will know it and may not tell you that...so that you do not cause WWIII.

Edgar Cayce did connect......The information is what it is...true or false depends on your perception...
